@zip Yes, Apple Podcasts requires an RSS feed to register your podcast, and this is the platform...


Yes, Apple Podcasts requires an RSS feed to register your podcast, and this is the platform for most podcasts to then propagate throughout the "podiverse". And Spotify's new hosting platform creates an RSS feed (but doesn't immediately make it public, that's up to the podcast owner - Spotify would much rather you didn't host your podcast anywhere else).

But Spotify and others also offer exclusive shows (i.e. not podcasts). At least they did. And some podcasts don't disclose their feed so other services can pick it up. Some shows I've seen only publish an audio file on a web page or exclusively on Soundcloud for example.

Each book I read teaches me something new. I naturally reflect on how insights and learnings fit ...

Each book I read teaches me something new. I naturally reflect on how insights and learnings fit within my personal, current context. I can read a book again years later and take away something completely different from it, because I am in a different place.

A book summary by AI teaches me nothing.

The reading process is about my thinking blending with the author's thinking. When my own thinking isn't involved, and I'm not participating, the value gets lost.

SÄ jÀkla jobbigt för polisen nÀr den egna utvÀrderingen visar att ÄtgÀrderna de sjÀlva gillar int...

SÄ jÀkla jobbigt för polisen nÀr den egna utvÀrderingen visar att ÄtgÀrderna de sjÀlva gillar inte funkar för att minska brottsligheten. BÀst att gömma undan den redan diarieförda rapporten.

ApropÄ visitationszoner.


«“What is so jarring to me is these are not just Nazi-like statements. These are actual Nazi sent...

«“What is so jarring to me is these are not just Nazi-like statements. These are actual Nazi sentiments,” said Robert Jones, founder of the Public Religion Research Institute, the author of “The Hidden Roots of White Supremacy” and a vocal critic of Trump’s rhetoric.»


Politiskt motiverad kartlÀggning av invandrares vÀrderingar Àr sÄ galet att jag inte finner ord. ...

Politiskt motiverad kartlÀggning av invandrares vÀrderingar Àr sÄ galet att jag inte finner ord.

Men Persson missar ocksÄ helt att det redan utförts en sÄdan studie som publicerades för bara tre Är sedan. Vad Àr det han tÀnker ska ha hÀnt sedan dess?

"I den politiska debatten hörs allt oftare en oro för att svenska normer och vÀrderingar hotas av invandring. SÄ tycks dock inte vara fallet. Medan forskning visar att ett lands kultur Àr förhÄllandevis seglivad, tycks personer som migrerar frÄn ett land till ett annat anpassa sig till det nya landets kultur relativt snabbt.

I dag lanseras en ny SNS-rapport, ”Migranters attityder och vĂ€rderingar”. I den presenterar jag forsknings­resultat som visar att migranter som kommer till ett nytt land förĂ€ndrar sina vĂ€rderingar i linje med det nya landets rĂ„dande normer förhĂ„llandevis snabbt. Detta gĂ€ller Ă€ven i Sverige. Ny statistik visar att migranters attityder och vĂ€rderingar inom mĂ„nga omrĂ„den konvergerar med genom­snitts­svenskens redan under de första tio Ă„ren i landet."


I truly thought it would be more common to own your own domain name today (I bought axbom.com in ...

I truly thought it would be more common to own your own domain name today (I bought axbom.com in 1997).

But I do realise it’s still too difficult for most people to wrap their head around a domain name and how to get started.

I wrote this post a couple of years ago but I’m thinking now I should write more of a short primer specifically on why and how you should own a domain.


@gunchleoc Thanks, these were very good tips. Just adding a content filter took me pretty far. So...

@gunchleoc Thanks, these were very good tips. Just adding a content filter took me pretty far. So now in the web interface I don’t see them.

But when using @MonaApp it doesn’t pick up on my filters, so all the spam is in my feed there. So it’s back to relying on the web. Which is fine for now.

Gonna try the other Akkoma settings as well as soon as I have time.

“Doomerism wasn’t new, but Hinton—who won the Turing Award, the top prize in computing science, i...

“Doomerism wasn’t new, but Hinton—who won the Turing Award, the top prize in computing science, in 2018—brought new credibility to a position that many of his peers once considered kooky.”

In this sentence I take issue with the words ‘once considered’, suggesting past-tense. My position is that the present tense, ‘consider’, is still more applicable.

The word ‘kooky’ appears very fitting in this context though.
