@fantomtexter @doktorzjivago @joacim @kolombiken Ah, the plot thickens. Jag undrar vad som gör at...
@fantomtexter @doktorzjivago @joacim @kolombiken Ah, the plot thickens. Jag undrar vad som gör att våra olika instanser hämtar så olika.
@fantomtexter @doktorzjivago @joacim @kolombiken Ah, the plot thickens. Jag undrar vad som gör att våra olika instanser hämtar så olika.
@joacim @systerfrida.se@bsky.brid.gy Intressant, Bridgy verkar inte alls plocka upp kommentarer/trådar? Hela tråden är mycket läsvärd men kräver inloggning på Bluesky:
@mralancooper Easy can be dangerous 😉
I would say Ghost is just as simple for publishing but a bit pricey if you don't self-host it. It's what I've been using and recommending for blogging for some years now.
There's also Posthaven
and Write Freely
Both of those are focused on letting you get on with just writing.
All services are up again. This actually all took only about an hour and 20 minutes. I’m very relieved. 😅
@JoWa Tack! 🤩
@fasterandworse Thank you :) All backups, and snapshot, taken – hope I won’t have to use them.
Upgrading my server to Ubuntu 22.04. My websites won’t be reachable for the next couple of hours.
Realising that it was a smart move to put Akkoma (this instance) on its own server. I don’t like it when all my comms go down at the same time.
Hoping to get everything online again by 10pm CET. (Sunday, February 9)
@mensrea I my mind he has already has with many of these posts. He openly calls people stupid, and he says that smart parents don’t have many kids, because the third and fourth kid have much lower IQ.
After he has so intently moved into writing about AI, usability superstar Nielsen has certainly doubled-down on making everything about IQ.
My post with quotes highlighting his obsession with IQ was updated today.
@fsologureng On brand for Nielsen:
@mpt I’m glad you’re familiar :)
@smallcircles I like this. Thanks for pointing me to it.
Both an amusing and tragic autobiographical account of a UX advocate descending into incoherence after overdosing on misrepresentations of AI.
@mralancooper I just solved today’s wordle in 3 using PFFTT as the starting word 😂
@mralancooper PFFTT is pretty bad, and funny because it’s accepted. But MAMMA may actually be worse.
Exactly. Same for me. I often argue to that walks should not only be encouraged during lunch but actually be an expected part of the working day. In accordance with ability of course.
@wolverinuno In the 90% I believe the statistic includes about 6% of the time in cars. All this will of course vary from country to country, and the average of course means that some people will spend a lot more time in indoors and vice versa.
Some quotes from a presentation I did on #solarpunk and design last year:
The average person will now spend 90% of their life indoors (US data).
This happens even though we know that a lack of exposure to sunlight is causing low energy levels, problems sleeping and depression.
When sunlight on our screens disrupts our work and we stand up to pull the curtains, shutting out the sunlight, it is a testament to our resistance to nature – in service of the machines.
We must admit that we will never be able to live independently from the other elements of nature, such as animals, plants and even microorganisms.
Spending time in real, actual nature should be part of your design process.
Compassion is not fostered in front of a screen.
And if you want to do the exercise that accompanied it:
Imagine future where the phones of today are long gone but we still have technology that supports communication in favor of universal wellbeing and community support
What values are driving your design work?
What aspects of the world "before" were reformed, transformed or abolished to arrive in this new reality?
What is technology-supported communication like in this future?
The photo is from my walk earlier today. If you look closely our dog is visible in front of the tractor.
”You can discourse and quote-dunk and fact-check until you’re blue in the face, but at a certain point, you have to stop and decide what truth you believe in. The internet has conditioned us to constantly seek new information, as if becoming a sponge of bad news will eventually yield the final piece of a puzzle. But there is also such a thing as having enough information. As the internet continues to enshittify, maybe what we really need is to start trusting each other and our own collective sense of what is true and good.”
@gMoon I understand your points but have these rebuttals: 😊
* Posthaven are openly prioritising longevity over features - I admire this clarity and it puts them in a position to be more likely to succeed in their efforts.
* If something written today is relevant for the future should be decided by the people of the future, not by the writer’s financial capacity for keeping the content available after death.
* If my writing is appreciated and I pass away, content would more likely stay on Posthaven for long enough that people learn I’ve passed, and for them to save the content they want. So the idea of ”forever” is not actually the point for me, but rather ”long enough”.
If I died tomorrow, all my content - 28 years of blogging - would be offline within 6 months. That’s not because it is irrelevant in two years, it’s because only money keeps it available. Meanwhile, the hand-written diary of a young girl could be found and become of huge importance to helping the whole world find ways to talk about the horrors of World War II.
I’d argue there are reasons we decipher scrolls that are thousands of years old. They can still be relevant. In my mind the digitization of content has made it more vulnerable, not less, and that’s why I appreciate the intentions of Posthaven.
And I appreciate you spurring me to write down these thoughts. 🙏
I want to see more pledges like this one by #Posthaven. We should be able to trust that our content can outlive us.
I’m sad for all the beautiful texts by great writers that have been lost because of how internet publishing tends to work.
Do check out posthaven.com
@bogosity Good and relevant question. Most people have opinions without asking 😉
Mainly business use. Backing up my work and sharing files with others. I’m finally moving away from Dropbox. I’m now also looking at https://jottacloud.com/en/
Finally trying out @penpot for some design work and immediately I get stuck on not being able to add a border to just one side of a square element. This felt like an odd feature to ignore for so many years…?
Would love a second opinion on Internxt for cloud file storage. Their pricing (and security) looks very appealing.