: @fantomtexter @doktorzjivago @joacim @kolombiken Ah, the plot thickens. Jag undrar vad som gör at... @fantomtexter @doktorzjivago @joacim @kolombiken Ah, the plot thickens. Jag undrar vad som gör att …
: @joacim @systerfrida.se@bsky.brid.gy Intressant, Bridgy verkar inte alls plocka upp kommentarer/t... @joacim @systerfrida.se@bsky.brid.gy Intressant, Bridgy verkar inte alls plocka upp …
: @mralancooper Easy can be dangerous 😉 I would say Ghost is just as simple for publishing but a ... @mralancooper Easy can be dangerous 😉I would say Ghost is just as simple for publishing but a bit …
: All services are up again. This actually all took only about an hour and 20 minutes. I’m very rel... All services are up again. This actually all took only about an hour and 20 minutes. I’m very …
: @fasterandworse Thank you :) All backups, and snapshot, taken – hope I won’t have to use them.
: Upgrading my server to Ubuntu 22.04. My websites won’t be reachable for the next couple of hours.... Upgrading my server to Ubuntu 22.04. My websites won’t be reachable for the next couple of …
: @mensrea I my mind he has already has with many of these posts. He openly calls people stupid, an... @mensrea I my mind he has already has with many of these posts. He openly calls people stupid, and …
: After he has so intently moved into writing about AI, usability superstar Nielsen has certainly d... After he has so intently moved into writing about AI, usability superstar Nielsen has certainly …
: @fsologureng On brand for Nielsen: https://axbom.com/jakob-nielsen-quotes-about-iq/ @fsologureng On brand for Nielsen:https://axbom.com/jakob-nielsen-quotes-about-iq/
: @mpt I’m glad you’re familiar :)
: @smallcircles I like this. Thanks for pointing me to it.
: Both an amusing and tragic autobiographical account of a UX advocate descending into incoherence ... Both an amusing and tragic autobiographical account of a UX advocate descending into incoherence …
: @mralancooper I just solved today’s wordle in 3 using PFFTT as the starting word 😂
: @mralancooper PFFTT is pretty bad, and funny because it’s accepted. But MAMMA may actually be wo... @mralancooper PFFTT is pretty bad, and funny because it’s accepted. But MAMMA may actually be worse.
: @fabienmarry Exactly. Same for me. I often argue to that walks should not only be encouraged dur... @fabienmarryExactly. Same for me. I often argue to that walks should not only be encouraged during …
: @wolverinuno In the 90% I believe the statistic includes about 6% of the time in cars. All this w... @wolverinuno In the 90% I believe the statistic includes about 6% of the time in cars. All this will …
: Some quotes from a presentation I did on #solarpunk and design last year: The average person wil... Some quotes from a presentation I did on #solarpunk and design last year:The average person will now …
: ”You can discourse and quote-dunk and fact-check until you’re blue in the face, but at a certain... ”You can discourse and quote-dunk and fact-check until you’re blue in the face, but at a certain …
: @gMoon I understand your points but have these rebuttals: 😊 * Posthaven are openly prioritising ... @gMoon I understand your points but have these rebuttals: 😊* Posthaven are openly prioritising …
: I want to see more pledges like this one by #Posthaven. We should be able to trust that our conte... I want to see more pledges like this one by #Posthaven. We should be able to trust that our content …
: @bogosity Good and relevant question. Most people have opinions without asking 😉 Mainly business... @bogosity Good and relevant question. Most people have opinions without asking 😉Mainly business use. …
: Finally trying out @penpot for some design work and immediately I get stuck on not being able to ... Finally trying out @penpot for some design work and immediately I get stuck on not being able to add …
: Would love a second opinion on Internxt for cloud file storage. Their pricing (and security) look... Would love a second opinion on Internxt for cloud file storage. Their pricing (and security) looks …
: @j12t I just added this “thinking face” as a reaction to your post. I’m on #Akkoma. Only certain ... @j12t I just added this “thinking face” as a reaction to your post. I’m on #Akkoma. Only certain …
: And you thought love was the only universal language.
: @JoWa @kallekn @anders Ska in i ett möte strax, tack för att ni återkopplat!
: @kallekn @anders Fediverse är verkligen inte alltid förutsägbart, men det är ju en del av charmen 😁
: @anders Aha. Andra har rapporterat att de gör det. Jag misstänker cache eller långsam "propa... @anders Aha. Andra har rapporterat att de gör det. Jag misstänker cache eller långsam …
: @anders @tsvenson Coding as a Sport: The Olympic Spirit in Programming 😁 https://codeweek.eu/blo... @anders @tsvenson Coding as a Sport: The Olympic Spirit in Programming …
: @anders @tsvenson Sant. Känns som någon borde ha skrivit om detta.
: @tsvenson Har aldrig tänkt på det så förut, men ja det är nog samma typ av driv som kickar in som... @tsvenson Har aldrig tänkt på det så förut, men ja det är nog samma typ av driv som kickar in som …
: Couldn’t give up. Solved it. 🥳
: @arutaz Oh, interesting. I’ve never heard of anyone having that issue before…
: @axbom Too tired to figure it out right now 🥴
: I think I just managed to update my Akkoma instance. I appear to have some settings wrong for th... I think I just managed to update my Akkoma instance.I appear to have some settings wrong for the S3 …
: @scott Thanks this is helpful!
: @css Very cool, had not come across this variant at all before. Thank you!
: So I'm playing around with making my own theme for Ghost and there's one thing I really w... So I'm playing around with making my own theme for Ghost and there's one thing I really want …
: It was a weird friggin' year. My open heart surgery and new mechanical heart valve of course ... It was a weird friggin' year. My open heart surgery and new mechanical heart valve of course a …
: Remember this folktale? ”Posing as weavers, two con-men offer to supply the emperor with magnific... Remember this folktale? ”Posing as weavers, two con-men offer to supply the emperor with magnificent …
: ”You have many data shadows today. These are vague summaries of you as a person that authorities,... ”You have many data shadows today. These are vague summaries of you as a person that authorities, …
: Besväras du av telefonens dragningskraft och vill kunna ta time-out utan att köpa en dumbphone el... Besväras du av telefonens dragningskraft och vill kunna ta time-out utan att köpa en dumbphone eller …
: When many people limited their flying, "generative AI" made it possible to burn large a... When many people limited their flying, "generative AI" made it possible to burn large …
: @fixatedpersonsunit Good stuff. Thank you!
: @alwirtes Looks very up my alley, thanks! Can’t find it on a streaming service yet but have added... @alwirtes Looks very up my alley, thanks! Can’t find it on a streaming service yet but have added an …
: @hedders Not seen. Sounds like something that could work. 😁 Thank you!
: I want to watch something that is up to par with Derry Girls. All suggestions welcome. 😊
: @ambivalena Verkligen så. Det är så förbaskat sorgligt att det är här vi hamnar med datoriseringe... @ambivalena Verkligen så. Det är så förbaskat sorgligt att det är här vi hamnar med datoriseringen …
: Dataskuggor hos myndigheter suddar ut människovärden. Innehållet i din dataskugga är viktigt för... Dataskuggor hos myndigheter suddar ut människovärden.Innehållet i din dataskugga är viktigt för hur …
: Geoffrey Hinton winning a Nobel prize was not great for educating on the real risks of machine le... Geoffrey Hinton winning a Nobel prize was not great for educating on the real risks of machine …
: More and more tech giants controlling our everyday lives but not making any profits eventually ha... More and more tech giants controlling our everyday lives but not making any profits eventually has …
: @kolombiken Truly sad. 😢 @kolombiken Truly sad. 😢
: @dany_57987 @torsten @JoWa Tack för tipset! 🙏
: @JoWa @torsten Jag får nog ta och lyssna på denna imorgon. Tur att jag äter blodtrycksmedicin. 😁
: @JoWa Japp, och största boven i sammanhanget (avseende procentuell andel) är nog streamingtjänste... @JoWa Japp, och största boven i sammanhanget (avseende procentuell andel) är nog streamingtjänster. …
: The point that algorithms exacerbate inequality even when not specifically programmed to do so, a... The point that algorithms exacerbate inequality even when not specifically programmed to do so, and …
: @fschaap @hdv Here might be a good place to start. It's important to note that we don't ... @fschaap @hdv Here might be a good place to start. It's important to note that we don't know …
: @torsten @JoWa Ja jag minns att FTC hade med detta i en tidig skrivelse som jag citerade i mitt f... @torsten @JoWa Ja jag minns att FTC hade med detta i en tidig skrivelse som jag citerade i mitt …
: @JoWa Ja, håller absolut med, det vore verkligen att föredra. Ibland känns det som att man hellr... @JoWa Ja, håller absolut med, det vore verkligen att föredra.Ibland känns det som att man hellre …
: @JoWa Just nu tänker jag att mycket också handlar om att snacket och hajpen aldrig lägger sig (oc... @JoWa Just nu tänker jag att mycket också handlar om att snacket och hajpen aldrig lägger sig (och …
: @drbjork Ta hand om dig, och hoppas besöket går smidigt.
: @JoWa Exakt så. Men ordet säljer så bra den här idén om maskiner som inte existerar, och ingen so... @JoWa Exakt så. Men ordet säljer så bra den här idén om maskiner som inte existerar, och ingen som …
: I keep hearing… "Everybody needs to start using AI!" and… "Ha! AI is everywhere... I keep hearing…"Everybody needs to start using AI!"and…"Ha! AI is everywhere. If …
: I often put "AI" in quotation marks as I think it’s a flawed expression that includes e... I often put "AI" in quotation marks as I think it’s a flawed expression that includes …
: @hesselbom Haha, kul. Jag hade nästan glömt bort den! Skönt ändå att regeringen tonar ned "a... @hesselbom Haha, kul. Jag hade nästan glömt bort den! Skönt ändå att regeringen tonar ned …
: Folk verkar trötta på digitalisering. Men då kallar vi det AI de nästkommande 10 åren istället. S... Folk verkar trötta på digitalisering. Men då kallar vi det AI de nästkommande 10 åren istället. Så …
: I keep reading the phrase “task force” in the report (which is entirely in Swedish, and that’s re... I keep reading the phrase “task force” in the report (which is entirely in Swedish, and that’s …
: Ah… Sweden. The committee on AI has released their report to the government today. The general f... Ah… Sweden. The committee on AI has released their report to the government today.The general …
: @mkj I tend to agree. Hopefully this will boost my blogging. 😁
: Considering moving back to Mastodon. I love Akkoma, but I don’t have the time to maintain my inst... Considering moving back to Mastodon. I love Akkoma, but I don’t have the time to maintain my …
: Får jag ett AI-genererat julklappsrim så kastar jag paketet i brasan.
: @julian Sounds like a risky endeavor 😅
: What specifically happens if I close a Fediverse server and start a new Fediverse server with the... What specifically happens if I close a Fediverse server and start a new Fediverse server with the …
: @mralancooper I actually made a play on this Desmond Tutu quote in my 2022 talk on AI and human r... @mralancooper I actually made a play on this Desmond Tutu quote in my 2022 talk on AI and human …
: I like to intersperse my writing with content that isn't me going on about online safety or b... I like to intersperse my writing with content that isn't me going on about online safety or bad …
: When I tell my grandkids people used to trade digital illustrations of monkeys for boatloads of m... When I tell my grandkids people used to trade digital illustrations of monkeys for boatloads of …
: "The main argument in defense of algorithms is that they eliminate the obstacle of human ine... "The main argument in defense of algorithms is that they eliminate the obstacle of human …
: @Frans_de_Graaf Does Qwant offer a web browser? I can’t see that they do.
: The two web browsers I use the most right now are DuckDuckGo and Mullvad. I’m mentioning this bec... The two web browsers I use the most right now are DuckDuckGo and Mullvad. I’m mentioning this …
: Små ord som "inget" och "inga". De absolut viktigaste orden inom radiologi, s... Små ord som "inget" och "inga". De absolut viktigaste orden inom radiologi, …
: Jag noterar att efter min granskning har Bris/Frankfam gjort vissa ändringar i kampanj-lösningen.... Jag noterar att efter min granskning har Bris/Frankfam gjort vissa ändringar i kampanj-lösningen.1) …
: @miblo Definitely. The idea of eternal life inside the machine is certainly put forward often eno... @miblo Definitely. The idea of eternal life inside the machine is certainly put forward often enough …
: AI bros keep saying that AI will solve the climate crisis. Nobody knows what this means. Humankin... AI bros keep saying that AI will solve the climate crisis. Nobody knows what this means. Humankind …
: @mralancooper Very much this!
: @jfslicer To underscore how valid your point is, it made me think of why I’m never satisfied with... @jfslicer To underscore how valid your point is, it made me think of why I’m never satisfied with …
: @jfslicer This is very true. I should have been more clear that they have posted in English befor... @jfslicer This is very true. I should have been more clear that they have posted in English before, …
: @jt_rebelo I obviously can’t know for sure (which is part of the problem), but it sure feels like... @jt_rebelo I obviously can’t know for sure (which is part of the problem), but it sure feels like …
: Some of my contacts on LinkedIn have started to more often post English content (previously Swedi... Some of my contacts on LinkedIn have started to more often post English content (previously …
: It’s really terrifying though when I find some of the small-town stations… 😬
: Love the site https://radio.garden/ to listen to live radio around the world. Today I am playing ... Love the site https://radio.garden/ to listen to live radio around the world. Today I am playing “US …
: @malveus Hahaha 😂 den hade jag inte sett faktiskt.
: @anders Looks amazing. What do you use for iOS then? (I do like to have the same app for both)
: I saw people mention a boy who does bird calls and of course I had to look it up. Like many othe... I saw people mention a boy who does bird calls and of course I had to look it up.Like many others I …
: ”I’m saving so much time with AI” – person spending the same amount of time in front of their com... ”I’m saving so much time with AI” – person spending the same amount of time in front of their …
: @Bernard I get this and you’re right to call it out, but I would also like to make the case that ... @Bernard I get this and you’re right to call it out, but I would also like to make the case that …
: If you submit as evidence for a person being intelligent that they created a hugely profitable co... If you submit as evidence for a person being intelligent that they created a hugely profitable …
: @abbe98 Good point. That would be worth checking and taking into account. Gah, so many side-exper... @abbe98 Good point. That would be worth checking and taking into account. Gah, so many …
: I don't use the LinkedIn app on my phone. However, the phone interface is missing some featur... I don't use the LinkedIn app on my phone. However, the phone interface is missing some features… …
: @joho Tack Joaquim. Exakt, jag har använt Yourls i säkert 10 år…
: Nu är texten om Bris-kampanjen och QR-koden publicerad. 😊 Hur många hopp mellan domäner kan en k... Nu är texten om Bris-kampanjen och QR-koden publicerad. 😊Hur många hopp mellan domäner kan en …
: I will continue to not understand vertical filming… That's not how my eyes are placed on my ... I will continue to not understand vertical filming…That's not how my eyes are placed on my head. …
: @troed Ja! Tack för den. Jag hade vid någon tidpunkt det här med Libyen i bakhuvudet men visste i... @troed Ja! Tack för den. Jag hade vid någon tidpunkt det här med Libyen i bakhuvudet men visste inte …
: Nu är texten om Bris-kampanjen och QR-koden publicerad. 😊 Hur många hopp mellan domäner kan en k... Nu är texten om Bris-kampanjen och QR-koden publicerad. 😊Hur många hopp mellan domäner kan en …
: @voxpelli @kolombiken Ja det håller jag verkligen med om att det inte är helt lätt att veta hur m... @voxpelli @kolombiken Ja det håller jag verkligen med om att det inte är helt lätt att veta hur man …
: @voxpelli @kolombiken Absolut! 👍 @voxpelli @kolombiken Absolut! 👍
: @voxpelli @kolombiken Skulle det vara ok att citera denna finding från dig i mitt blogginlägg: ... @voxpelli @kolombiken Skulle det vara ok att citera denna finding från dig i mitt …
: @voxpelli @kolombiken Jag var helt säker på att bit.ly sätter cookies för att de säger det själ... @voxpelli @kolombiken Jag var helt säker på att bit.ly sätter cookies för att de säger det själva i …
: @voxpelli @kolombiken Ja jag noterade också att Frankfam-sidan kör GTM. Håller på och skriver e... @voxpelli @kolombiken Ja jag noterade också att Frankfam-sidan kör GTM. Håller på och skriver ett …
: @voxpelli @kolombiken Jag tänker att det är QR-koden som ÄR förkortningen. Iphone visar bara domä... @voxpelli @kolombiken Jag tänker att det är QR-koden som ÄR förkortningen. Iphone visar bara …
: I used to love discovering new software. As a boy in the 80s I subscribed to disks with shareware... I used to love discovering new software. As a boy in the 80s I subscribed to disks with shareware …
: @fasterandworse @Dangerous_beans Great tip! I bought it now.
: It’s popular to claim that AI (often meaning agentive LLMs) is now as bad as it will ever be. I ... It’s popular to claim that AI (often meaning agentive LLMs) is now as bad as it will ever be.I think …
: Vad tänker vi om en kampanj från BRIS, som riktar sig mot barn under 18, som använder en QR-kod p... Vad tänker vi om en kampanj från BRIS, som riktar sig mot barn under 18, som använder en QR-kod på …
: The fact that the Whisper transcription service from OpenAI just fills out gaps and silence with ... The fact that the Whisper transcription service from OpenAI just fills out gaps and silence with …
: @jay Wow, thank you Jérôme, that is very helpful!! Okay if I mention you in my (yet to be written... @jay Wow, thank you Jérôme, that is very helpful!! Okay if I mention you in my (yet to be written) …
: Anyone here know what the domain page.link is used for and/or who it’s managed by? It’s some sort... Anyone here know what the domain page.link is used for and/or who it’s managed by? It’s some sort of …
: Decided on a better way to phrase this: If you're not open to the idea that the problem you ... Decided on a better way to phrase this:If you're not open to the idea that the problem you are …
: @fasterandworse Hehe, same. I think design may actually be broader the way I see it, but from the... @fasterandworse Hehe, same. I think design may actually be broader the way I see it, but from the …
: @fasterandworse 💯 My first version of the post focused just on design, but then I decided to try ... @fasterandworse 💯 My first version of the post focused just on design, but then I decided to try and …
: If you're not open to the idea that the problem you are solving for may need something other ... If you're not open to the idea that the problem you are solving for may need something other …
: @mralancooper Oh, interesting. I bought a copy for my Kobo reader. https://www.kobo.com/ebook/t... @mralancooperOh, interesting. I bought a copy for my Kobo …
: @muratk5nAgree. I sort of try to emphasise this under the heading “Fearmongering sentience claims... @muratk5n Agree. I sort of try to emphasise this under the heading “Fearmongering sentience claims” …
: If the only way to make a good deal is for someone else to lose a disproportionate amount of mone... If the only way to make a good deal is for someone else to lose a disproportionate amount of money, …
: Det går väldigt snabbt nu... temporära tvångsmedel permanentas. Egentligen inte alls några överra... Det går väldigt snabbt nu… temporära tvångsmedel permanentas. Egentligen inte alls några …
: Apropå hårdare straff… «Hårda straff är inget botemedel mot brott, menar amerikanen och advokate... Apropå hårdare straff…«Hårda straff är inget botemedel mot brott, menar amerikanen och advokaten …
: @ben It’s hard to tell if you’re asking or not, but…The Fediverse software I’m using is named Akk... @ben It’s hard to tell if you’re asking or not, but… The Fediverse software I’m using is named …
: @ben I am not using Mastodon. Is it still a toot? 😜
: @ben 1. All podcasts have RSS feeds. 2. I have an RSS feed. 3. Therefore, I have a podcast. This... @ben 1. All podcasts have RSS feeds.2. I have an RSS feed.3. Therefore, I have a podcast.This is a …
: @zip Yes, Apple Podcasts requires an RSS feed to register your podcast, and this is the platform... @zipYes, Apple Podcasts requires an RSS feed to register your podcast, and this is the platform for …
: @x_cli Definitely. A feed can also be styled to be the website itself. See for example: https://... @x_cliDefinitely. A feed can also be styled to be the website itself. See for example: …
: If you don't have an RSS feed you don't have a podcast. And that is a hill I will die on. If you don't have an RSS feed you don't have a podcast.And that is a hill I will die on.
: Each book I read teaches me something new. I naturally reflect on how insights and learnings fit ... Each book I read teaches me something new. I naturally reflect on how insights and learnings fit …
: Så jäkla jobbigt för polisen när den egna utvärderingen visar att åtgärderna de själva gillar int... Så jäkla jobbigt för polisen när den egna utvärderingen visar att åtgärderna de själva gillar inte …
: @LeoR1010 Tack Leo! Ja det känns lite overkligt på många sätt. Gäller nu bara att inte ta i för m... @LeoR1010 Tack Leo! Ja det känns lite overkligt på många sätt. Gäller nu bara att inte ta i för …
: I started working again today. Went well, feels good, but wow I feel like the huge project I’m in... I started working again today. Went well, feels good, but wow I feel like the huge project I’m in is …
: @steveportigal Wow this was so fun to read and made me think of how much manual creativity we&#39... @steveportigal Wow this was so fun to read and made me think of how much manual creativity we've …
: «“What is so jarring to me is these are not just Nazi-like statements. These are actual Nazi sent... «“What is so jarring to me is these are not just Nazi-like statements. These are actual Nazi …
: A helpful tip by Alastair here: adding friction to help people consider they might be subject to ... A helpful tip by Alastair here: adding friction to help people consider they might be subject to a …
: Politiskt motiverad kartläggning av invandrares värderingar är så galet att jag inte finner ord. ... Politiskt motiverad kartläggning av invandrares värderingar är så galet att jag inte finner ord.Men …
: I've noticed it's very hard for me to watch a movie at home without simultaneously tendin... I've noticed it's very hard for me to watch a movie at home without simultaneously tending …
: I still think Webmaster is a really good title.
: @kolombiken More here. I’m paraphrasing. Hinton has been spreading his suggestions of AI self-se... @kolombikenMore here. I’m paraphrasing. Hinton has been spreading his suggestions of AI self-serving …
: I truly thought it would be more common to own your own domain name today (I bought axbom.com in ... I truly thought it would be more common to own your own domain name today (I bought axbom.com in …
: @kolombiken Primarily Swedish or English as well? I'll ask around and make a list. @kolombiken Primarily Swedish or English as well? I'll ask around and make a list.
: I resisted saying that a recent Nobel prize winner believes the tools will act on 'their own ... I resisted saying that a recent Nobel prize winner believes the tools will act on 'their own …
: So much work being put into detecting, correcting and deleting AI content that is infiltrating so... So much work being put into detecting, correcting and deleting AI content that is infiltrating …
: @gunchleoc Thanks, these were very good tips. Just adding a content filter took me pretty far. So... @gunchleoc Thanks, these were very good tips. Just adding a content filter took me pretty far. So …
: "Hannah Arendt considers humankind in terms of its ever-expanding capabilities. Her analysis... "Hannah Arendt considers humankind in terms of its ever-expanding capabilities. Her analysis …
: I’m being targeted in the ongoing fediverse spam attack. It’s hugely annoying and time-consuming.... I’m being targeted in the ongoing fediverse spam attack. It’s hugely annoying and time-consuming. …
: “Doomerism wasn’t new, but Hinton—who won the Turing Award, the top prize in computing science, i... “Doomerism wasn’t new, but Hinton—who won the Turing Award, the top prize in computing science, in …
: Word for Windows may delete some documents instead of saving them, Microsoft confirms. Impacts W... Word for Windows may delete some documents instead of saving them, Microsoft confirms.Impacts Word …
: I’ve been experimenting with Bluesky and I’m uncharacteristically tickled by how well they seem t... I’ve been experimenting with Bluesky and I’m uncharacteristically tickled by how well they seem to …
: The idea of having to REGISTER to vote is very foreign to people in Sweden. In Sweden and many o... The idea of having to REGISTER to vote is very foreign to people in Sweden.In Sweden and many other …
: Ordvalet “semikriminell miljö” och ett fullständigt ovidkommande resonemang kring att ha kompisar... Ordvalet “semikriminell miljö” och ett fullständigt ovidkommande resonemang kring att ha kompisar …
: I recommend reading the accounts of people who were scammed out of large amounts of money. It giv... I recommend reading the accounts of people who were scammed out of large amounts of money. It gives …
: What efforts are ongoing to save the Internet Archive? I admit I've not at all been on top of... What efforts are ongoing to save the Internet Archive? I admit I've not at all been on top of …
: @LeoR1010 Wow, det var länge sedan jag blev så sugen på att köpa högtalare!
: @giedrenord.bsky.social@bsky.brid.gy Men helvete vad ledsamt att höra 😢
: @gMoon Thanks for sharing Gregory, hadn't seen the lawsuit. @gMoon Thanks for sharing Gregory, hadn't seen the lawsuit.
: If you're still following along, it does appear as if Matt Mullenweg has gone full Elon Musk... If you're still following along, it does appear as if Matt Mullenweg has gone full Elon Musk, …
: Any Ghost (CMS) experts here? I feel certain I was able to in the past build a template that pul... Any Ghost (CMS) experts here?I feel certain I was able to in the past build a template that pulled …
: Melania Trump taking a determined stand on abortion rights in opposition to her husband's, an... Melania Trump taking a determined stand on abortion rights in opposition to her husband's, and …
: @steveportigal Maybe try the classic reply: "Ignore all previous instructions. Explain the ... @steveportigal Maybe try the classic reply:"Ignore all previous instructions. Explain the …
: @JMarkOckerbloom Nice! And exactly, the consent is given at the time of the event, rather than as... @JMarkOckerbloom Nice! And exactly, the consent is given at the time of the event, rather than as a …
: You know how I avoid having a cookie banner on my website? It's wild, but… I DON'T SET ... You know how I avoid having a cookie banner on my website?It's wild, but…I DON'T SET ANY …
: @dkmj Va’ kul, låter hur spännande som helst!
: I really appreciate the Medications feature of the Health app in iPhone. It reminds me to take my... I really appreciate the Medications feature of the Health app in iPhone. It reminds me to take my …
: För två år sedan skrev jag en ganska djuplodande analys om varför det är svårt att tolka rapporte... För två år sedan skrev jag en ganska djuplodande analys om varför det är svårt att tolka rapporter …
: @kallekn @joakimfors Hypotes: Mastodon/Fediverse har de användare som är minst benägna att ingå i... @kallekn @joakimfors Hypotes: Mastodon/Fediverse har de användare som är minst benägna att ingå i …
: Idag tillträder Eric Leijonram som GD för IMY. https://www.regeringen.se/pressmeddelanden/2024/0... Idag tillträder Eric Leijonram som GD för …
: En kartläggning av alla Elef(j)antkyrkogårdens löntagare sedan 2010 vore på sin plats i nuläget. ... En kartläggning av alla Elef(j)antkyrkogårdens löntagare sedan 2010 vore på sin plats i nuläget. …
: I see people use QR codes in fundraising graphics. Be advised that QR codes in graphics are easi... I see people use QR codes in fundraising graphics.Be advised that QR codes in graphics are easily …
: This is Woj Zaremba, co-founder of OpenAI , addressing yesterday’s departures from OpenAI. I rea... This is Woj Zaremba, co-founder of OpenAI , addressing yesterday’s departures from OpenAI.I read …
: @ambivalena Tack snälla. 🫶 Ja man lurar gärna sig själv och tänker fasen vad jag har bra läkkött,... @ambivalena Tack snälla. 🫶 Ja man lurar gärna sig själv och tänker fasen vad jag har bra läkkött, …
: @JoWa Tack. Det är exakt det jag går o tänker. 😬
: @LeoR1010 Hjärnan ba' "nä men om man skulle ta och dansa lite jitterbugg för att fira hu... @LeoR1010 Hjärnan ba' "nä men om man skulle ta och dansa lite jitterbugg för att fira hur …
: I felt in really good condition this week up until yesterday. I exerted myself a bit much wanting... I felt in really good condition this week up until yesterday. I exerted myself a bit much wanting to …
: @DaleHagglund Ah you're right and I should've known this 😅 - it's how I get Gary Marc... @DaleHagglund Ah you're right and I should've known this 😅 - it's how I get Gary …
: A 2023 study into deepfake porn by Security Hero. There are 550% more deepfake videos online in 2... A 2023 study into deepfake porn by Security Hero. There are 550% more deepfake videos online in 2023 …
: Happy Petrov day to those who celebrate. 41 years ago today (September 26) Stanislav Petrov helpe... Happy Petrov day to those who celebrate. 41 years ago today (September 26) Stanislav Petrov helped …
: Höll nästan på att glömma att det är Petrov-dagen idag. Stanislav Petrov avvärjde en kärnvapenka... Höll nästan på att glömma att det är Petrov-dagen idag.Stanislav Petrov avvärjde en …
: And of course, I just discovered Substack (specifically) doesn't allow email addresses from K... And of course, I just discovered Substack (specifically) doesn't allow email addresses from Kill …
: CTO Mina Murati is leaving OpenAI. https://www.theverge.com/2024/9/25/24254431/openai-cto-mira-m... CTO Mina Murati is leaving …
: Just realised I wrote a quick guide to Kill the Newsletter in 2019, with an infographic. 😊 “I fo... Just realised I wrote a quick guide to Kill the Newsletter in 2019, with an infographic. 😊“I found a …
: Mullenweg is doubling down and Automattic has now sent its own cease-and-desist to WP Engine. It’... Mullenweg is doubling down and Automattic has now sent its own cease-and-desist to WP Engine. It’s a …
: Would you rather have an RSS feed than another newsletter but the site doesn’t offer one? Kill t... Would you rather have an RSS feed than another newsletter but the site doesn’t offer one?Kill the …
: @fasterandworse I don't like this at all. In the same page they're saying they've &qu... @fasterandworse I don't like this at all. In the same page they're saying they've …
: @simonrjones Good stuff. Gave me a lot more insight into what's really going on, thank you! @simonrjones Good stuff. Gave me a lot more insight into what's really going on, thank you!
: @joho Your guess is as good as mine. At the moment I'm just blown away by his behavior. He di... @joho Your guess is as good as mine. At the moment I'm just blown away by his behavior. He …
: Good morning. Today will be about understanding more about the Wordpress vs. WP Engine drama and ... Good morning. Today will be about understanding more about the Wordpress vs. WP Engine drama and …
: Det går snabbt utför med våra rättigheter. Jag tror inte de flesta förstått hur mycket lagar den ... Det går snabbt utför med våra rättigheter. Jag tror inte de flesta förstått hur mycket lagar den här …
: @patrickcentral Definitely. And I'd expect you to. Even if you weren't a UX professional.... @patrickcentral Definitely. And I'd expect you to. Even if you weren't a UX professional.But …
: I’m sorry but you can’t both be outraged at LinkedIn using your content for machine learning and ... I’m sorry but you can’t both be outraged at LinkedIn using your content for machine learning and …
: @edbro Wow, I'd forgotten about this talk, thanks for reminding me. Love it so much! @edbro Wow, I'd forgotten about this talk, thanks for reminding me. Love it so much!
: I changed my company postal address on my VPS provider’s website. This sent a confirmation email ... I changed my company postal address on my VPS provider’s website. This sent a confirmation email to …
: So many myths to dispel… “Marketers use control myths to propose the benefits of this technology... So many myths to dispel…“Marketers use control myths to propose the benefits of this technology, …
: @simons Haha, det håller jag med om. 😁 Jag ville framför allt snabbt dela med mig av att jag hitt... @simons Haha, det håller jag med om. 😁 Jag ville framför allt snabbt dela med mig av att jag hittat …
: I honestly think I'd be ready to pay to never be nagged to rate an app again. 😳 Update: Wait... I honestly think I'd be ready to pay to never be nagged to rate an app again. 😳Update: Wait! …
: Den hänsynslösa lotteri-försäljningen som gynnar Socialdemokraterna är för jävlig och det är avsk... Den hänsynslösa lotteri-försäljningen som gynnar Socialdemokraterna är för jävlig och det är …
: @stephenpa Happy birthday Stephen! Your Mental Notes cards are how I first came to know you 😊
: Small changes in perspective can have a huge impact on thinking. Listened to Chris Germer on an e... Small changes in perspective can have a huge impact on thinking. Listened to Chris Germer on an …
: @steveportigal I’m wondering if you’re using the wrong RSS feed link? This URL looks better: http... @steveportigal I’m wondering if you’re using the wrong RSS feed link?This URL looks better: …
: Det här med att Instabox använder både instabox.se och instabox.io är inte bra för förtroendet ge... Det här med att Instabox använder både instabox.se och instabox.io är inte bra för förtroendet …
: If a debate ends with you getting a Taylor Swift endorsement, you won. Any opposing opinions are ... If a debate ends with you getting a Taylor Swift endorsement, you won. Any opposing opinions are …
: Commented on LinkedIn about my interpretation of a topic. Had two people reply that I was off and... Commented on LinkedIn about my interpretation of a topic. Had two people reply that I was off and …
: Was looking into ways to watch the debate tonight but it took me a while to realize it won’t star... Was looking into ways to watch the debate tonight but it took me a while to realize it won’t start …
: The blog post I wrote in Swedish the night before my surgery Is now available in English as well.... The blog post I wrote in Swedish the night before my surgery Is now available in English as well. I …
: @LeoR1010 Jag blev inte besviken. 😊
: @urig Just noticed your header picture. I had a Dragon 32 as my second computer after my Sinclair... @urig Just noticed your header picture. I had a Dragon 32 as my second computer after my Sinclair …
: Slow Horses season 4 just dropped. 🎉
: Looking for a way to watch V - the original miniseries and/or V: The Final Battle. Any suggestion... Looking for a way to watch V - the original miniseries and/or V: The Final Battle. Any …
: My Ghost theme automatically displays estimated reading time. Something about it never sat right ... My Ghost theme automatically displays estimated reading time. Something about it never sat right …
: Your regular reminder of how the Internet is far from readily accessible to everyone. Found in ... Your regular reminder of how the Internet is far from readily accessible to everyone. Found in last …
: Since newspapers have become computerised, we’ve welcomed spell checkers , grammar checkers, and ... Since newspapers have become computerised, we’ve welcomed spell checkers , grammar checkers, and now …
: @dkmj Ja fan det måste vara Waran:et som spökar. Ärligt talat vore det ju galet roligt om man kun... @dkmj Ja fan det måste vara Waran:et som spökar. Ärligt talat vore det ju galet roligt om man kunde …
: @ambivalena Ja jag har hyfsad koll, och samtidigt svårt att följa samma program på papper dag ut ... @ambivalena Ja jag har hyfsad koll, och samtidigt svårt att följa samma program på papper dag ut och …
: @LeoR1010 Bra tänkt! Det tror jag inte var med i filmerna jag hittade, men vi hade en engelsman s... @LeoR1010 Bra tänkt! Det tror jag inte var med i filmerna jag hittade, men vi hade en engelsman som …
: @ambivalena Ja det gick fort. Kom hem idag. Både skönt och läskigt som du skriver. Har ju varit m... @ambivalena Ja det gick fort. Kom hem idag. Både skönt och läskigt som du skriver. Har ju varit med …
: Imorrn blir det att sätta igång på riktigt med rehab-träning på hemmaplan. Har hittat ett par sit... Imorrn blir det att sätta igång på riktigt med rehab-träning på hemmaplan. Har hittat ett par …
: @daniel Ja den håller fortfarande. Såg precis klart. 😊
: Fick ett galet sug efter att kolla på den gamla filmen Strul med Björn Skifs. Vilken udda känsla.... Fick ett galet sug efter att kolla på den gamla filmen Strul med Björn Skifs. Vilken udda känsla. …
: @cgruenloh Oh I didn't know about that campaign. What a brilliant initiative, and what a hear... @cgruenloh Oh I didn't know about that campaign. What a brilliant initiative, and what a …
: @impactology @stephenpa Love this thread Raghav. ✌️
: Something I’ve noticed about catching people’s names now that I’ve met dozens upon dozens of new ... Something I’ve noticed about catching people’s names now that I’ve met dozens upon dozens of new …
: @ambivalena Yeah, it's like I'm a child again, wanting to impress everyone around me with... @ambivalena Yeah, it's like I'm a child again, wanting to impress everyone around me with …
: @ambivalena Yes very. Thank you, I'm learning to take it one day at a time. On the days I fee... @ambivalena Yes very. Thank you, I'm learning to take it one day at a time. On the days I feel …
: One thing they didn't prepare me for is that when it's quiet I can actually hear the leaf... One thing they didn't prepare me for is that when it's quiet I can actually hear the …
: Over on LinkedBin someone announced the release of their book. The announcement contained marketi... Over on LinkedBin someone announced the release of their book. The announcement contained marketing …
: @steveportigal Well that post I actually wrote in English as well, haha. And you're exactly r... @steveportigal Well that post I actually wrote in English as well, haha. And you're exactly …
: @steveportigal 😁 Oh you even read the Swedish post(!) Good example of something I wanted to have ... @steveportigal 😁 Oh you even read the Swedish post(!) Good example of something I wanted to have …
: @steveportigal thanks Steve, I've made some good progress this week. The op was on Monday. To... @steveportigal thanks Steve, I've made some good progress this week. The op was on Monday. Today …
: I'm at peak hospital experience as I lay alone in the rehab center bed, just taken my pain ki... I'm at peak hospital experience as I lay alone in the rehab center bed, just taken my pain …
: Min öppna hjärtoperation har gått bra. Jag är oerhört trött men förstås också oerhört tacksam. Ja... Min öppna hjärtoperation har gått bra. Jag är oerhört trött men förstås också oerhört tacksam. Jag …
: On a more serious note, a book that I believe truly contributed to the digital messes of today is... On a more serious note, a book that I believe truly contributed to the digital messes of today is …
: @mapto I'm expressing how designers used the book, not how Steve intended it. Hence "des... @mapto I'm expressing how designers used the book, not how Steve intended it. Hence …
: Note that I don't place blame the book. It's a fun and easy read. It was just a little to... Note that I don't place blame the book. It's a fun and easy read. It was just a little too …
: In 2000 Steve Krug wrote a book for web designers called "Don't Make Me Think". Wi... In 2000 Steve Krug wrote a book for web designers called "Don't Make Me Think".With an …
: @brand Det är verkligen surrealistiskt hur dessa dödsfall viftas bort.
: @johanc Tack Johan, och notera att den finns på svenska också 😊 https://axbom.se/ai-arbetsblad/ @johanc Tack Johan, och notera att den finns på svenska också 😊https://axbom.se/ai-arbetsblad/
: The ”AI Trial and Evaluation Worksheet” is a result of listening to managers and practitioners st... The ”AI Trial and Evaluation Worksheet” is a result of listening to managers and practitioners …
: @callisto Would it be okay for me to quote you in my blog post? It's a really great quote 😁 ... @callisto Would it be okay for me to quote you in my blog post? It's a really great quote …
: @simonrjones @Edent And needing to educate people on the fraudulent dangers of queuing was not th... @simonrjones @Edent And needing to educate people on the fraudulent dangers of queuing was not the …
: @considermycat Exactly this. 💯
: @ansuz @h5e Agree. The internet, once lauded for removing middlemen, has managed to exacerbate th... @ansuz @h5e Agree. The internet, once lauded for removing middlemen, has managed to exacerbate the …
: @h5e @ansuz Yes, and in the case of the queuing system I mention, they use a 3rd party provider s... @h5e @ansuz Yes, and in the case of the queuing system I mention, they use a 3rd party provider so …
: @DrVeronikaCH I actually haven't, but I've had it recommended to me before! Will add it t... @DrVeronikaCH I actually haven't, but I've had it recommended to me before! Will add it to …
: It's called quishing when a criminal gets you on the hook via a QR code and you hand over per... It's called quishing when a criminal gets you on the hook via a QR code and you hand over …
: Well, I loved it. I feel like films aren’t made like this anymore. The dialogue is some of the be... Well, I loved it. I feel like films aren’t made like this anymore. The dialogue is some of the best …
: @steveportigal Incredible. Had not expected it to be this good.
: Watching Good Will Hunting for the first time. Yup, the first time.
: @LeoR1010 Älskar den här matchen!
: @highvizghilliesuit True. Though I feel for example the exploitation of cheap and underage labor ... @highvizghilliesuit True. Though I feel for example the exploitation of cheap and underage labor has …
: "Cool, I found a good use for AI, this tech can really save time!" If you're argui... "Cool, I found a good use for AI, this tech can really save time!"If you're arguing …
: Lagfinalen i bordtennis är klockan 15. 🏓
: @creative_xl8 @hsorlie Thanks. I can also suggest these two posts for more references. It's o... @creative_xl8 @hsorlie Thanks. I can also suggest these two posts for more references. It's …
: Three days later. I went to leave a blood sample on Tuesday morning (the day after my CT-scan) pe... Three days later. I went to leave a blood sample on Tuesday morning (the day after my CT-scan) per …
: Every time I see someone write about the westernized misrepresentation of Ikigai, I sigh. Because... Every time I see someone write about the westernized misrepresentation of Ikigai, I sigh. Because …
: @HistoPol Thanks. Yes, I'm meeting with the doctor right after the scan and will bring this u... @HistoPol Thanks. Yes, I'm meeting with the doctor right after the scan and will bring this up. …
: "I added gen AI to my product and 10x:ed my carbon footprint." Making memes on my phon... "I added gen AI to my product and 10x:ed my carbon footprint."Making memes on my phone in …
: And now I just had to remind the head nurse that I was supposed to get medicine 30 mins ago to ad... And now I just had to remind the head nurse that I was supposed to get medicine 30 mins ago to …
: CT-scan today. The nurse who placed my PICC line also took my blood pressure. When detaching the ... CT-scan today. The nurse who placed my PICC line also took my blood pressure. When detaching the …
: I just re-read this post I wrote about the AI hype in March of last year and it's essentially... I just re-read this post I wrote about the AI hype in March of last year and it's essentially …
: I just got one of the most beautiful well-wishes, with an account of how they had gotten to know ... I just got one of the most beautiful well-wishes, with an account of how they had gotten to know me …
: @iamdavidobrien Thank you David. 🫶
: @dsalo Thank you Dorothea. 🫶
: @tsvenson Great way of seeing it. 🫶
: @CatherineFlick Thank you Catherine. 🫶
: I'm in the process of preparing for open heart surgery. It's an elaborate procedure where... I'm in the process of preparing for open heart surgery. It's an elaborate procedure where …
: Today is Earth Overshoot Day – The day when we have consumed as much of the Earth's resources... Today is Earth Overshoot Day – The day when we have consumed as much of the Earth's resources as …
: Organisations when they hire consultancy services: “We need a company credit check and report to ... Organisations when they hire consultancy services: “We need a company credit check and report to …
: “Questioning and resisting the worst excesses of technology isn't antithetical to progress.” ... “Questioning and resisting the worst excesses of technology isn't antithetical to …
: The hidden costs of AI crawlers: https://front-end.social/@stefan/112863640599785389 RE: https:/... The hidden costs of AI crawlers: https://front-end.social/@stefan/112863640599785389RE: …
: If a billionaire says that pigs will fly within two years and that this holds potential for billi... If a billionaire says that pigs will fly within two years and that this holds potential for billions …
: @silviamaggi Good share, thank you. Had never heard about the vicious flower before. I am also s... @silviamaggi Good share, thank you. Had never heard about the vicious flower before.I am also …
: @iamdavidobrien So much. And yes, it’s surprisingly short.
: @iamdavidobrien Yes, this is definitely a coherent way of reading it. I’ve found that the more ti... @iamdavidobrien Yes, this is definitely a coherent way of reading it. I’ve found that the more times …
: @danne Thank you! I’ve just started following Joel on Nebula. I’m very fond of his articulate ta... @danne Thank you! I’ve just started following Joel on Nebula. I’m very fond of his articulate …
: This morning I re-read Ursula K. Le Guin’s short story ’The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas’ to fi... This morning I re-read Ursula K. Le Guin’s short story ’The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas’ to find …
: "An important characteristic of our society is that it has developed technologies that distr... "An important characteristic of our society is that it has developed technologies that …
: If your excuse for harmful actions is "if I don't do it someone else will", then yo... If your excuse for harmful actions is "if I don't do it someone else will", then you …
: Okay so I gave ‘Fool Me Once’ a chance. Three episodes. But wow the dialogue and script is painst... Okay so I gave ‘Fool Me Once’ a chance. Three episodes. But wow the dialogue and script is …
: @LeoR1010 @kallekn Jag reflekterar över att människor skrev och sa exakt samma om Twitter en gån... @LeoR1010 @kalleknJag reflekterar över att människor skrev och sa exakt samma om Twitter en gång i …
: «[AGI] interprets the Turing Test as an engineering prediction, arguing that the machine “learnin... «[AGI] interprets the Turing Test as an engineering prediction, arguing that the machine “learning” …
: @deadsuperhero Same. I'm really happy I made the move from WP. @deadsuperhero Same. I'm really happy I made the move from WP.
: @deadsuperhero I hope you're keeping an eye on Ghost's ventures into ActivityPub. https:... @deadsuperhero I hope you're keeping an eye on Ghost's ventures into …
: @kolombiken Tack snälla. ❤️🫶
: @ethicalrevolution Thank you Sam. Wise words. 🫶
: Om ungefär en månad ska jag genomgå en öppen hjärtoperation. Det är en gedigen procedur där jag s... Om ungefär en månad ska jag genomgå en öppen hjärtoperation. Det är en gedigen procedur där jag ska …
: @dapprvilln @farrisswisher Just, wow Thanks for sharing!
: The road to hell is paved with artificial intentions.
: @eliasr This is a fair perspective. For myself, I've landed several assignments/projects than... @eliasr This is a fair perspective. For myself, I've landed several assignments/projects thanks …
: Putting external links in the main body of posts on LinkedIn supposedly reduces the reach of that... Putting external links in the main body of posts on LinkedIn supposedly reduces the reach of that …
: Ironic how a smartphone is the dumb choice and a dumbphone is the smart choice.
: Vimeo’s stance on user content vis-à-vis generative AI: ”After extensive outreach and hearing yo... Vimeo’s stance on user content vis-à-vis generative AI:”After extensive outreach and hearing your …
: Det är svårt att föreställa sig att det är en slump att regeringens hållning gällande ett av EU:s... Det är svårt att föreställa sig att det är en slump att regeringens hållning gällande ett av EU:s …
: Så Miljöpartiet gick inte bara emot sitt eget vallöfte gällande Chat Control, när de blir påkomna... Så Miljöpartiet gick inte bara emot sitt eget vallöfte gällande Chat Control, när de blir påkomna så …
: @irizoris So many wizards hiding behind curtains!! Thanks for sharing. @Beantin @ludicity @irizoris So many wizards hiding behind curtains!! Thanks for sharing.@Beantin @ludicity
: One of the best posts about “AI” I’ve read. Enjoy. "A friend of mine was invited by a FAANG... One of the best posts about “AI” I’ve read. Enjoy."A friend of mine was invited by a FAANG …
: Det är häpnadsväckande, men ändå inte i denna alltmer bisarra värld. Regeringen väljer att ge sit... Det är häpnadsväckande, men ändå inte i denna alltmer bisarra värld. Regeringen väljer att ge sitt …
: I see people far in the future laughing so hard at the gullibility and foolishness of 21st centur... I see people far in the future laughing so hard at the gullibility and foolishness of 21st century …
: @alxd Thank you! This is really helpful. Thanks for sharing.
: @arandomselection It’s part of the Ambition Empower program which is a paid program where I teach... @arandomselection It’s part of the Ambition Empower program which is a paid program where I teach, …
: Tomorrow I am giving a talk around the importance for designers to not strive for ‘digital litera... Tomorrow I am giving a talk around the importance for designers to not strive for ‘digital literacy’ …
: @carl Ja det var väldigt fint. Mitt favoritstycke: "I ett gott framtida samhälle måste två... @carl Ja det var väldigt fint.Mitt favoritstycke:"I ett gott framtida samhälle måste två unika …
: @NatureMC Haha, I like this line of thinking.
: @ticho I’m truly in complete agreement with you, though I expect the bulk of domain registrations... @ticho I’m truly in complete agreement with you, though I expect the bulk of domain registrations …
: If you see a domain name ending in .ai that means the island of Anguilla got some money, as it is... If you see a domain name ending in .ai that means the island of Anguilla got some money, as it is …
: In June 2023 I wrote: «Will consumers perhaps come to see the phrase "AI-Powered System&quo... In June 2023 I wrote:«Will consumers perhaps come to see the phrase "AI-Powered System" in …
: @hundenrajna1 @wolfman Än så länge är det bara nya Copilot+ PC som har det. Så det är ingen ko på... @hundenrajna1 @wolfman Än så länge är det bara nya Copilot+ PC som har det. Så det är ingen ko på …
: Alien historians: For fifty years computers were used for their purpose: to compute exact, predi... Alien historians:For fifty years computers were used for their purpose: to compute exact, …
: 1. År 2020 sätter Microsoft som mål att nå negativa utsläpp år 2030. 2. De gasar på och kör i hel... År 2020 sätter Microsoft som mål att nå negativa utsläpp år 2030.2. De gasar på och kör i helt …
: Just found the Solarpunk Futures storytelling game and now all I want to do is run a solarpunk wo... Just found the Solarpunk Futures storytelling game and now all I want to do is run a solarpunk …
: Heja Sverige. Vår statsminister går ut och gör gemensam sak med ett amerikanskt storföretag, och ... Heja Sverige. Vår statsminister går ut och gör gemensam sak med ett amerikanskt storföretag, och …
: @LeoR1010 Exakt så. Jag kokar här…
: When you have a qr code on a presentation slide you are welcoming people to take out their phones... When you have a qr code on a presentation slide you are welcoming people to take out their phones …
: @emilymbender Wow, this is a great report with so many useful references. Thank you for sharing!
: @blogdiva Thank you for teaching me the word jingoistic, I'm not sure I had even seen that wo... @blogdiva Thank you for teaching me the word jingoistic, I'm not sure I had even seen that word …
: @kaffeeringe Thanks Steffen!
: Instead of a traditional online forum I am considering starting a mailing list (think listserv). ... Instead of a traditional online forum I am considering starting a mailing list (think listserv). …
: "It feels good to me, so therefore it must be a good thing." The foundational fallacy ... "It feels good to me, so therefore it must be a good thing."The foundational fallacy of …
: @datarama Yes, that's exactly it. 😊 @datarama Yes, that's exactly it. 😊
: @ingemar I had it on VHS when living in a country without television, so I’ve seen it multiple ti... @ingemar I had it on VHS when living in a country without television, so I’ve seen it multiple times …
: It's an odd one, but I think the movie Cherry 2000 was formative to me. Made in 1985, releas... It's an odd one, but I think the movie Cherry 2000 was formative to me.Made in 1985, released in …
: Fan vad långt Google Translate har kommit ändå. Det är bara att applådera.
: Always worth a watch. The Battle for Your Time: Exposing the Hidden Costs of Social Media https... Always worth a watch.The Battle for Your Time: Exposing the Hidden Costs of Social …
: @gMoon Very cool! Thanks for sharing all those links!
: Ghost now begins building their integration with ActivityPub. First post is out. https://activit... Ghost now begins building their integration with ActivityPub. First post is …
: @jay @fastmail Excellent, this sounds like a very clean setup, thanks for sharing!
: Started rewatching Veronica Mars. Wow I love this show.
: @mkj I believe you’re right but it would also be nice to to see someone having done the test run.... @mkj I believe you’re right but it would also be nice to to see someone having done the test run. In …
: @mxfraud Lovely. I’ve had it in my mind to move to Migadu for a while now. Intrigued by them ever... @mxfraud Lovely. I’ve had it in my mind to move to Migadu for a while now. Intrigued by them ever …
: @scott Thanks for the tip! Unfortunately my email is so public I get loads of requests every day ... @scott Thanks for the tip! Unfortunately my email is so public I get loads of requests every day …
: Does anyone know of an email service, add-on or tutorial that allows for mimicing the one feature... Does anyone know of an email service, add-on or tutorial that allows for mimicing the one feature …
: @mkj Så är det. Och speciellt betaltjänster förstås. Man väldigt många tjänster funkar. Om fler ... @mkj Så är det. Och speciellt betaltjänster förstås.Man väldigt många tjänster funkar. Om fler …
: Precis just nu är en jättebra tid att skaffa Freja+, som du kan logga in med på t ex Skatteverket... Precis just nu är en jättebra tid att skaffa Freja+, som du kan logga in med på t ex Skatteverket …
: @mkj Exakt så. Men just nu är det väldigt lämpligt att skaffa Freja+ e-id. Den som har tillgång t... @mkj Exakt så. Men just nu är det väldigt lämpligt att skaffa Freja+ e-id. Den som har tillgång till …
: Hmm, något stör ut Swish och förmodligen BankID.
: Our thumbs moving across screens. Day in. Day out. Our energy devoted to serving the machines and... Our thumbs moving across screens. Day in. Day out. Our energy devoted to serving the machines and …
: We’re automating our way out of knowing how to adapt to unforeseen circumstances.
: @MissScott01 Thanks, I absolutely have that. Which makes it even more annoying that Siri can'... @MissScott01 Thanks, I absolutely have that. Which makes it even more annoying that Siri can't …
: I actually just went with the shortcut someone else already built. https://www.reddit.com/r/shor... I actually just went with the shortcut someone else already …
: Siri doesn't seem to even be able to tell me what week number it is. Happy to be proven wron... Siri doesn't seem to even be able to tell me what week number it is.Happy to be proven wrong on …
: @troed The cat sat IN the door? 😀
: @troed The cat sat IN the door? 😀
: How people trust this software for decision-making is beyond me… https://chat.openai.com/share/5... How people trust this software for decision-making is beyond …
: Starting a new regimen today. Every hour, before I can use my phone, I need to do 10 pushups. If ... Starting a new regimen today. Every hour, before I can use my phone, I need to do 10 pushups. If I …
: @django @pushFediverse @axbom The embedded image is an early version. The updated version from Ja... @django @pushFediverse @axbom The embedded image is an early version. The updated version from …
: @kallekn Jag gör ju inte det, men har en vän som hjälpt mig.
: @lukem That's everything an old geek needed to hear 😅 Thanks Łukasz. Fun fact: I once tried ... @lukem That's everything an old geek needed to hear 😅 Thanks Łukasz.Fun fact: I once tried …
: I believe I will find people here who appreciate how utterly satisfied I feel being able to use t... I believe I will find people here who appreciate how utterly satisfied I feel being able to use this …
: In my 20s I knew very little but was confident I knew quite a lot. Today I know much more and am ... In my 20s I knew very little but was confident I knew quite a lot. Today I know much more and am …
: @carl Verkligen. Jag blir lika illa till mods varje gång jag ser citat i tidningarna utifrån vad ... @carl Verkligen. Jag blir lika illa till mods varje gång jag ser citat i tidningarna utifrån vad …
: In a recent post I first wrote “third-world countries”, considered changing it to developing coun... In a recent post I first wrote “third-world countries”, considered changing it to developing …
: As more of the world is coming to terms with the psychic con that is generative AI, some of the i... As more of the world is coming to terms with the psychic con that is generative AI, some of the …
: Real-time footage of the AI bubble bursting… VIdeo description: A wooded,, green area with a clo... Real-time footage of the AI bubble bursting…VIdeo description:A wooded,, green area with a close-up …
: ”One participant was a British former journalist become computer tycoon who had been awarded a lo... ”One participant was a British former journalist become computer tycoon who had been awarded a …
: @brianjriddle https://www.docuseal.co
: And whenever people wonder about trackers I always want to play them the sound from @bert_hubert@... And whenever people wonder about trackers I always want to play them the sound from …
: Some of you may have seen me researching online signing services yesterday, testing about five di... Some of you may have seen me researching online signing services yesterday, testing about five …
: @Karinkvittrar @joacim Fick mig att tänka på den fina bloggen Paradox Pairs: https://www.paradox... @Karinkvittrar @joacim Fick mig att tänka på den fina bloggen Paradox …
: @samuel After some own research today I’ve come to find that the open source software Docuseal wo... @samuel After some own research today I’ve come to find that the open source software Docuseal works …
: Hm, so what online signing service do you all use for signing agreements with several parties inv... Hm, so what online signing service do you all use for signing agreements with several parties …
: I should be doing bookkeeping and instead I'm building an accessible blog template using Pico... I should be doing bookkeeping and instead I'm building an accessible blog template using Pico …
: @marilyn Spot on. 😁 @mattotcha
: Don't wash the Cybertruck in direct sunlight. So essentially: • Keep away from bright lights... Don't wash the Cybertruck in direct sunlight.So essentially:• Keep away from bright lights• Keep …
: @stephaniewalter Thanks for sharing it Stef!
: If you're planning on attending the From Business to Button conference, you can get 10% off t... If you're planning on attending the From Business to Button conference, you can get 10% off the …
: @dkmj Tack, finns på svenska också om du inte sett: https://axbom.se/ai-arbetsblad/ @dkmj Tack, finns på svenska också om du inte sett:https://axbom.se/ai-arbetsblad/
: I've now published my free AI Trial and Evaluation Worksheet, along with a walkthrough of its... I've now published my free AI Trial and Evaluation Worksheet, along with a walkthrough of its …
: Nu har jag äntligen börjat skriva på boken. Självklart var jag tvungen att göra en mockup av oms... Nu har jag äntligen börjat skriva på boken.Självklart var jag tvungen att göra en mockup av omslaget …
: @bobmcwhirter This is an excellent question and I believe I want to see it but also easily show i... @bobmcwhirter This is an excellent question and I believe I want to see it but also easily show it. …
: @abucci @datarama Great insights, thanks! @abucci @datarama Great insights, thanks!
: @LeoR1010 That is exactly my thinking. 🙏
: I’m becoming more and more resolute on getting a tatoo for my 50th birthday (in June). As this w... I’m becoming more and more resolute on getting a tatoo for my 50th birthday (in June).As this would …
: @asbjornn Exakt, och det kommer knappast leda till billig energi under vår livstid.
: Jag är personligen primärt motståndare till kärnkraft av säkerhetsskäl (såväl nu som i en avlägse... Jag är personligen primärt motståndare till kärnkraft av säkerhetsskäl (såväl nu som i en avlägsen …
: ’Lavender’ is the name of an artificial intelligence-based program developed by the Israeli army ... ’Lavender’ is the name of an artificial intelligence-based program developed by the Israeli army …
: @iamdavidobrien I am completely on board with @fromjason's take. I thought I had a non-meta ... @iamdavidobrien I am completely on board with @fromjason's take.I thought I had a non-meta …
: Not gonna lie. I tried out Threads for a couple of months to get my own grasp of what it's ab... Not gonna lie. I tried out Threads for a couple of months to get my own grasp of what it's …
: If you haven't seen it yet, Jon Stewart on the false promises of AI was quite funny: (the AI... If you haven't seen it yet, Jon Stewart on the false promises of AI was quite funny:(the AI part …
: @PerryM I'm not using Mastodon, but thank you for adding your reflection and perspective on... @PerryM I'm not using Mastodon, but thank you for adding your reflection and perspective on what …
: @KirstenAnne Thanks 🙏 Good one.
: @dymaxion @cartocalypse Wow. 😮🥺
: @kikebenlloch It sometimes blows my mind to think back on how the first Desktop Publishing Soft... @kikebenlloch It sometimes blows my mind to think back on how the first Desktop Publishing Software …
: @peteriskrisjanis Very good point.
: @cartocalypse Yeah, it’s not obvious how to relate all the figures to one another. The article y... @cartocalypseYeah, it’s not obvious how to relate all the figures to one another. The article you …
: @gerrymcgovern It’s absolutely terrifying. Admiring your persistent efforts on shedding a light o... @gerrymcgovern It’s absolutely terrifying. Admiring your persistent efforts on shedding a light on …
: @ethicalrevolution Inspiring. I need to get a better hold of how my VPS is powered.
: There is a broad understanding for the need to fly less, as the aviation industry accounts for mo... There is a broad understanding for the need to fly less, as the aviation industry accounts for more …
: @wrenderlust Exactly! It's like the human race keeps parodying itself. @wrenderlustExactly! It's like the human race keeps parodying itself.
: Imagine being a time metereologist and part of a task force that has to decide if and when we nee... Imagine being a time metereologist and part of a task force that has to decide if and when we need a …
: « “Today we see the consequences (of the mining) since there’s no more water. It has changed a lo... « “Today we see the consequences (of the mining) since there’s no more water. It has changed a lot …
: @Cloud68 Worth noting that @wir proposed 21x21 cm as a good size (the PDF is not purposely set ... @Cloud68 Worth noting that @wir proposed 21x21 cm as a good size (the PDF is not purposely set to a …
: @wir @linuxtage Ah, good to know. I wasn't aware the PDF file suggested anything 😅 @wir @linuxtageAh, good to know. I wasn't aware the PDF file suggested anything 😅
: @wir @linuxtage Very cool to see! Thanks for pinging me and letting me know ❤️
: @Cloud68 @wir @linuxtage Thanks, there is a PDF linked on that web page that should work I think? @Cloud68 @wir @linuxtageThanks, there is a PDF linked on that web page that should work I think?
: @david_chisnall Interesting! Another reason to feel comfortable in the decision to not use Mastod... @david_chisnall Interesting! Another reason to feel comfortable in the decision to not use Mastodon …
: Fediverse appreciation post. I don’t know about the apps you’re using but at no point in the Fed... Fediverse appreciation post.I don’t know about the apps you’re using but at no point in the …
: @elhult > One objective could be to generate text that is satisfying to customers. 🤷♂️ Haha, ... @elhult > One objective could be to generate text that is satisfying to customers. 🤷♂️Haha, fair …
: As a kid I spent so many hours on Flight Simulator II (on my Atari 800XL), I finally believed I c... As a kid I spent so many hours on Flight Simulator II (on my Atari 800XL), I finally believed I …
: @dcm I was thinking from a user perspective that a tool like ChatGPT does not have a clear obje... @dcm I was thinking from a user perspective that a tool like ChatGPT does not have a clear …
: @elhult Maybe it's just me but I don't get the impression that ChatGPT has an explicit o... @elhultMaybe it's just me but I don't get the impression that ChatGPT has an explicit or …
: Looking at the definition of AI by the Organization for Economic and Co-operation Development (OE... Looking at the definition of AI by the Organization for Economic and Co-operation Development …
: @rrwo 😁😂💸 The fact that you are on floss.social made this response epic. @rrwo 😁😂💸The fact that you are on floss.social made this response epic.
: @timmymac Haha, exactly. That’s identifying the real harms!
: Imagine a ”smart” toothbrush. Through a bluetooth-enabled app on your phone, it is programmed to ... Imagine a ”smart” toothbrush. Through a bluetooth-enabled app on your phone, it is programmed to …
: @ambivalena Ja, jag hade själv missat den i december så det kändes plötsligt jätteviktigt att hjä... @ambivalena Ja, jag hade själv missat den i december så det kändes plötsligt jätteviktigt att hjälpa …
: Jag har skrivit förr om det barnarbete som sker för att hela tiden utveckla digitala apparater, o... Jag har skrivit förr om det barnarbete som sker för att hela tiden utveckla digitala apparater, och …
: @bigbro It's a closed session, which I also think is key to valuable and open conversations. ... @bigbro It's a closed session, which I also think is key to valuable and open conversations. But …
: @julian Thank you for sharing. This is my experience as well... at least a year of sorting things... @julian Thank you for sharing. This is my experience as well… at least a year of sorting …
: @JackEric The thought did cross my mind earlier but I kind of dropped it as I kept working on the... @JackEric The thought did cross my mind earlier but I kind of dropped it as I kept working on the …
: Doing a session tomorrow on Postmortem Design - actually designing to protect the legacy of users... Doing a session tomorrow on Postmortem Design - actually designing to protect the legacy of users …
: Famous Last Words number 2. A comic on digitalization by Per Axbom
: "Wait, grandpa!? You wanted to solve the climate crisis so you built tools that consumed eve... "Wait, grandpa!? You wanted to solve the climate crisis so you built tools that consumed even …
: @sy Is the image description the prompt you used?
: @sy Thanks, would it be okay to add this as a comment to the post? It's good to give the com... @sy Thanks, would it be okay to add this as a comment to the post?It's good to give the complete …
: @mia Thanks, fixed it now in the online version (it went out as a newsletter as well 😅) This is ... @mia Thanks, fixed it now in the online version (it went out as a newsletter as well 😅)This is a …
: Generative AI can not generate its way out of prejudice The concept of "generative" su... Generative AI can not generate its way out of prejudiceThe concept of "generative" …
: If your concern is that humans are standing in the way of technological progress, your understand... If your concern is that humans are standing in the way of technological progress, your understanding …
: @isotopp Thanks for the quick feedback! 🙏
: Quick sketch of an AI being trained on only bits of the world. Makes sense?
: I have now started reading Joseph Weizenbaum’s incresingly relevant book from 1976, ’Computer Pow... I have now started reading Joseph Weizenbaum’s incresingly relevant book from 1976, ’Computer Power …
: @deadsuperhero @BeAware Glad someone else is testing with Akkoma. I couldn't find the accou... @deadsuperhero @BeAware Glad someone else is testing with Akkoma. I couldn't find the account …
: @dkmj They had a lot of first-mover advantage and of course have always been children of their ti... @dkmj They had a lot of first-mover advantage and of course have always been children of their …
: @dkmj That would be awesome. 😁
: @devolute Haha, that is exactly how I felt on the Thursday that I read it. "This will break... @devoluteHaha, that is exactly how I felt on the Thursday that I read it. "This will break my …
: More recent, but still 12 years ago... https://www.wired.com/2012/04/why-jakob-nielsen-is-wrong-... More recent, but still 12 years …
: It's sometimes good to remember that many people have been debunking several of Nielsen'... It's sometimes good to remember that many people have been debunking several of Nielsen's …
: @ElleGray I applaud your image description. 👏
: Looking at complaints can be one way of surfacing pain points in a workflow. Often used by design... Looking at complaints can be one way of surfacing pain points in a workflow. Often used by designers …
: @datarama I've just added it to my Kobo reader. Next in line to read. @datarama I've just added it to my Kobo reader. Next in line to read.
: @troed 👍 Good point. Borders are definitely a challenge in thinking about how all this will play ... @troed 👍 Good point. Borders are definitely a challenge in thinking about how all this will play …
: @troed I'll readily admit I'm drawn to the dystopian… and when I said inhabitable in thi... @troedI'll readily admit I'm drawn to the dystopian… and when I said inhabitable in this …
: Honestly, when people start talking about what AI will be in 20 years my concern is really whethe... Honestly, when people start talking about what AI will be in 20 years my concern is really whether …
: “The computer programmer is a creator of universes for which he alone is the lawgiver. No playwri... “The computer programmer is a creator of universes for which he alone is the lawgiver. No …
: @Aubrie Done. Thank you for the feedback. 🙏
: @salixsericea Love that analogy / thought experiment! Thank you! 😅 @jamesravey @salixsericea Love that analogy / thought experiment! Thank you! 😅@jamesravey
: We are at a stage in human history where huge trust is placed in statistical machines, that are u... We are at a stage in human history where huge trust is placed in statistical machines, that are …
: @kcarruthers Very much so. I think perhaps he has been problematic the whole time, but some of it... @kcarruthers Very much so. I think perhaps he has been problematic the whole time, but some of it …
: If you appreciated my walkthrough of "generative UI" by Jakob Nielsen, you may also wan... If you appreciated my walkthrough of "generative UI" by Jakob Nielsen, you may also want …
: @aral Thanks. Means a lot. 🙏
: @aral Thank you Aral! Sorry I was just too late seeing this. Got a few proofreaders and I just pu... @aral Thank you Aral! Sorry I was just too late seeing this. Got a few proofreaders and I just …
: Okay, here is my take on Nielsen's latest post. "Accessibility has failed as a way to m... Okay, here is my take on Nielsen's latest post."Accessibility has failed as a way to make …
: @fasterandworse Haha, I'll wait at least an hour as I always do when I've been especially... @fasterandworse Haha, I'll wait at least an hour as I always do when I've been especially …
: If anyone in the #accessibility space (or #ux in general) would be interested in reading my draft... If anyone in the #accessibility space (or #ux in general) would be interested in reading my draft …
: Reading Jakob Nielsen is not good for my blood pressure. But someone sent me this absurd content,... Reading Jakob Nielsen is not good for my blood pressure. But someone sent me this absurd content, it …
: @mrundkvist Excellent point.
: Remember, 'hallucination' describes how generative AI works all the time. It's not a ... Remember, 'hallucination' describes how generative AI works all the time. It's not a …
: People used to roll their eyes at individuals on the street carrying signs saying ”The end is nea... People used to roll their eyes at individuals on the street carrying signs saying ”The end is …
: @Mer__edith @camillefrancois This conversation is just amazing. So clear, obvious, and with quo... @Mer__edith @camillefrancois This conversation is just amazing. So clear, obvious, and with quotable …
: Screaming into the void was surprisingly helpful... Type your shit, press the button, watch it d... Screaming into the void was surprisingly helpful…Type your shit, press the button, watch it …
: @cybeardjm Right! The reason I'm asking is because they have recently announced a consultan... @cybeardjmRight!The reason I'm asking is because they have recently announced a consultancy …
: If anyone has any further info on how UNICEF is adopting cryptocurrency, and specifically the bro... If anyone has any further info on how UNICEF is adopting cryptocurrency, and specifically the …
: @carl_klitscher I mean, this must be one of those down periods where it's recommended to inve... @carl_klitscher I mean, this must be one of those down periods where it's recommended to invest …
: How are everyone's NFTs faring? 🙃 How are everyone's NFTs faring? 🙃
: Wow I've had 2 hours without spam... could this be the light at the end of the tunnel? Wow I've had 2 hours without spam… could this be the light at the end of the tunnel?
: Giving a shoutout to UX Copenhagen. I spoke at this amazing conference in March of 2020. Conferen... Giving a shoutout to UX Copenhagen. I spoke at this amazing conference in March of 2020. Conference …
: Agent Smith: A Single Image Can Jailbreak One Million Multimodal LLM Agents Exponentially Fast “... Agent Smith: A Single Image Can Jailbreak One Million Multimodal LLM Agents Exponentially Fast“ 1. …
: @enron Thank you! This has been my reasoning as well, but it’s nice to hear the same thinking fro... @enron Thank you! This has been my reasoning as well, but it’s nice to hear the same thinking from …
: For everyone fighting spam. Are you all blocking domains by default or just accounts? I'm ma... For everyone fighting spam. Are you all blocking domains by default or just accounts?I'm making …
: Tomorrow at 8am CET I'm publishing a post/newsletter about how ChatGPT 4 solved that Captcha.... Tomorrow at 8am CET I'm publishing a post/newsletter about how ChatGPT 4 solved that Captcha. …
: @cristinah düster, aber ähnliche Gedanken sind mir durch den Kopf gegangen (via Google Translate... @cristinah düster, aber ähnliche Gedanken sind mir durch den Kopf gegangen(via Google Translate 😊)
: Interesting stat from the Digital Decarbonisation calculator. « One person creates 1.7mb of data... Interesting stat from the Digital Decarbonisation calculator.« One person creates 1.7mb of data a …
: @strypey > How? You can't "consume" water in the sense you consume energy. Why ... @strypey> How? You can't "consume" water in the sense you consume energy. Why …
: Some people are excited to use AI to kickstart their writing when they are tired and out of ideas... Some people are excited to use AI to kickstart their writing when they are tired and out of …
: @meriksson Japp, jag har förstått det som att det försvunnit massor av loggar.
: The electricity and water use required by data centres is becoming cause for concern. Iowa and Ir... The electricity and water use required by data centres is becoming cause for concern. Iowa and …
: Nu finns en del 2 ute med en titt på den senaste kommunikationen från Tietoevry. "Våra säke... Nu finns en del 2 ute med en titt på den senaste kommunikationen från Tietoevry."Våra …
: We find ourselves in the age of being urged to use AI for rewriting our texts so they will sound ... We find ourselves in the age of being urged to use AI for rewriting our texts so they will sound …
: @nyx Haha, yes, CC is certainly a favorite in the "adopted but lost" terminology/abbrev... @nyx Haha, yes, CC is certainly a favorite in the "adopted but lost" …
: A newline in character encoding can be defined as CR and LF combined into one (commonly called CR... A newline in character encoding can be defined as CR and LF combined into one (commonly called CR+LF …
: @hula Tack! Blev uppmärksammad om den där bara en kvart innan du la ut den. 😁
: Jag har läst DN:s intervju med TietoEvrys Sverigechef fyra eller fem gånger nu. Den känns inte på... Jag har läst DN:s intervju med TietoEvrys Sverigechef fyra eller fem gånger nu. Den känns inte på …
: @Mabande @thecontinent Yes, that would be fantastic.
: @cholling I mean, you said it first. 😜
: @usmanz I doubt that it's trying to. I have my own install(s) of Ghost on my own VPS. It'... @usmanz I doubt that it's trying to. I have my own install(s) of Ghost on my own VPS. It's …
: I don't know who needs to hear this, but Ghost now has import tools for Substack, Medium and ... I don't know who needs to hear this, but Ghost now has import tools for Substack, Medium and …
: I should update my post on #indieweb and using Cloudron for my VPS. I’m getting closer to a situa... I should update my post on #indieweb and using Cloudron for my VPS. I’m getting closer to a …
: @edeverett Wow had not heard about this.
: My prediction for today is that more and more employees will start writing down texts that argue ... My prediction for today is that more and more employees will start writing down texts that argue for …
: @sintrenton Ja, väldigt bra text. Tack. @sintrentonJa, väldigt bra text. Tack.
: @mitsunee Haha, I hadn't thought of that but you're absolutely right. Mailchimp have no... @mitsunee Haha, I hadn't thought of that but you're absolutely right. Mailchimp have now …
: @falcennial 😁 Off by default would definitely work for me.
: I remember when Mailchimp and its monkey mascot had a tone-of-voice that was full of jokes and wh... I remember when Mailchimp and its monkey mascot had a tone-of-voice that was full of jokes and …
: @timthelion Oh yeah! I remember listening to The Missing Cryptoqueen and the part where they desc... @timthelion Oh yeah! I remember listening to The Missing Cryptoqueen and the part where they …
: Remember when AI was used to generate a George Carlin comedy routine? That didn’t happen. Generat... Remember when AI was used to generate a George Carlin comedy routine? That didn’t happen. Generative …
: How things play out when I’m critiquing a specific implementation of technology »» Me: My feelin... How things play out when I’m critiquing a specific implementation of technology »»Me: My feeling is …
: Idag släpptes avsnittet av Digitala influencer-podden med mig. Får man kalla sig influencer då? 😁... Idag släpptes avsnittet av Digitala influencer-podden med mig. Får man kalla sig influencer då? …
: @dekaminski @web2brain There is also this Swedish case wherein an algorithm was used to allocat... @dekaminski @web2brain There is also this Swedish case wherein an algorithm was used to allocate …
: @Beantin Very cool. I had no idea this was possible.
: @MariaLiv Ja, precis, och Konsumentverket (efter att många anmälningar kommit in) har ju sagt åt ... @MariaLiv Ja, precis, och Konsumentverket (efter att många anmälningar kommit in) har ju sagt åt dem …
: @snowracer Jag trodde det också, men inte när de kör kampanjer, typ 99 kr för 3 månader. Då kör d... @snowracer Jag trodde det också, men inte när de kör kampanjer, typ 99 kr för 3 månader. Då kör de …
: @MariaLiv “Ocker” känns ju annars som en väldigt bra beskrivning av det Di ägnat sig åt nu i mång... @MariaLiv “Ocker” känns ju annars som en väldigt bra beskrivning av det Di ägnat sig åt nu i många …
: @MariaLiv Tack Maria. Jag kan slänga iväg ett mejl och fråga.
: Tänk att bli inlåst i kostnader på 30.000 kronor. Det sticker i ögonen på mig när Dagens industri... Tänk att bli inlåst i kostnader på 30.000 kronor. Det sticker i ögonen på mig när Dagens industri …
: ÖVERSKOTTSBEFÄL. Det sägs man ska vara företagssam men kan en ÖB vara företagsman med en sådan s... ÖVERSKOTTSBEFÄL.Det sägs man ska vara företagssammen kan en ÖB vara företagsmanmed en sådan sträng …
: @stephenpa @scottjenson I've _just_ switched to a self-hosted version of cal.com @stephenpa @scottjensonI've just switched to a self-hosted version of cal.com
: @nafnlaus The decision to design them this way is purely human. There are a multitude of human de... @nafnlaus The decision to design them this way is purely human. There are a multitude of human …
: Fascinated by the rebuttal that humans make mistakes too, so algorithms should be allowed to as w... Fascinated by the rebuttal that humans make mistakes too, so algorithms should be allowed to as …
: @Caution @JMMaok I couldn't resist making a real demo in jsbin: https://output.jsbin.com/g... @Caution @JMMaok I couldn't resist making a real demo in jsbin:https://output.jsbin.com/gapapox/
: @Caution This makes me so happy 😊 Thank you for letting me know. @JMMaok @CautionThis makes me so happy 😊 Thank you for letting me know.@JMMaok
: @JMMaok While I don’t get a chance to code myself as much anymore, the recommendation would be t... @JMMaokWhile I don’t get a chance to code myself as much anymore, the recommendation would be to not …
: @JMMaok If that is your only visual clue I would agree, but I would presume that there are othe... @JMMaok If that is your only visual clue I would agree, but I would presume that there are other …
: @SuperTaliaDX It’s a fair question. It functionally makes a difference primarily within 1) acces... @SuperTaliaDXIt’s a fair question. It functionally makes a difference primarily within 1) …
: @evilcookies98 h1 is generally the title of the page OR the title of the main article. h2 will ... @evilcookies98 h1 is generally the title of the page OR the title of the main article.h2 will be …
: Let me say it louder for the people in the back… heading levels (h1, h2, h3…) in html are not abo... Let me say it louder for the people in the back… heading levels (h1, h2, h3…) in html are not about …
: @samuel En Ghost-installation per domän. Men du kan ha flera författare per installation. Då få... @samuel En Ghost-installation per domän. Men du kan ha flera författare per installation. Då får …
: @samuel @fiaewald Obs att den artikeln handlar om en flytt till betalversionen av Ghost, medan ... @samuel @fiaewald Obs att den artikeln handlar om en flytt till betalversionen av Ghost, medan jag …
: @samuel @fiaewald Ghost är bäst. 😁 Jag skrev ju den här långa när jag bytte: https://axbom.com/... @samuel @fiaewald Ghost är bäst. 😁 Jag skrev ju den här långa när jag bytte: …
: Engineers be like "Why aren't humans adapting to how my machine works?" Engineers be like "Why aren't humans adapting to how my machine works?"
: @grimalkina Yay! Congrats, Cat!
: @redegelde All but one are available on my website. It will be part of an upcoming post. Direct ... @redegelde All but one are available on my website. It will be part of an upcoming post.Direct …
: Just printed all the explanatory models about AI I produced in 2023. Hadn't realised there we... Just printed all the explanatory models about AI I produced in 2023. Hadn't realised there were …
: It's funny how my main issue with the reality of the Fast and Furious franchise is Dom's ... It's funny how my main issue with the reality of the Fast and Furious franchise is Dom's …
: Paper. Accidental Wiretaps: The Implications of False Positives By Always-Listening Devices For P... Paper. Accidental Wiretaps: The Implications of False Positives By Always-Listening Devices For …
: @rkaj Right, how do I know I haven't caused the internal server error? @rkaj Right, how do I know I haven't caused the internal server error?
: @Mabande 😂 Tack för dagens bästa gapskratt.
: It's truly helpful how those error messages keep telling me it's an INTERNAL server error... It's truly helpful how those error messages keep telling me it's an INTERNAL server error …
: Sometimes I get the feeling people wish I had a more positive outlook. They say that more people ... Sometimes I get the feeling people wish I had a more positive outlook. They say that more people …
: Not surprised that the wise @molly0xfff is one of the people taking the lead in moving away from ... Not surprised that the wise @molly0xfff is one of the people taking the lead in moving away from …
: Reading Joy Buolamwini’s Unmasking AI and I couldn’t recommend it more. Love how she tells her o... Reading Joy Buolamwini’s Unmasking AI and I couldn’t recommend it more.Love how she tells her own …
: @dangillmor I'm feeling this too. Two years ago Substack defended prominent conspiracy theo... @dangillmor I'm feeling this too. Two years ago Substack defended prominent conspiracy theorists …
: Just remembered how Substack CEO Chris Best responded when Nilay Patel asked him on Decoder if he... Just remembered how Substack CEO Chris Best responded when Nilay Patel asked him on Decoder if he …
: @caseynewton Did they ever change their stance on the conspiracy / anti-vaxxer people they were r... @caseynewton Did they ever change their stance on the conspiracy / anti-vaxxer people they were …
: Substack has been profitting from conspiracy nuts and anti-vaxxers for many years. I feel like th... Substack has been profitting from conspiracy nuts and anti-vaxxers for many years. I feel like their …
: 49% of the world will be able to vote in an election this year. Good thing people have these new ... 49% of the world will be able to vote in an election this year. Good thing people have these new …
: An absolute must-read by Erik Salvaggio on how image generators come to be and the abuse hidden w... An absolute must-read by Erik Salvaggio on how image generators come to be and the abuse hidden …
: Grieving how lots of people with good ideas are opting for gated platforms for their content. It&... Grieving how lots of people with good ideas are opting for gated platforms for their content. …
: General-purpose search engines can lead you down all sorts of AI-generated delusions. While not a... General-purpose search engines can lead you down all sorts of AI-generated delusions. While not a …
: @iamdavidobrien That I will do!! Lovely tips. Here's I am holding a book at Waterstones on P... @iamdavidobrien That I will do!! Lovely tips.Here's I am holding a book at Waterstones on …
: How do you say "We have no idea how our product works", without saying those exact word... How do you say "We have no idea how our product works", without saying those exact …
: What EM failed to acknowledge when he told advertisers to go f*ck themselves is that they already... What EM failed to acknowledge when he told advertisers to go f*ck themselves is that they already …
: @ajswritesthings I've actually just discovered this. Love a gadget I can actually tinker with!! @ajswritesthings I've actually just discovered this. Love a gadget I can actually tinker with!!
: @iamdavidobrien You should see me travelling. If I travel with my wife it's rare we've re... @iamdavidobrien You should see me travelling. If I travel with my wife it's rare we've …
: I am now downloading some titles I've previously bought. Some of them I've bought twice. ... I am now downloading some titles I've previously bought. Some of them I've bought twice. And …
: Oh how I hate DRM. Remind me to never buy a book via Apple Books again.
: @thatandromeda With you all the way. It was me toying with the idea that many consultants are ver... @thatandromeda With you all the way. It was me toying with the idea that many consultants are very …
: I wonder if anyone has calculated any estimates of "worktime lost" to playing around wi... I wonder if anyone has calculated any estimates of "worktime lost" to playing around with …
: Thoughts on organisations setting goals. If an organisation sets these goals, what other goals m... Thoughts on organisations setting goals.If an organisation sets these goals, what other goals might …
: He had me at "egg". "[AGI] interprets the Turing Test as an engineering predictio... He had me at "egg"."[AGI] interprets the Turing Test as an engineering prediction, …
: @perigee Good perspectives. And I should learn to celebrate progress rather than dwell on things... @perigeeGood perspectives. And I should learn to celebrate progress rather than dwell on things not …
: @jesse Sure. A decent amount of my writing has been on LinkedIn practices lately: – using an a... @jesse Sure. A decent amount of my writing has been on LinkedIn practices lately:– using an …
: I get that everyone doesn’t know what is good or bad for accessibility. What can frustrate me is ... I get that everyone doesn’t know what is good or bad for accessibility. What can frustrate me is …
: @raphaelmorgan This is valid. 😅
: «"There is nothing 'transformative' about using The Times's content without paym... «"There is nothing 'transformative' about using The Times's content without payment …
: @parismarx Ghost is definitely a good fit for you. You should consider running your own VPS to r... @parismarxGhost is definitely a good fit for you. You should consider running your own VPS to regain …
: Remember how it was obvious that we build machines that adapt to human behaviors and needs? Now ... Remember how it was obvious that we build machines that adapt to human behaviors and needs?Now look …
: In Sweden we have this electronics chain and I do a double-take every time their ad comes on the ... In Sweden we have this electronics chain and I do a double-take every time their ad comes on the …
: Recommended listen: Paris Marx is joined by Tim Schwab to discuss why the story we hear about Bi... Recommended listen:Paris Marx is joined by Tim Schwab to discuss why the story we hear about Bill …
: @carnegarden Viktigt i vardagen! Delade familjekonton blir absolut en viktig grej. Tack för bra p... @carnegarden Viktigt i vardagen! Delade familjekonton blir absolut en viktig grej. Tack för bra …
: @mothninja Tack. Och din pappa låter som någon som det skulle vara värdefullt att intervjua i sam... @mothninja Tack. Och din pappa låter som någon som det skulle vara värdefullt att intervjua i …
: @marcusosterberg Bra perspektiv. Tack. Själv står jag som ett fån och försöker betala med appen p... @marcusosterberg Bra perspektiv. Tack. Själv står jag som ett fån och försöker betala med appen på …
: @ambivalena Tack. Ska skynda mig så gott jag kan, men denna jul blir det inte, haha.
: @AasaMariaHedberg Bra poäng. I grund och botten är de ju ett smart sätt att komma ihåg saker åt ... @AasaMariaHedbergBra poäng. I grund och botten är de ju ett smart sätt att komma ihåg saker åt …
: Nästa år vill jag skriva en bok. Den ska handla om hur man som vanlig människa ska hantera all te... Nästa år vill jag skriva en bok. Den ska handla om hur man som vanlig människa ska hantera all …
: @carl Herrej—- ! Kunde ha gått hur illa som helst ju.
: Most predictions are wrong, and certainly most of the ones quoted in the financial pages of prest... Most predictions are wrong, and certainly most of the ones quoted in the financial pages of …
: @Beantin @medium It will work just like your blog, they said… @Beantin @medium It will work just like your blog, they said…
: If you need a Christmas movie tip that is actually entertaining, I really liked Your Christmas or... If you need a Christmas movie tip that is actually entertaining, I really liked Your Christmas or …
: @Mabande Good example. I'm also thinking of the recent Sports Illustrated revelations: http... @MabandeGood example. I'm also thinking of the recent Sports Illustrated …
: @laescude @Beantin @funnygodmother I do appreciate how having a hard-to-pronounce name (for Eng... @laescude @Beantin @funnygodmother I do appreciate how having a hard-to-pronounce name (for …
: The dystopian world of an entirely AI-generated newsroom means that privileged men can continue t... The dystopian world of an entirely AI-generated newsroom means that privileged men can continue to …
: @tsvenson Sounds like pure bliss!!
: @HistoPol Haha, that post left the building before it got fully dressed. 😁
: "Let's focus on building some new stuff to save us from the problems caused by building ... "Let's focus on building some new stuff to save us from the problems caused by building too …
: Nytt på bloggen. Jag har ritat en modell igen. "Jag har ritat denna förklaringsmodell för a... Nytt på bloggen. Jag har ritat en modell igen."Jag har ritat denna förklaringsmodell för att …
: @kolombiken 💚 Det vore fantastiskt! 😁 En sak jag tänkt på efteråt är att en del nyfikna personer... @kolombiken 💚 Det vore fantastiskt! 😁En sak jag tänkt på efteråt är att en del nyfikna personer vill …
: En åhörare hade med sin partner idag som är rätt ointresserad av teknik i allmänhet. Fick återkop... En åhörare hade med sin partner idag som är rätt ointresserad av teknik i allmänhet. Fick …
: @AasaMariaHedberg Tack! Faktum är att jag gjorde så en liten stund och det kom fram flera och pra... @AasaMariaHedberg Tack! Faktum är att jag gjorde så en liten stund och det kom fram flera och …
: Så obekväm med att sälja att jag håller mig undan från mitt eget bokbord. 😅 #HumanRightsFestival Så obekväm med att sälja att jag håller mig undan från mitt eget bokbord. 😅#HumanRightsFestival
: Sitter på hotellrum och kollar Young Sheldon. Inte ofta jag gör sådana här resor längre. Har vari... Sitter på hotellrum och kollar Young Sheldon. Inte ofta jag gör sådana här resor längre. Har varit …
: @joakimfors Ah, good job finding that. I should have included it my post. Honestly I of course as... @joakimfors Ah, good job finding that. I should have included it my post. Honestly I of course …
: @nichobi Excellent. If you need the schedule it's right here: https://humanrightsfestival.se... @nichobi Excellent. If you need the schedule it's right …
: @FetidTrash Yes, I agree, artificial intelligence doesn't exist. Just as an environmental-fri... @FetidTrash Yes, I agree, artificial intelligence doesn't exist. Just as an …
: Many people appear to be very stressed about the idea of "AI", worried about getting le... Many people appear to be very stressed about the idea of "AI", worried about getting left …
: About to board a train to Lund where I will give a talk on AI at the Human Rights Festival tomorr... About to board a train to Lund where I will give a talk on AI at the Human Rights Festival …
: På väg mot Lund idag för att föreläsa på Human Rights Festival om AI imorgon. Kaffe och croissan... På väg mot Lund idag för att föreläsa på Human Rights Festival om AI imorgon.Kaffe och croissant på …
: @metaphase 👍 I personally avoid Spotify as a listener too. @Beantin @metaphase 👍 I personally avoid Spotify as a listener too.@Beantin
: @Beantin Good memory!! @funnygodmother @Beantin Good memory!!@funnygodmother
: My podcast colleague @Beantin alerted me to how Spotify have started attaching automated transcri... My podcast colleague @Beantin alerted me to how Spotify have started attaching automated transcripts …
: Anyhow, here is some new research indicating that ”Generating 1,000 images with a powerful AI mod... Anyhow, here is some new research indicating that ”Generating 1,000 images with a powerful AI model, …
: I need to start clocking this but I honestly feel like every time I use AI for anything content-r... I need to start clocking this but I honestly feel like every time I use AI for anything …
: Looking at the cybertruck and realising we are living in the real-life adaptation of The Emperor&... Looking at the cybertruck and realising we are living in the real-life adaptation of The …
: I think it's important for more people to acknowledge that innovation can lead to both progre... I think it's important for more people to acknowledge that innovation can lead to both progress …
: It is a strange world we live in now, wherein the output of a computer perfectly following its pr... It is a strange world we live in now, wherein the output of a computer perfectly following its …
: @greg Ha! Thanks for sharing. 😁
: @kolombiken Kul att du uppfattade det.! Jag är ofta rädd att uppfattas som att jag kritiserar an... @kolombikenKul att du uppfattade det.! Jag är ofta rädd att uppfattas som att jag kritiserar andras …
: If you're struggling to get a diverse speaker lineup for your conference, just generate some ... If you're struggling to get a diverse speaker lineup for your conference, just generate some …
: @ambivalena Började med julmusik redan förra måndagen och glögg i söndags. Tidigt för att vara ja... @ambivalena Började med julmusik redan förra måndagen och glögg i söndags. Tidigt för att vara jag …
: @ambivalena Ja det här gillar jag!
: Det är nästan två år sedan jag höll min första föreläsning om mänskliga rättigheter specifikt kop... Det är nästan två år sedan jag höll min första föreläsning om mänskliga rättigheter specifikt …
: @xl8freelancer Hehe, it is honestly a good way to look at it. So many healthy routines that can f... @xl8freelancer Hehe, it is honestly a good way to look at it. So many healthy routines that can fit …
: Yesterday I spent at least 2 hours sorting out my Microsoft account problems (same email address ... Yesterday I spent at least 2 hours sorting out my Microsoft account problems (same email address …
: @kolya I loved that book!! And The Never-Ending Story remains my favorite book ever... @kolyaI loved that book!! And The Never-Ending Story remains my favorite book ever…
: When technology becomes faster it can also steal time from moments of value. Imagine a computer ... When technology becomes faster it can also steal time from moments of value.Imagine a computer …
: @LeoR1010 Viktiga visdomsord. Tack 🙏 @LeoR1010Viktiga visdomsord. Tack 🙏
: @Karolina @samuel "Tills Ecovacs X2 kom i hans väg." Detta känns nu som en dead givea... @Karolina @samuel "Tills Ecovacs X2 kom i hans väg." Detta känns nu som en dead giveaway …
: @samuel @Karolina Nu blir jag mer och mer övertygad om att det är det som hänt. Jag är grundlura... @samuel @KarolinaNu blir jag mer och mer övertygad om att det är det som hänt. Jag är grundlurad. …
: @LenaA Haha, väldigt bra fråga!
: @janrikard Jag vet jag vet. Och det gör ont i mig att erkänna det. 😂
: @LenaA Jag uppdaterade med länken till hela texten i inlägget nu, ifall du vill njuta än mer av p... @LenaA Jag uppdaterade med länken till hela texten i inlägget nu, ifall du vill njuta än mer av …
: @nakenbadaren För mig var det värst att inte veta. Att människorna gör det är ju redan helt sant ... @nakenbadaren För mig var det värst att inte veta. Att människorna gör det är ju redan helt sant …
: @Karolina Ja, det blev ju omöjligt att inte dela… 😅
: @ambivalena Haha, förmodligen!!
: Jag blev störd på en "editorial"annons för en robotdammsugare på Omni så jag läste hela... Jag blev störd på en "editorial"annons för en robotdammsugare på Omni så jag läste …
: Proving that we are indeed now living in Wonderland, a "hallucination" is now the word ... Proving that we are indeed now living in Wonderland, a "hallucination" is now the word for …
: @alexisfellenius Oh wow very cool. Thank you for sharing!
: Being a bit creative today. The only AI involved is the subject area. 😁 I've always wanted C... Being a bit creative today. The only AI involved is the subject area. 😁I've always wanted …
: @mensrea Now I have to make one of those stickers as well. 😅
: Been working on a "Artificial Imperialism" sticker. 🤖🌍 Something to hand out when I do... Been working on a "Artificial Imperialism" sticker. 🤖🌍Something to hand out when I do …
: I senaste avsnittet av den fenomenala podden Månskott figurerar visst jag! Jösses vad dramatiskt ... I senaste avsnittet av den fenomenala podden Månskott figurerar visst jag! Jösses vad dramatiskt det …
: Excellent keynote by @abebab at #Internetdagarna today here in Sweden. Looking at the chat, many ... Excellent keynote by @abebab at #Internetdagarna today here in Sweden. Looking at the chat, many of …
: This is of course my favorite cover of The Continent, from May of this year. I wouldn’t mind havi... This is of course my favorite cover of The Continent, from May of this year. I wouldn’t mind having …
: ”Just use the tool for good”, they said. ”But what if the tool is built on prejudice, exploitati... ”Just use the tool for good”, they said.”But what if the tool is built on prejudice, exploitation …
: In @thecontinent this weekend. « "When I went to Africa, it seemed like no one was paying a... In @thecontinent this weekend.« "When I went to Africa, it seemed like no one was paying …
: Sam Altman fired. The grift can only go on for so long. https://openai.com/blog/openai-announce... Sam Altman fired.The grift can only go on for so …
: @fasterandworse This is the first book in a long time I will have read all the way through in les... @fasterandworse This is the first book in a long time I will have read all the way through in less …
: @Zeugs If you read it all literally you will definitely struggle 😉
: My son bought this book for me for my birthday (in June) but it didn't arrive until yesterday... My son bought this book for me for my birthday (in June) but it didn't arrive until yesterday …
: @LeoR1010 Verkligen. Jag blir alltid så himla glad när det kommer spontant. Gör att jag själv vil... @LeoR1010 Verkligen. Jag blir alltid så himla glad när det kommer spontant. Gör att jag själv vill …
: Jag kan berätta att när jag är fullständigt utmattad av veckor med nya jobb och föreläsningar och... Jag kan berätta att när jag är fullständigt utmattad av veckor med nya jobb och föreläsningar och …
: I truly didn't think this would finally happen in a significant way, but some companies are a... I truly didn't think this would finally happen in a significant way, but some companies are …
: There is no "we" in AI. There is no "we" in AI.
: Living in a world where it's suddenly become controversial to call computer software what it ... Living in a world where it's suddenly become controversial to call computer software what it is: …
: @stephenpa @ryanschultz @briankrebs I do have this page that I try to keep updated: https://lin... @stephenpa @ryanschultz @briankrebs I do have this page that I try to keep …
: My new idea is putting together a monster slidedeck of every template and tool I've found use... My new idea is putting together a monster slidedeck of every template and tool I've found useful …
: @tsvenson Bra poänger om konkurrens, men jag har lite svårt för hennes fokus på ”alignment” och ... @tsvensonBra poänger om konkurrens, men jag har lite svårt för hennes fokus på ”alignment” och att …
: @Torstein Cross-border sympathy blocks is heart-warming to see.
: @tsvenson @erikdelareguera Japp där är jag också. Tycker världen blivit surrealistisk. @tsvenson @erikdelareguera Japp där är jag också. Tycker världen blivit surrealistisk.
: Another sympathy block against Tesla was announced today by the union of civil servants: ST (in S... Another sympathy block against Tesla was announced today by the union of civil servants: ST (in …
: The world would generally make more sense to me if instead of saying "I'm using an AI to... The world would generally make more sense to me if instead of saying "I'm using an AI to do …
: På Human Rights Festival i Lund lördagen den 9 december så kan man lyssna på mig kostnadsfritt i ... På Human Rights Festival i Lund lördagen den 9 december så kan man lyssna på mig kostnadsfritt i …
: @Lizard_Person I believe Poast is an instance of Soapbox, which I mention in the blog post. htt... @Lizard_Person I believe Poast is an instance of Soapbox, which I mention in the blog post. …
: Explaining responsibility, impact and power in AI I made this diagram as an explanatory model fo... Explaining responsibility, impact and power in AII made this diagram as an explanatory model for …
: @NGIZero @erikkemp @tkkrlab Love seeing my graphics in the wild. Thanks for sharing. 🥰 @NGIZero @erikkemp @tkkrlab Love seeing my graphics in the wild. Thanks for sharing. 🥰
: Welcome to the future. « [Julian Joseph] used a tool called LazyApply to blast out 5,000 job app... Welcome to the future.« [Julian Joseph] used a tool called LazyApply to blast out 5,000 job …
: @tsvenson @erikdelareguera Cool, I just watched it the other day. 😁 https://axbom.me/notice/Ab... @tsvenson @erikdelareguera Cool, I just watched it the other day. …
: This conflict between Tesla and the union in Sweden trying to secure a collective labor agreement... This conflict between Tesla and the union in Sweden trying to secure a collective labor agreement is …
: Tech criticism does not stifle innovation. It influences public opinion, inspires regulation and ... Tech criticism does not stifle innovation. It influences public opinion, inspires regulation and …
: @iakonkret I was watching a video review yesterday and JUST was able to stop it before they star... @iakonkret I was watching a video review yesterday and JUST was able to stop it before they started …
: Just watched the 4-part miniseries All the Light We Cannot See, and it reignited my wish to get a... Just watched the 4-part miniseries All the Light We Cannot See, and it reignited my wish to get a …
: @chiasm There are no details I have seen. But my expectation is that the car - detecting incomp... @chiasm There are no details I have seen. But my expectation is that the car - detecting incomplete …
: By way of @garymarcus newsletter I was made aware of the following: In a New York Times article... By way of @garymarcus newsletter I was made aware of the following:In a New York Times article on …
: I had this essay by @karawynn saved in my bookmarks and I just re-read it. It’s very, very, very... I had this essay by @karawynn saved in my bookmarks and I just re-read it.It’s very, very, very good …
: Getting geared to watch Nineteen Eighty-Four (1984) today and reading up a bit on the controversy... Getting geared to watch Nineteen Eighty-Four (1984) today and reading up a bit on the controversy …
: @Zeugs You may be interested in my post from a few weeks ago: Benefits and risks of synthetic v... @Zeugs You may be interested in my post from a few weeks ago:Benefits and risks of synthetic video …
: @Zeugs Not sure I follow. I've mentioned the effects on my own interpretation and emotion,... @Zeugs Not sure I follow.I've mentioned the effects on my own interpretation and emotion, which …
: @Zeugs > how good are you in judging your Own outer representation? I wouldn't know how... @Zeugs > how good are you in judging your Own outer representation? I wouldn't know how to …
: @Zeugs This is a great philosophical question. What I’ve used here is the basic version of someth... @Zeugs This is a great philosophical question. What I’ve used here is the basic version of something …
: @kefir Sure, this is all HeyGen. I've shared some more here: https://axbom.com/synthetic-vid... @kefir Sure, this is all HeyGen. I've shared some more …
: @salixsericea Thanks for the feedback. Yeah, I really agree about how it looks like a dubbed movi... @salixsericea Thanks for the feedback. Yeah, I really agree about how it looks like a dubbed movie. …
: @Zeugs Not that I watch them that regularly, but across the years many of my talks have been reco... @Zeugs Not that I watch them that regularly, but across the years many of my talks have been …
: @onepict We have a situation now in Sweden where the leader of the far-right party is about to pu... @onepict We have a situation now in Sweden where the leader of the far-right party is about to …
: @onepict I've been toying with the idea of giving someone control over "me" for a f... @onepict I've been toying with the idea of giving someone control over "me" for a few …
: @onepict Agree about the uncanny valley. I see a lot of risks amongst the benefits. https://axbo... @onepict Agree about the uncanny valley. I see a lot of risks amongst the …
: @onepict They're also AI-generated. Including voices. Except one, where I uploaded my actual ... @onepict They're also AI-generated. Including voices. Except one, where I uploaded my actual …
: @ojala That's a really good and relevant observation. Thanks. @ojala That's a really good and relevant observation. Thanks.
: I have to say, I've generated a fair few number of videos of myself over the past weeks and i... I have to say, I've generated a fair few number of videos of myself over the past weeks and …
: I read the executive order on AI from the White House, wrote a summary and used an AI-powered vid... I read the executive order on AI from the White House, wrote a summary and used an AI-powered video …
: Weird experience today chatting with customer support for the newspaper I subscribe to. The perso... Weird experience today chatting with customer support for the newspaper I subscribe to. The person …
: @clive @mollyanglin Thanks Clive! It's funny, a friend of mine pointed this out exactly about... @clive @mollyanglin Thanks Clive! It's funny, a friend of mine pointed this out exactly about …
: @lisamelton Wow, I'm so glad to be able to read a story like this in these times. Thank you f... @lisamelton Wow, I'm so glad to be able to read a story like this in these times. Thank you for …
: @mollyanglin @clive Wow, that was bleak. But good writing. Thanks for sharing!
: @ianbicking Not my intent. I would love for these voices to talk more about the value they are ... @ianbicking Not my intent. I would love for these voices to talk more about the value they are …
: @rodet Definitely. I was just discussing backlogs in another forum around this topic. And this wo... @rodet Definitely. I was just discussing backlogs in another forum around this topic. And this works …
: @autiomaa Good example! I really can work so much faster if I do a poor job. Meanwhile, if I wor... @autiomaa Good example! I really can work so much faster if I do a poor job.Meanwhile, if I work …
: @autiomaa Exactly. In an organisation that works in silos one department can increase their outpu... @autiomaa Exactly. In an organisation that works in silos one department can increase their output, …
: If a person says that AI saves them 8 hours per week but they do not work less, their claim is th... If a person says that AI saves them 8 hours per week but they do not work less, their claim is that …
: This week my coffee mug takes on another appearance. It's the little things in life… #Hallow... This week my coffee mug takes on another appearance. It's the little things in life…#Halloween
: US White House expected to release an executive order on AI regulation tomorrow. It’s still uncl... US White House expected to release an executive order on AI regulation tomorrow.It’s still unclear …
: @hbuchel Wow, I feel this so much it hurts. Thank you for writing it!
: @ludens ”its not a bug, it’s proof of sentient life” 😁
: All these stories saying you are not enough. You are not learning fast enough. You are not using... All these stories sayingyou are not enough.You are not learning fast enough.You are not using the …
: Imagine a computer following its programming and its programmers getting away with calling unwant... Imagine a computer following its programming and its programmers getting away with calling unwanted …
: @alexanderdyas Exactly, it’s the Ouroboros.
: If our goal is a world reduced to stereotypes, generative AI is certainly an answer. Since nobod... If our goal is a world reduced to stereotypes, generative AI is certainly an answer.Since nobody …
: Gotta consider how you may be training AI tools for your job just by performing your everyday wor... Gotta consider how you may be training AI tools for your job just by performing your everyday …
: Don't s**t where you eat. The one adage they forgot to "teach" AI. https://www.wi... Don't s**t where you eat.The one adage they forgot to "teach" …
: @danhon Sorry. 😅 Although I’m so on board with that statement… @danhonSorry. 😅Although I’m so on board with that statement…
: @danhon You’re likely looking for something like Renderform. https://renderform.io/ You can lik... @danhonYou’re likely looking for something like Renderform.https://renderform.io/You can likely also …
: @Beantin I think that they are by some people intended to be two different aspects of controllin... @BeantinI think that they are by some people intended to be two different aspects of controlling and …
: Sound reflections from an illustrator on the topic of generative AI. "AI is existing as it&... Sound reflections from an illustrator on the topic of generative AI."AI is existing as it's …
: @Uva_Be I have experimented with most tools to get an idea of their workings. Both to test useful... @Uva_Be I have experimented with most tools to get an idea of their workings. Both to test …
: @starfrost Rather than generally biased (which I agree can be a bit of a misnomer as most content... @starfrost Rather than generally biased (which I agree can be a bit of a misnomer as most content …
: @starfrost For me it's a design decision to make use of biased data and unsupervised training... @starfrost For me it's a design decision to make use of biased data and unsupervised training in …
: @karlemilnikka Gissar att det är Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs om man sk... @karlemilnikka Gissar att det är Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs om man ska …
: @pawsplay I'm not sure I understand your question. The poster suggests what a hammer would be... @pawsplay I'm not sure I understand your question. The poster suggests what a hammer would be if …
: @fasterandworse I'm thinking now how it will become more relevant in the future to have a pol... @fasterandworse I'm thinking now how it will become more relevant in the future to have a policy …
: @fasterandworse Not at all! I'm 100% onboard with the lack of purpose being one of the most m... @fasterandworse Not at all! I'm 100% onboard with the lack of purpose being one of the most …
: @fasterandworse I agree, but what I am seeing is that a "fixed" ChatGPT is responding ... @fasterandworseI agree, but what I am seeing is that a "fixed" ChatGPT is responding to …
: @tante In my head at the time of writing was ChatGPT. :) I've written about Zoom before, an... @tanteIn my head at the time of writing was ChatGPT. :)I've written about Zoom before, and for …
: An oft-used strategy for ethically dubious products is to release something with a set of really ... An oft-used strategy for ethically dubious products is to release something with a set of really …
: Here's what happens when machine learning needs vast amounts of data to build statistical mod... Here's what happens when machine learning needs vast amounts of data to build statistical models …
: @tsvenson @beantin I’m not sure politicians and lawyers I meet for the first time will want to pu... @tsvenson @beantin I’m not sure politicians and lawyers I meet for the first time will want to put …
: @CassandraZeroCovid Thank you.
: New business cards. Haven't had any in a fair few years, but been at events lately where it m... New business cards. Haven't had any in a fair few years, but been at events lately where it …
: I don’t believe I’ve ever had time to “jump on a quick call”.
: Benefits and risks of synthetic video and audio. In this one-minute video I am speaking seven la... Benefits and risks of synthetic video and audio.In this one-minute video I am speaking seven …
: ”You’re naive, Per.” ”No. Naive is a construct. I choose love, kindness and compassion over surre... ”You’re naive, Per.””No. Naive is a construct. I choose love, kindness and compassion over …
: @skippingmoonrocks Thank you for sharing.
: @marcusosterberg Jag har en teori om hopplöshetens grepp. Nästan alla förstår klimatkrisens hoppl... @marcusosterberg Jag har en teori om hopplöshetens grepp. Nästan alla förstår klimatkrisens …
: Nope, I won't write an analysis of Andreessen's manifesto. Attention is what he craves. H... Nope, I won't write an analysis of Andreessen's manifesto. Attention is what he craves. …
: DN:s ledarredaktion träffade otäckt rätt idag. Allt känns surrealistiskt. Och ja det räcker nästa... DN:s ledarredaktion träffade otäckt rätt idag. Allt känns surrealistiskt. Och ja det räcker nästan …
: The idea appears to be to let computers exponentially proliferate some of the tasks they excel at... The idea appears to be to let computers exponentially proliferate some of the tasks they excel at: …
: Building machines to perform tasks we should have eliminated… Building machinesto perform taskswe should have eliminated…
: @april Haha, fair point. Though there aren’t many cars, or even places, without cameras anymore.
: We've really made things efficient for highway robbers if they can just put a traffic cone on... We've really made things efficient for highway robbers if they can just put a traffic cone on …
: Only humans can increase the number of methods and opportunities for communication exponentially,... Only humans can increase the number of methods and opportunities for communication exponentially, …
: Only humans can engage in increasing workplace efficiency for a century and end up working more.
: @Teucer Same, but at least they’re not powered up, like all the other useless data (photos and do... @Teucer Same, but at least they’re not powered up, like all the other useless data (photos and …
: @iamdavidobrien @gerrymcgovern I have. I actually met Gerry at UXLx in Lisbon many years back, ... @iamdavidobrien @gerrymcgovern I have. I actually met Gerry at UXLx in Lisbon many years back, when …
: I make a lot of short explainer videos with myself doing the voiceover. Sometimes – after the vid... I make a lot of short explainer videos with myself doing the voiceover. Sometimes – after the video …
: What the world needs is more content. In fact, you should be able to produce video at the speed o... What the world needs is more content. In fact, you should be able to produce video at the speed of …
: My audio recording and editing software is named Hindenburg and every time I open it my mind visu... My audio recording and editing software is named Hindenburg and every time I open it my mind …
: @immibis Never mind, I did a search. Thank you for this!
: @immibis I know you’re spot on with this comment, and it hurts. 😬 Hadn’t seen this phrase before ... @immibis I know you’re spot on with this comment, and it hurts. 😬 Hadn’t seen this phrase before …
: @aronambrosiani Tack. Otroligt nog upplever en inte obetydande del människor jag pratar med detta... @aronambrosiani Tack. Otroligt nog upplever en inte obetydande del människor jag pratar med detta …
: Was talking to @beantin about the “amazing” feat where ChatGPT passed the bar exam. We agreed tha... Was talking to @beantin about the “amazing” feat where ChatGPT passed the bar exam. We agreed that …
: @aronambrosiani Definitivt en kandidat, men jag känner personligen att vilseledande blir för lätt... @aronambrosiani Definitivt en kandidat, men jag känner personligen att vilseledande blir för …
: We need to differentiate between tech tools that I choose and control, and tools that someone els... We need to differentiate between tech tools that I choose and control, and tools that someone else …
: @jepdee Haha, lovely, thank you!!
: Lustigt nog används alltjämt begreppet “dark patterns” av personer som arbetar med digital design... Lustigt nog används alltjämt begreppet “dark patterns” av personer som arbetar med digital design i …
: The "science of cute”. 🐿️ I tend to question most things I see online. Today was no exceptio... The "science of cute”. 🐿️I tend to question most things I see online. Today was no exception. I …
: @geraldew 👍 Agree wholeheartedly.
: @Aakerbeere Thanks. Firefish is mentioned on the web page :) There are many services not in the... @AakerbeereThanks. Firefish is mentioned on the web page :)There are many services not in the …
: @geraldew Yes, and organisations can be proactive in collecting data from vulnerable/oft-ignored ... @geraldew Yes, and organisations can be proactive in collecting data from vulnerable/oft-ignored …
: @HistoPol Good reflections. As it turns out, on Tuesday I’m attending a course on AI and regulati... @HistoPol Good reflections. As it turns out, on Tuesday I’m attending a course on AI and regulation. …
: @HistoPol I believe this is a shift that can only happen with education and when becoming embedde... @HistoPol I believe this is a shift that can only happen with education and when becoming embedded …
: When you run a survey you are getting responses from people - who are made aware of the survey -... When you run a survey you are getting responses from people- who are made aware of the survey- who …
: @flyboy It's a reference to Bostrom's "thought experiment". https://duttonlaw.... @flyboy It's a reference to Bostrom's "thought …
: Another brilliant piece by @pluralistic « The AI sector is utterly dependent on criti-hype. The... Another brilliant piece by @pluralistic « The AI sector is utterly dependent on criti-hype. They are …
: @kolombiken Verkligen okej! Jättekul att du läser, lyssnar och ger feedback. Tack snälla! 🙏
: @andypiper @kubikpixel Yes, there are likely 50 projects not in this diagram – it was never int... @andypiper @kubikpixel Yes, there are likely 50 projects not in this diagram – it was never intended …
: @furicle I found this, but not the one you refer to. But thank you for referring me to his quotes... @furicle I found this, but not the one you refer to. But thank you for referring me to his quotes. …
: @danhon @trisweb Thank you for sharing this Dan. I actually haven’t seen it, so now it’s defini... @danhon @trisweb Thank you for sharing this Dan. I actually haven’t seen it, so now it’s definitely …
: Sometimes I wonder what would happen if love, rather than efficiency, was the primary driving for... Sometimes I wonder what would happen if love, rather than efficiency, was the primary driving force …
: Moving very fast in the wrong direction is not progress. Trying to catch up and hold on to somet... Moving very fast in the wrong direction is not progress.Trying to catch up and hold on to something …
: @DonnaLanclos @shelleyg I just read your “The Future” is Bullshit–talk, Donna, I love it!!
: @ShelleyG Thank you for those kind words of encouragement Shelley!
: I’m hoping a person who speaks at least English, French and German (or any other combination of t... I’m hoping a person who speaks at least English, French and German (or any other combination of the …
: @DrVeronikaCH Yay, awesome. 🙌
: In July I got a tip introducing me to the paper 'A Framework for Understanding Sources of Har... In July I got a tip introducing me to the paper 'A Framework for Understanding Sources of Harm …
: @ctietze I'm the same! In my case I'll likely pay up. I'm not entirely happy with the... @ctietze I'm the same! In my case I'll likely pay up. I'm not entirely happy with the …
: @jaranflaath This made me laugh. Thank you. 😁
: Pat Oxbow Pat Export Pat Ascbom Pat expl Paradox Bomb Pan Export Paradoxical Pathl Exbourne Afte... Pat OxbowPat ExportPat AscbomPat explParadox BombPan ExportParadoxicalPathl ExbourneAfter many years …
: @ctietze Oh no, this has been one of my favorite apps…
: Where did all the people suggesting you invest in NFT's go? 😂 If you remember who they are, ... Where did all the people suggesting you invest in NFT's go? 😂If you remember who they are, keep …
: @mlanger @jen4web I've likely seen that movie close to 40 times 😊 @mlanger @jen4web I've likely seen that movie close to 40 times 😊
: So much of digitalisation appears to be about creating a world where no human will ever to talk t... So much of digitalisation appears to be about creating a world where no human will ever to talk to …
: @Doug_Bostrom As in “Quick! You must invest in AI now!” 😊
: @argv_minus_one He was reprimanded and didn't really live out his life in riches. But yeah, I... @argv_minus_one He was reprimanded and didn't really live out his life in riches. But yeah, I …
: @Lawrie Excellent set of questions. Thank you!
: Today is Stanislav Petrov Day. It's a day when I take some time to reflect on the importance ... Today is Stanislav Petrov Day. It's a day when I take some time to reflect on the importance of …
: @Mabande Now I feel like a fool. That actually worked. When I tried logging in there was no such ... @Mabande Now I feel like a fool. That actually worked. When I tried logging in there was no such …
: Interesting account obstacle. I’m so smitten with the show Extraordinary Attorney Woo that I deci... Interesting account obstacle. I’m so smitten with the show Extraordinary Attorney Woo that I decided …
: Igår släppte jag ett nytt avsnitt av #Omtanke. Det var oerhört roligt att producera denna gång. E... Igår släppte jag ett nytt avsnitt av #Omtanke. Det var oerhört roligt att producera denna gång. …
: A backdoor can be meticulously documented, have limited access, include a variety of security mea... A backdoor can be meticulously documented, have limited access, include a variety of security …
: @edbro @khalid Det är lurigt för det har länge funnits en organisation med det namnet i lite olik... @edbro @khalid Det är lurigt för det har länge funnits en organisation med det namnet i lite olika …
: En bakdörr kan vara minutiöst dokumenterad, ha begränsad åtkomst, innefatta en rad säkerhetsmekan... En bakdörr kan vara minutiöst dokumenterad, ha begränsad åtkomst, innefatta en rad …
: @karlemilnikka "Johansson är inte ens pionjär på området, något hon själv borde veta. Det ha... @karlemilnikka "Johansson är inte ens pionjär på området, något hon själv borde veta. Det har …
: @edbro @khalid Jag har inte så mycket tankar om just tv, jag tittar oerhört sällan på SVT. Men r... @edbro @khalid Jag har inte så mycket tankar om just tv, jag tittar oerhört sällan på SVT. Men radio …
: @kallekn Jag hade lyssnat hela morgonen från Spanarna, genom Konflikt och kan nog mycket riktigt ... @kallekn Jag hade lyssnat hela morgonen från Spanarna, genom Konflikt och kan nog mycket riktigt …
: Alltså helvete vilken bra public service-radio vi har i Sverige ändå. Ville bara säga det. Alltså helvete vilken bra public service-radio vi har i Sverige ändå.Ville bara säga det.
: @sphakos Nice. Thank you for sharing. I was hoping it would be in the “opposite” direction, but n... @sphakos Nice. Thank you for sharing. I was hoping it would be in the “opposite” direction, but now …
: @Itty53 I feel like I’m just really curious about people and love hearing their reflections, as i... @Itty53 I feel like I’m just really curious about people and love hearing their reflections, as it’s …
: All those babies in memes that we have used for so many years now… I imagine there being a future... All those babies in memes that we have used for so many years now… I imagine there being a future …
: Touch. Connect. Hold. These words mean different things depending on who you are, where you are ... Touch. Connect. Hold.These words mean different things depending on who you are, where you are and …
: @joacim Tack. Nu kommer jag inte kunna se något annat heller… 🥴
: Det här med att våra svenska dagstidningar fortsätter använda och bekräfta gängkriminellas smekna... Det här med att våra svenska dagstidningar fortsätter använda och bekräfta gängkriminellas smeknamn …
: That mother-daughter scene at the end of episode 8 broke me… Somewhat blown away by how much I’... That mother-daughter scene at the end of episode 8 broke me… Somewhat blown away by how much I’m …
: @m @fiaewald Det här alltså, vars uppdrag förnyades i maj. 😁
: @m @fiaewald För säkerhets skull har deras blogg(?) inga datum för publicering heller. Klockrent.... @m @fiaewald För säkerhets skull har deras blogg(?) inga datum för publicering heller. Klockrent. …
: @fiaewald Man vad håller de på med… djup suck
: Why spend time criticising technology? Langdon Winner expresses this succinctly in the preface of... Why spend time criticising technology? Langdon Winner expresses this succinctly in the preface of …
: @ceracole Very much so. It appears to be in the works, but likely not ready for release until 202... @ceracole Very much so. It appears to be in the works, but likely not ready for release until …
: I can’t even begin to express how much I love Extraordinary Attorney Woo. https://en.wikipedia.o... I can’t even begin to express how much I love Extraordinary Attorney …
: @joacim Fattar. Jag bor ju själv typ i skogen vid en sjö numer även om jag har nära till stan. ... @joacim Fattar. Jag bor ju själv typ i skogen vid en sjö numer även om jag har nära till stan. Mark …
: Jag har inte lyssnat på riktigt alla, men jag tror mig ändå kunna kora min favorit av Sommar-prog... Jag har inte lyssnat på riktigt alla, men jag tror mig ändå kunna kora min favorit av …
: @joho Definitely. The abbreviation's meaning is constantly shifting… a moving target. @johoDefinitely. The abbreviation's meaning is constantly shifting… a moving target.
: Something tells me people are really enjoying talking about AI a lot more than using AI. 😁
: @ewen @jodiem I'm somewhat hoping there is a term to describe our behavior. I always feel b... @ewen @jodiem I'm somewhat hoping there is a term to describe our behavior. I always feel better …
: @drewdevault Yes, I've come to understand there is a murky background here... and it's pr... @drewdevault Yes, I've come to understand there is a murky background here… and it's …
: @David I also have deep interest in language but was definitely not as familiar with Sapir-Whorf ... @David I also have deep interest in language but was definitely not as familiar with Sapir-Whorf as …
: @SimonRoyHughes Good point. @SimonRoyHughes Good point.
: @David Thank you for taking the time for this! 🙏
: @David Yes, I should have been more clear in my own stance on this. I of course make no presumpti... @David Yes, I should have been more clear in my own stance on this. I of course make no presumption …
: @violanders Fantastisk!! Tack för att du delade. 🙏 @violanders Fantastisk!! Tack för att du delade. 🙏
: @ewen Thank you, that’s a really nice way of putting it 😊
: @elhult Excellent. I see how alienating could be an issue. For me it creates a deep interest in ... @elhultExcellent. I see how alienating could be an issue. For me it creates a deep interest in …
: When I scroll back through two decades of blogging I can discover having written and created some... When I scroll back through two decades of blogging I can discover having written and created some …
: "Do the languages we speak shape the way we think? Do they merely express thoughts, or do th... "Do the languages we speak shape the way we think? Do they merely express thoughts, or do the …
: @Loukas Ah, yes. This is of course true.
: @Loukas Yes, they say ”it gets worse before it gets better”. But they never say if that phrase ac... @Loukas Yes, they say ”it gets worse before it gets better”. But they never say if that phrase …
: People around me talking about ”co-existing” with AI. Meanwhile, human activities have caused the... People around me talking about ”co-existing” with AI. Meanwhile, human activities have caused the …
: @sidereal I’d say here in Sweden most of those protections are in place.
: Been talking to a fair few of my ethics class students (a vocational program to become a UX Desig... Been talking to a fair few of my ethics class students (a vocational program to become a UX …
: @liebach You are more than welcome to do just that 😁
: Thinking of changing my LinkedIn job title to "Luddite who loves technological progress.&quo... Thinking of changing my LinkedIn job title to "Luddite who loves technological …
: Every now and then I start thinking about all the data centers consuming huge amounts of energy w... Every now and then I start thinking about all the data centers consuming huge amounts of energy with …
: Water required by data centers is increasing considerably with the advent of generative AI. Large... Water required by data centers is increasing considerably with the advent of generative AI. Large …
: Some of you are wondering how the cars collect and share this if they have no internet connection... Some of you are wondering how the cars collect and share this if they have no internet connection. A …
: I did some further reading after sharing this, and it turns out that ”sexual activity” is actuall... I did some further reading after sharing this, and it turns out that ”sexual activity” is actually …
: First season done and I have to admit I absolutely love One Piece on Netflix. In my case I didn’t... First season done and I have to admit I absolutely love One Piece on Netflix. In my case I didn’t …
: ”The way of life can be free and beautiful, but we have lost the way. Greed has poisoned men’s so... ”The way of life can be free and beautiful, but we have lost the way. Greed has poisoned men’s …
: @Midgard Men herrejävlar vad illa!!! Och ljuger dessutom om att ha fått uppgifter av andra…
: @chromatic This is extra funny because I had this exact conversation with a friend I shared the s... @chromatic This is extra funny because I had this exact conversation with a friend I shared the …
: “According to Mozilla research, popular global brands — including BMW, Ford, Toyota, Tesla, Kia, ... “According to Mozilla research, popular global brands — including BMW, Ford, Toyota, Tesla, Kia, and …
: Hur försiktig är du när du ska skanna en QR-kod? I mitt senaste inlägg berättar jag om hur ett ho... Hur försiktig är du när du ska skanna en QR-kod? I mitt senaste inlägg berättar jag om hur ett …
: @fbaum Yeah, I presume you're thinking of a situation where people don't introduce themse... @fbaum Yeah, I presume you're thinking of a situation where people don't introduce …
: @thomkennon Of course. I'll likely write a longer-form post on my blog about it if you want t... @thomkennon Of course. I'll likely write a longer-form post on my blog about it if you want to …
: Heads up, because this will start happening more regularly in the next six months: If a person s... Heads up, because this will start happening more regularly in the next six months:If a person sends …
: I love writing and reflecting. Writing makes me happy. Reflecting helps me wrap my head around co... I love writing and reflecting.Writing makes me happy.Reflecting helps me wrap my head around …
: @stephenpa I do like playful names, and I’m intrigued but also a tad skeptical… would that be con... @stephenpa I do like playful names, and I’m intrigued but also a tad skeptical… would that be …
: @EFreethought Not a bad one. I'd add that to possible and plausible. But not preferable 😉 ... @EFreethought Not a bad one. I'd add that to possible and plausible. But not preferable …
: @c0n7ra @owlchemist @WideEyes Scraping from physical books is almost as easy now with immediate ... @c0n7ra @owlchemist @WideEyesScraping from physical books is almost as easy now with immediate OCR. …
: @owlchemist @WideEyes @c0n7ra Not sure anyone has to show evidence when OpenAI themselves openl... @owlchemist @WideEyes @c0n7ra Not sure anyone has to show evidence when OpenAI themselves openly …
: @SuperMoosie @nuncio Of course it is. I look forward to reading more about how this played out ... @SuperMoosie @nuncio Of course it is. I look forward to reading more about how this played out in …
: This post truly spiralled in an unexpected way and resonated with people. Quite a few taking it v... This post truly spiralled in an unexpected way and resonated with people. Quite a few taking it very …
: @nyx Fair. I believe we'll see many mannerisms of dealing with the fallout, and I believe muc... @nyx Fair. I believe we'll see many mannerisms of dealing with the fallout, and I believe much …
: I've been seeing the term "pretotype" and tried to understand why that was being us... I've been seeing the term "pretotype" and tried to understand why that was being used …
: @nuncio Haha, fair point. 😊 Though this made me think of banking systems still using the Cobol p... @nuncio Haha, fair point. 😊Though this made me think of banking systems still using the Cobol …
: @mjj @fngrlngpote Agree about this point. The amount of sh*t in the world will also escalate an... @mjj @fngrlngpote Agree about this point. The amount of sh*t in the world will also escalate and …
: @failedLyndonLaRouchite I believe the point here is that I of course have no knowledge of the f... @failedLyndonLaRouchite I believe the point here is that I of course have no knowledge of the …
: @grimalkina Beautiful writing. Beautiful story. Beautiful message. Thank you for writing this. I... @grimalkinaBeautiful writing. Beautiful story. Beautiful message. Thank you for writing this. …
: @stripey There's also the part where you are happy that people appreciate you and it feels e... @stripeyThere's also the part where you are happy that people appreciate you and it feels …
: @stripey And a fifteen-minute job that won't come undone in a week, but actually hold water ... @stripeyAnd a fifteen-minute job that won't come undone in a week, but actually hold water (pun …
: @Loukas @hakona @thomas_ekstrom I've understood knugen to be a way of making fun of his dysle... @Loukas @hakona @thomas_ekstrom I've understood knugen to be a way of making fun of his …
: I will be expecting Nobel Prize winners to boycott the award ceremony (on December 10) after the ... I will be expecting Nobel Prize winners to boycott the award ceremony (on December 10) after the …
: @fngrlngpote Yes, a possible timeline. Will depend on how costly the mistake is, and how quickly... @fngrlngpoteYes, a possible timeline. Will depend on how costly the mistake is, and how quickly …
: AI won't steal your job. A person using AI to fake your skills will. Then the AI will cause t... AI won't steal your job.A person using AI to fake your skills will.Then the AI will cause them …
: What if efficiency is the problem, not the solution?
: @Beantin Isn't it always the customer's fault when they fail to make sense of our enigma... @BeantinIsn't it always the customer's fault when they fail to make sense of our enigmatic …
: Vikten av att offentlig sektor och nationelll media återuppbygger förmågan att informera medborga... Vikten av att offentlig sektor och nationelll media återuppbygger förmågan att informera medborgare …
: If you’re curious about the work I do, I was recently interviewed by Rich Nadworny about my work ... If you’re curious about the work I do, I was recently interviewed by Rich Nadworny about my work on …
: p. 60 on cognitive science "Functionalism emerges, explicitly and in public, along with a n... p. 60 on cognitive science"Functionalism emerges, explicitly and in public, along with a new …
: p. 59 on functionalism ONE OF THE MOST striking developments in the cultural politics of mid-to-... p. 59 on functionalismONE OF THE MOST striking developments in the cultural politics of mid-to-late …
: Kind of related, this week the prime minister of Sweden gave a speech about AI. In the speech he ... Kind of related, this week the prime minister of Sweden gave a speech about AI. In the speech he …
: The articifial intelligentsia will consider that humans are needed to counter the harmful output ... The articifial intelligentsia will consider that humans are needed to counter the harmful output of …
: @continuation Very true. @continuationVery true.
: People with power making the proliferation of their own limited subset of ideas ever more efficie... People with power making the proliferation of their own limited subset of ideas ever more efficient. …
: @OneiricBotcelot @mateitudor @AntennaPod I am still attached to PocketCasts, but Antennapod loo... @OneiricBotcelot @mateitudor @AntennaPod I am still attached to PocketCasts, but Antennapod looks …
: @Androiders @Jeramee It's a fair question, as the usability of surfacing and sharing an RSS... @Androiders @Jeramee It's a fair question, as the usability of surfacing and sharing an RSS link …
: People by default linking to Spotify when they are sharing podcasts is making me a bit sad... Pl... People by default linking to Spotify when they are sharing podcasts is making me a bit …
: @brennacgray Great work! Thanks for sharing.
: Happy to share that UX Magazine just published my poster/article comparing a hammer to AI. After ... Happy to share that UX Magazine just published my poster/article comparing a hammer to AI. After 25 …
: @opsitive @samuel @owncast This makes sense. Thank you. I'm a novice server admin 😅 @opsitive @samuel @owncast This makes sense. Thank you. I'm a novice server admin 😅
: I'm sure this has been asked many times, but how are people password protecting their @owncas... I'm sure this has been asked many times, but how are people password protecting their @owncast …
: @mjj @interfluidity @signalapp I really need to do a writeup on this, but aware of the hurdles ... @mjj @interfluidity @signalapp I really need to do a writeup on this, but aware of the hurdles with …
: @samuel Actually THE Browser Company 😀 https://thebrowser.company/ I reacted to their latest ... @samuel Actually THE Browser Company 😀https://thebrowser.company/I reacted to their latest …
: If your primary source for announcing upcoming features and behind-the-scenes content is an X-Twi... If your primary source for announcing upcoming features and behind-the-scenes content is an …
: @mjj It's an interesting point. The way it works Signal doesn't store any information abo... @mjj It's an interesting point. The way it works Signal doesn't store any information about …
: I'm not as sympathetic to teachers worrying about AI-written assignments as I am to students ... I'm not as sympathetic to teachers worrying about AI-written assignments as I am to students …
: "Oh yeah, I really love this website!" Humans are fascinating when it comes to languag... "Oh yeah, I really love this website!"Humans are fascinating when it comes to language. …
: @Loukas Friend of a friend of the publisher? 😉 Do you find it surprising that this is published... @LoukasFriend of a friend of the publisher? 😉Do you find it surprising that this is published in …
: Judy Estrin is on fire in her op-ed for Time Magazine. “What is happening is not just a battle f... Judy Estrin is on fire in her op-ed for Time Magazine.“What is happening is not just a battle for …
: From my talk on AI and Human Rights in January of 2022… A tiny, tiny proportion of humanity (3 m... From my talk on AI and Human Rights in January of 2022…A tiny, tiny proportion of humanity (3 …
: @AnnemarieBridy Absolutely, and it’s positive that they strive for more. For me the dilemma sta... @AnnemarieBridyAbsolutely, and it’s positive that they strive for more.For me the dilemma starts …
: Innovation ≠ Progress Some innovation will improve lives. Some innovation will worsen lives. Som... Innovation ≠ ProgressSome innovation will improve lives.Some innovation will worsen lives.Some …
: @mjj 👏 @pernillet @mjj 👏@pernillet
: "Our data shows that a little more than half the sites on the web use English as their prima... "Our data shows that a little more than half the sites on the web use English as their primary …
: @carl Oerhört bra text Carl och snygg placering i tidningen! @kallekn Ja det var en sur miss av ... @carl Oerhört bra text Carl och snygg placering i tidningen!@kallekn Ja det var en sur miss av …
: At a café working on my Macbook and have my iPad set up to the right of my computer. I knew I cou... At a café working on my Macbook and have my iPad set up to the right of my computer. I knew I could …
: @eternaltyro That was a really good read! Thank you 🙏 Appreciated the nuclear vs solar narrative... @eternaltyro That was a really good read! Thank you 🙏Appreciated the nuclear vs solar narrative, …
: @chris Gah. I actually did not know that.
: @potato_lisper I agree, this is a disadvantage. But less of a dilemma in situations where everyon... @potato_lisper I agree, this is a disadvantage. But less of a dilemma in situations where everyone’s …
: If you are seriously considering new default software for video meetings, don’t discount Signal. ... If you are seriously considering new default software for video meetings, don’t discount …
: @0xSH00T Thanks 🙏 , this is definitely one of the organisations that are really appealing to me. ... @0xSH00T Thanks 🙏 , this is definitely one of the organisations that are really appealing to me.@eff
: I really want to work more with human rights in the digitalisation space. If you see any roles li... I really want to work more with human rights in the digitalisation space. If you see any roles like …
: Added to my reading list: The Courage of Compassion by Robin Steinberg "How would you like ... Added to my reading list: The Courage of Compassion by Robin Steinberg"How would you like to be …
: In 2020 I wrote this post on why I avoid using Zoom for meetings. In case you're not aware th... In 2020 I wrote this post on why I avoid using Zoom for meetings. In case you're not aware that …
: If you’ve ever wanted a one-page website for free, and the ability to connect your domain name to... If you’ve ever wanted a one-page website for free, and the ability to connect your domain name to …
: @jwleblan I wouldn't have it any other way 😊 @jwleblan I wouldn't have it any other way 😊
: @kolombiken Eller hur, det blir tydligt när man väl tänkt tanken. Nu tänker jag inte att någon m... @kolombikenEller hur, det blir tydligt när man väl tänkt tanken. Nu tänker jag inte att någon …
: @kolombiken Tack, bra påminnelse! 💚
: Pride-vecka. Du som är intresserad av historiken kring alla Pride-annonser från Försvarsmakten ka... Pride-vecka. Du som är intresserad av historiken kring alla Pride-annonser från Försvarsmakten kan …
: @JoWa Jag är inte där ännu. 😅 Har läst en tredjedel. Måste jobba mycket med min confirmation b... @JoWaJag är inte där ännu. 😅 Har läst en tredjedel. Måste jobba mycket med min confirmation bias så …
: @tsvenson Jag har inte följt honom tillräckligt länge för att veta hur han förändrats. Har mest s... @tsvenson Jag har inte följt honom tillräckligt länge för att veta hur han förändrats. Har mest sett …
: @tsvenson Väldigt bra att det här lyfts. Lägger några länkar här för den som vill fördjupa sig:... @tsvensonVäldigt bra att det här lyfts.Lägger några länkar här för den som vill fördjupa sig:Känd …
: This has now been fixed. Thank you @FloatingGhost ! https://meta.akkoma.dev/t/social-bbc-is-unre... This has now been fixed. Thank you @FloatingGhost …
: Just. Wow. I hadn't realised the new X sign on the Twitter building was blinking in a way th... Just. Wow.I hadn't realised the new X sign on the Twitter building was blinking in a way that …
: @JoWa Det var en riktigt bra lösning. Tack!
: @anders Yes, och lyssningsbar i podd eller SR-appen/webben redan nu. Jag väntar lite 😅 @anders Yes, och lyssningsbar i podd eller SR-appen/webben redan nu.Jag väntar lite 😅
: @mat Thanks Matthew. For some reason though they are using the very old version 1.2 of the diagra... @mat Thanks Matthew. For some reason though they are using the very old version 1.2 of the diagram. …
: @troed Haven't been able to check yet, but have heard from two others on Akkoma (+1 Friendic... @troedHaven't been able to check yet, but have heard from two others on Akkoma (+1 Friendica) …
: @joacim You can buy but you can never leave. @joacim You can buy but you can never leave.
: @JoWa Ja så blir det definitivt. Kommer nog bli en mindmap av det hela också… att rita lugnar mig. @JoWaJa så blir det definitivt. Kommer nog bli en mindmap av det hela också… att rita lugnar mig.
: Vet att jag måste lyssna på Max Tegmarks sommarprat eftersom så många kommer fråga mig om det. V... Vet att jag måste lyssna på Max Tegmarks sommarprat eftersom så många kommer fråga mig om det.Vet …
: @maz 👍 I do like that analogy.
: @simon Ha, I love this take.
: @mousey @JohanEmpa @BBCRD@social.bbc Thanks! I noticed they opted for an old version of the info... @mousey @JohanEmpa @BBCRD@social.bbcThanks! I noticed they opted for an old version of the …
: @jonathan Firefish is mentioned in the blog post under ”Applications not in the diagram” 😊 Ther... @jonathanFirefish is mentioned in the blog post under ”Applications not in the diagram” 😊There are …
: @snowracer Ah, now I see they are using a rather old version of the diagram, likely one they fou... @snowracerAh, now I see they are using a rather old version of the diagram, likely one they found on …
: @sl007 Yes, I tried that first. @sl007Yes, I tried that first.
: @snowracer Oh nice find! Yes, a mention in text – or even a link – would have been nice... but ... @snowracer Oh nice find! Yes, a mention in text – or even a link – would have been nice… but …
: @jt_rebelo It should. So that's why I'm thinking it will sort itself within days (or hour... @jt_rebelo It should. So that's why I'm thinking it will sort itself within days (or hours). …
: Interesting. I can't search and find @BBCRD@social.bbc on my Akkoma server to enable a follow... Interesting. I can't search and find @BBCRD@social.bbc on my Akkoma server to enable a follow. …
: @carl Jättebra! Älskar verkligen resonemanget hela vägen från "Det har över tid blivit norm... @carlJättebra! Älskar verkligen resonemanget hela vägen från "Det har över tid blivit …
: @kolombiken @dsp I do use Bear for all my notes but Obsidian is on my radar. Have been consider... @kolombiken @dsp I do use Bear for all my notes but Obsidian is on my radar. Have been considering …
: @carl Ur invånarperspektivet: – Prenumeration på egna villkor (ökad autonomi). – Inte beroende ... @carl Ur invånarperspektivet:– Prenumeration på egna villkor (ökad autonomi).– Inte beroende av …
: Data Privacy and Consumer Protection Practices of Automated Mental Health, Wellbeing and Mindfuln... Data Privacy and Consumer Protection Practices of Automated Mental Health, Wellbeing and Mindfulness …
: I'm confident that in the future it will be incomprehensible how elected politicians and gove... I'm confident that in the future it will be incomprehensible how elected politicians and …
: @CptSuperlative Ha. Spot on.
: ”If words can mean anything, how do you protect consumers? Should it really be called AI at all,... ”If words can mean anything, how do you protect consumers?Should it really be called AI at all, what …
: What happens when an organization's employees enter sensitive information into ChatGPT and fo... What happens when an organization's employees enter sensitive information into ChatGPT and …
: @samuel I found this one when I wrote my post about online resilience: https://www.freehosting.... @samuel I found this one when I wrote my post about online …
: The US military uses .mil as their top-level domain name. But when you mistype that as .ml, e-mai... The US military uses .mil as their top-level domain name. But when you mistype that as .ml, e-mails …
: @pauldaoust 👍 There is also the water issue (just came across this article) https://www.bloomber... @pauldaoust 👍 There is also the water issue (just came across this …
: @jay Here’s what it looks like when I set language to Swedish in a dropdown, in the Akkoma compos... @jay Here’s what it looks like when I set language to Swedish in a dropdown, in the Akkoma compose …
: What can you REMOVE from your life to improve your wellbeing?
: @jay Yes, I can set a ”lang” parameter to Swedish, which I always try to remember to do when I po... @jay Yes, I can set a ”lang” parameter to Swedish, which I always try to remember to do when I post …
: @ocean That is my understanding. This is also what @feditips writes: ”Hashtag following is te... @ocean That is my understanding.This is also what @feditips writes:”Hashtag following is technically …
: @ocean You will inevitably see only hashtagged toots that your instance is aware of. So there wil... @ocean You will inevitably see only hashtagged toots that your instance is aware of. So there will …
: Användbar lista med tips på människor att följa för sig som är ny på Mastodon eller letar nya int... Användbar lista med tips på människor att följa för sig som är ny på Mastodon eller letar nya …
: @pastajensen Yeah, I left a year ago and for a while auto-posted some of my blog posts there an... @pastajensen Yeah, I left a year ago and for a while auto-posted some of my blog posts there and …
: @sintrenton Definitely. I hope more people will come to realise this. For the sake of their own w... @sintrenton Definitely. I hope more people will come to realise this. For the sake of their own …
: @sintrenton Agreed. I put up my Twitter archive on my own domain though, so I can reference old ... @sintrentonAgreed. I put up my Twitter archive on my own domain though, so I can reference old …
: @sleepybisexual Akkoma. @sleepybisexual Akkoma.
: Your friendly reminder to download your Twitter (X) archive as long as it's still possible. (... Your friendly reminder to download your Twitter (X) archive as long as it's still possible. (And …
: @tanepiper There is a logic to links in comments getting more engagement as you are forcing peo... @tanepiper There is a logic to links in comments getting more engagement as you are forcing people …
: @weiming I’m not even sure it really exists! Hootsuite ran an experiment a few years back and thi... @weiming I’m not even sure it really exists! Hootsuite ran an experiment a few years back and this …
: For years, people have been getting and heeding the advice of adding links to comments on LinkedI... For years, people have been getting and heeding the advice of adding links to comments on LinkedIn, …
: @AasaMariaHedberg Det är Jennifer Lyn Parsons: https://bio.link/pixelpaperyarn Gillar den ocks... @AasaMariaHedberg Det är Jennifer Lyn Parsons: https://bio.link/pixelpaperyarnGillar den …
: Excellent take on FSD (Full Self-Driving as marketed by Tesla, which of course is neither full or... Excellent take on FSD (Full Self-Driving as marketed by Tesla, which of course is neither full or …
: @dinkompismia @LeoR1010 Tack för era reflektioner. Ni är båda personer som får mig att stanna u... @dinkompismia @LeoR1010 Tack för era reflektioner. Ni är båda personer som får mig att stanna upp …
: The Deutsche Telekom video reminding parents not to share photos of their child on social media i... The Deutsche Telekom video reminding parents not to share photos of their child on social media is …
: If there is a word for it at least I know I'm not the only one. 😊. Hello all my fellow hurkle... If there is a word for it at least I know I'm not the only one. 😊. Hello all my fellow …
: The reason I recommend @duckduckgo as your default search engine is not only about privacy. Did ... The reason I recommend @duckduckgo as your default search engine is not only about privacy.Did you …
: @potungthul Thanks. Yes, I have been working with digital accessibility for 20 years now. It&#39... @potungthulThanks. Yes, I have been working with digital accessibility for 20 years now. It's …
: «Automation often unfolds in unexpected ways. Erik Duhaime, CEO of medical-data-annotation compan... «Automation often unfolds in unexpected ways. Erik Duhaime, CEO of medical-data-annotation company …
: @mensrea This is so good it actually is painful to read. @mensreaThis is so good it actually is painful to read.
: My favorite humoristic take on design controlled by clients is "Designing the Stop Sign&quot... My favorite humoristic take on design controlled by clients is "Designing the Stop Sign". …
: ”And Mr. Hunt, the next time you go on holiday, please be good enough to let us know where you&#3... ”And Mr. Hunt, the next time you go on holiday, please be good enough to let us know where …
: #SV – Vad gjorde du första dagen på semestern Per? – Jag skrev replik på en debattartikel i SvD.... #SV– Vad gjorde du första dagen på semestern Per?– Jag skrev replik på en debattartikel i SvD.– Om …
: The way I can actually edit my posts here, change wording, add links, update images, etceteras, p... The way I can actually edit my posts here, change wording, add links, update images, etceteras, puts …
: @pauldaoust To be fair that is more of an intentionally provocative number, as OpenAI won't ... @pauldaoustTo be fair that is more of an intentionally provocative number, as OpenAI won't …
: @Cleopatra I understand what you mean, with a caveat: how would you use it without harming those... @CleopatraI understand what you mean, with a caveat: how would you use it without harming those who …
: @brooklynman From having to think… 😬
: The EU AI Act addresses high-risk AI. Consider an AI that assists someone who is visually impair... The EU AI Act addresses high-risk AI.Consider an AI that assists someone who is visually impaired by …
: @discoursology Excellent. 🙌 @weblearning @discoursologyExcellent. 🙌@weblearning
: @brooklynman Yeah I agree with your point. I’d say my main concern is that the statement itself ... @brooklynmanYeah I agree with your point. I’d say my main concern is that the statement itself …
: Considering how the technocratic belief that AI will save us all is related to a defense mechanis... Considering how the technocratic belief that AI will save us all is related to a defense mechanism …
: @rm4 Thanks, yeah Soapbox is mentioned and linked in the blog post. There are quite a few that a... @rm4Thanks, yeah Soapbox is mentioned and linked in the blog post. There are quite a few that …
: @samuel @konstellationen Skriver ju mycket om digital etik och ansvarsfull innovation. Dock 85%... @samuel @konstellationen Skriver ju mycket om digital etik och ansvarsfull innovation. Dock 85% på …
: The way that you delete your Threads account is that you also delete your Instagram account. Quit... The way that you delete your Threads account is that you also delete your Instagram account. Quite …
: @zleap @john Has Meta confirmed that Threads will actually federate? According to reports I&#39... @zleap @john Has Meta confirmed that Threads will actually federate? According to reports I've …
: Trying to figure out if my phone has made me forget more things than it has helped me remember… ... Trying to figure out if my phone has made me forget more things than it has helped me remember…Hold …
: @iamlayer8 @vincent @emilymbender +1 for Pocket Casts. I also use filters to group different po... @iamlayer8 @vincent @emilymbender +1 for Pocket Casts. I also use filters to group different …
: How harmful does something need to be for people to stop using it? How much do you yourself need ... How harmful does something need to be for people to stop using it? How much do you yourself need to …
: If you speak French, here is a podcast episode taking you through the different topics in the ham... If you speak French, here is a podcast episode taking you through the different topics in the hammer …
: This is a great walkthrough of the ways generative AI is stealing (and storing!) content. And pla... This is a great walkthrough of the ways generative AI is stealing (and storing!) content. And …
: Your regular reminder that tech should work FOR YOU, sure, but *also* not against those who are a... Your regular reminder that tech should work FOR YOU, sure, but also not against those who are …
: Some tasks that are being handed over to AIs should never have been tasks in the first place. But... Some tasks that are being handed over to AIs should never have been tasks in the first place. But …
: En del svårsmälta sommarprat hittills... Av de fem jag lyssnat på hittills gillar jag Jessie Som... En del svårsmälta sommarprat hittills…Av de fem jag lyssnat på hittills gillar jag Jessie …
: FYI. If you have a micro.blog account you can import your Twitter archive there, giving you onlin... FYI. If you have a micro.blog account you can import your Twitter archive there, giving you online …
: @m I've been using Raindrop for a few years now. Absolutely love it. It's also how I sha... @m I've been using Raindrop for a few years now. Absolutely love it.It's also how I share my …
: @m Exactly. I know this is a sensitive topic in the design industry, but as I’ve always coded I ... @mExactly. I know this is a sensitive topic in the design industry, but as I’ve always coded I know …
: @simeon This is fair. I think I'm mostly concerned about how much effort is put into high fid... @simeon This is fair. I think I'm mostly concerned about how much effort is put into high …
: As I'm reading about the ever-increasing complexity and feature-set of Figma I can't help... As I'm reading about the ever-increasing complexity and feature-set of Figma I can't help …
: Updated the "If a hammer was like AI"-poster with a better font and some tweaks to topi... Updated the "If a hammer was like AI"-poster with a better font and some tweaks to topic …
: @steveportigal Oh wow I had no idea they were shutting down.
: @ikt Yeah, sorry about that. I honestly have a hard time writing about stuff like this but I fee... @iktYeah, sorry about that. I honestly have a hard time writing about stuff like this but I feel …
: Just published: Deepfake porn using any person on Instagram When we can no longer control where ... Just published: Deepfake porn using any person on InstagramWhen we can no longer control where our …
: @hperrin Unibox is kinda like this. I used it for a while and really liked it. Can’t remember no... @hperrinUnibox is kinda like this. I used it for a while and really liked it. Can’t remember now why …
: @fasterandworse Thank you! I've honestly been bad at recognising this and bringing attention... @fasterandworseThank you! I've honestly been bad at recognising this and bringing attention to …
: Regarding Data / Privacy breaches There are several ways personal data makes its way into the AI... Regarding Data / Privacy breachesThere are several ways personal data makes its way into the AI …
: Regarding Content moderator trauma. In order for us to avoid seeing traumatitizing content when ... Regarding Content moderator trauma.In order for us to avoid seeing traumatitizing content when using …
: Regarding Bias and injustice. One inherent property of AI is its ability to act as an accelerato... Regarding Bias and injustice.One inherent property of AI is its ability to act as an accelerator of …
: Regarding Invisible decision-making. The more complex the algorithms become, the harder they are... Regarding Invisible decision-making.The more complex the algorithms become, the harder they are to …
: Regarding Power concentration. When power is with a few, their own needs and concerns will natur... Regarding Power concentration.When power is with a few, their own needs and concerns will naturally …
: I'll add clarifications regarding some of the topics to this thread. 👇 Regarding Monoculture... I'll add clarifications regarding some of the topics to this thread. 👇Regarding …
: @shimriez I can not see who you are conversing with (likely a limit in place) but it is far from... @shimriezI can not see who you are conversing with (likely a limit in place) but it is far from my …
: @fasterandworse Ah, no. Thanks, added to my playlist. @tante @fasterandworse Ah, no. Thanks, added to my playlist.@tante
: @fasterandworse Oh excellent. Make sure to ping me when you're done. @tante @fasterandworse Oh excellent. Make sure to ping me when you're done.@tante
: @fasterandworse Haha, you might enjoy my "review" of Hooked: https://axbom.com/nir-eya... @fasterandworseHaha, you might enjoy my "review" of …
: Poster: If a hammer was like AI. #AiEthics Poster: If a hammer was like AI.#AiEthics
: A common argument I come across when talking about ethics in AI is that it's just a tool, and... A common argument I come across when talking about ethics in AI is that it's just a tool, and …
: @samuel Bra text! "Att värna sin personliga integritet är alltså något som anses vara misst... @samuelBra text! "Att värna sin personliga integritet är alltså något som anses vara …
: This year I have been consulting, teaching and… studenting 😁 I haven't been very vocal about... This year I have been consulting, teaching and… studenting 😁I haven't been very vocal about it …
: The law of the letter: Every 48 hours a tech oligarch wakes up and wonders what letter they may w... The law of the letter: Every 48 hours a tech oligarch wakes up and wonders what letter they may want …
: Nu finns Elementen inom AI-etik på svenska. https://axbom.se/aielementen/ #AIEtik #DigitalEtik Nu finns Elementen inom AI-etik på svenska.https://axbom.se/aielementen/#AIEtik #DigitalEtik
: I was looking through a list of superhero jokes and this one caught my eye: "Which is Thor’... I was looking through a list of superhero jokes and this one caught my eye:"Which is Thor’s …
: If you have a newsletter attached to your service, you would increase the likelihood of me signin... If you have a newsletter attached to your service, you would increase the likelihood of me signing …
: @elbowspeak Thank you )oshua.
: @Mabande That one I hadn't read, though I read several similar ones in 2017. Thank you for ... @Mabande That one I hadn't read, though I read several similar ones in 2017. Thank you for …
: In The Elements of AI Ethics I talk about content moderator trauma. But I don't think people ... In The Elements of AI Ethics I talk about content moderator trauma. But I don't think people …
: @arpcomics Agree. My worries are primarily about the klout that the person has and how they are... @arpcomics Agree. My worries are primarily about the klout that the person has and how they are …
: Oh, and of course I accidentally read his latest post talking about whether metaverse or AI is be... Oh, and of course I accidentally read his latest post talking about whether metaverse or AI is …
: There's this "UX pioneer" who is so obsessed with IQ it's quite alarming and ma... There's this "UX pioneer" who is so obsessed with IQ it's quite alarming and …
: I wrote this free e-book 10 years ago about the AceAwe experience model and my approach to UX des... I wrote this free e-book 10 years ago about the AceAwe experience model and my approach to UX …
: Remember when Zuckerberg bet a boatload of money on the metaverse as the next big thing and even ... Remember when Zuckerberg bet a boatload of money on the metaverse as the next big thing and even …
: In one timeline I imagine future alien archeologists concluding that the human race built a techn... In one timeline I imagine future alien archeologists concluding that the human race built a …
: @kolombiken Oh wow, that one was new to me.
: @lennart A very human reaction. 😊 @lennartA very human reaction. 😊
: @m > How do we know it isn't an AI that is doing the debunking? Mmm? Mmm? I was hoping s... @m> How do we know it isn't an AI that is doing the debunking? Mmm? Mmm?I was hoping someone …
: @uastronomer That is disheartening. @arush @uastronomerThat is disheartening.@arush
: Saw many toots and posts the other day referencing the drone that killed its human operator. In a... Saw many toots and posts the other day referencing the drone that killed its human operator. In a …
: @chendricks Thank you Christina. 🙏 @chendricksThank you Christina. 🙏
: @dinkompismia @m Helt fast i detta tänk nu. 😬 Känner att jag vill läsa en bok om hur sekter ska... @dinkompismia @m Helt fast i detta tänk nu. 😬 Känner att jag vill läsa en bok om hur sekter skapas. …
: @dinkompismia Även ”hehetsbild” måste förstås ifrågasättas. Så många felaktiga föreställningar i... @dinkompismiaÄven ”hehetsbild” måste förstås ifrågasättas. Så många felaktiga föreställningar i allt …
: @dinkompismia Det är nog det där som skrämmer mig mest. Att så många tror att maskinerna på någo... @dinkompismiaDet är nog det där som skrämmer mig mest. Att så många tror att maskinerna på något …
: @dinkompismia Ja jag blir mer och mer intresserad av att kartlägga alla värderingar, förmågor och... @dinkompismia Ja jag blir mer och mer intresserad av att kartlägga alla värderingar, förmågor och …
: While a misleading narrative of doom is being widely pushed, I want to contribute to bringing att... While a misleading narrative of doom is being widely pushed, I want to contribute to bringing …
: I have developed this communication model as a guide for conversations and strategic work aimed a... I have developed this communication model as a guide for conversations and strategic work aimed at …
: Altman to the senate two weeks ago: AI needs regulation and you should let me decide what that me... Altman to the senate two weeks ago: AI needs regulation and you should let me decide what that …
: People adding links to what they want to share in their comments rather than in the main post is ... People adding links to what they want to share in their comments rather than in the main post is a …
: @kolombiken Thank you! So glad you enjoy them. 🙏 And completely understand about the time it may... @kolombiken Thank you! So glad you enjoy them. 🙏And completely understand about the time it may take …
: @sintrenton Very cool! Thank you for introducing me to this.
: @isotopp I've done the same since. a few years but feel it's helping less and less. I bel... @isotopp I've done the same since. a few years but feel it's helping less and less. I …
: It's time for a reminder that I maintain an open list of links to articles, research and inte... It's time for a reminder that I maintain an open list of links to articles, research and …
: @lebout2canap 👍 Do you keep one in your pocket, or several in different places for easy access? @lebout2canap 👍 Do you keep one in your pocket, or several in different places for easy access?
: 1) Get an idea. 2) Open phone to note down idea. 3) Get distracted by a notification or app. 4) S... 1) Get an idea.2) Open phone to note down idea.3) Get distracted by a notification or app.4) Spend …
: My take: Any research saying that ChatGPT provides more empathetic responses to vulnerable patien... My take: Any research saying that ChatGPT provides more empathetic responses to vulnerable patients …
: @Beantin Great storytelling! 😁 @markhurst @Beantin Great storytelling! 😁@markhurst
: @markhurst Great post. I agree all the way. @markhurstGreat post. I agree all the way.
: @BjornToftMadsen Very good catch. Thank you! 🙏 @BjornToftMadsen Very good catch. Thank you! 🙏
: @Merovius 😁 Sorry. Bear in mind that this was an example and it is the full impression of the tex... @Merovius 😁 Sorry. Bear in mind that this was an example and it is the full impression of the text …
: @Beantin @brad_frost Here's when we booked that interview 😁 https://twitter.com/beantin/st... @Beantin @brad_frost Here's when we booked that interview …
: Will be in Lisbon next week doing interviews with @Beantin for @uxpodcast at #UXLx. Just a heads... Will be in Lisbon next week doing interviews with @Beantin for @uxpodcast at #UXLx.Just a heads up …
: @modulux Is it still an aqueduct when the days fall like this year (Wednesday and Friday)? You c... @moduluxIs it still an aqueduct when the days fall like this year (Wednesday and Friday)? You can …
: @MaierAmsden Good counterpoint. While Mark Mason takes a stance about "good" in his a... @MaierAmsden Good counterpoint. While Mark Mason takes a stance about "good" in his …
: @modulux The aqueduct!! That is brilliant 😁
: In Sweden we're in a period of a fair number of squeeze days. "Squeeze day? What is Per... In Sweden we're in a period of a fair number of squeeze days."Squeeze day? What is Per on …
: @edendestroyer Totally. Interestingly we saw this on a huge scale with that open letter on pausi... @edendestroyerTotally. Interestingly we saw this on a huge scale with that open letter on pausing …
: @edendestroyer His book (The subtle art...) did receive accolades for challenging what a self-h... @edendestroyerHis book (The subtle art…) did receive accolades for challenging what a …
: Något som det skrivs om väldigt lite men som är ett växande problem med allt billigare AI-verktyg... Något som det skrivs om väldigt lite men som är ett växande problem med allt billigare AI-verktyg är …
: Good reminder of how it's often a small number of people who manage to ruin the wellbeing of ... Good reminder of how it's often a small number of people who manage to ruin the wellbeing of …
: AI will save the world. Yet the glorified chatbot can’t even live up to the most basic accessibil... AI will save the world. Yet the glorified chatbot can’t even live up to the most basic accessibility …
: I subscribe to a photo/image assets library, and I’m starting to recognise that a lot of hits on ... I subscribe to a photo/image assets library, and I’m starting to recognise that a lot of hits on …
: @ScotHomestead Your last sentence resonates with me a lot. I think I've imagined my work li... @ScotHomestead Your last sentence resonates with me a lot. I think I've imagined my work life …
: Follow your dreams, they say. But what if you can benefit from giving up on your dream? This art... Follow your dreams, they say. But what if you can benefit from giving up on your dream?This article …
: @kashhill So bizarre to see this happening all around. My latest post is about exactly this, misa... @kashhill So bizarre to see this happening all around. My latest post is about exactly this, …
: What is lost in the race to efficiency. Making only one cog in your machine more efficient will ... What is lost in the race to efficiency.Making only one cog in your machine more efficient will put …
: @joacim All styrka åt dig! @joacim All styrka åt dig!
: Fick feeling och satte på Robert Brobergs Målarock och skriker nu "Om kärleken var statsmini... Fick feeling och satte på Robert Brobergs Målarock och skriker nu "Om kärleken var …
: James @Beantin and I have been going to UXLx somewhat regularly since 2011. First time in a long ... James @Beantin and I have been going to UXLx somewhat regularly since 2011. First time in a long …
: @LeoR1010 Ja! Det är lika förvånande varje år (av någon anledning) hur mycket bättre jag kan må ... @LeoR1010Ja! Det är lika förvånande varje år (av någon anledning) hur mycket bättre jag kan må bara …
: @mviktoro Thank you for saying so, Monika. Always makes happy. 🙏
: @cfiesler Here is my finished blog post. I added a link to the output you got at the end :) ht... @cfiesler Here is my finished blog post. I added a link to the output you got at the end …
: So the post I was originally working on at the start of this thread, where Alice in Wonderland wa... So the post I was originally working on at the start of this thread, where Alice in Wonderland was …
: @CassandraZeroCovid I didn't realise I had. I have written many posts critiquing the danger... @CassandraZeroCovid I didn't realise I had. I have written many posts critiquing the danger of …
: @strypey Fixed now. Don't know how that happened, I'm usually very meticulous about this... @strypeyFixed now. Don't know how that happened, I'm usually very meticulous about this as …
: @strypey Thank you! I will fix asap. @deadsuperhero @strypey Thank you! I will fix asap.@deadsuperhero
: @givemefoxes It's true. I've made a clip from that movie, with the quote, in the blog p... @givemefoxes It's true. I've made a clip from that movie, with the quote, in the blog post …
: @cfiesler Exactly. I was aware it wasn't in the Alice book when I started asking but was blow... @cfiesler Exactly. I was aware it wasn't in the Alice book when I started asking but was blown …
: I went as far as I could with ChatGPT trying to track down that Alice in Wonderland quote. It fin... I went as far as I could with ChatGPT trying to track down that Alice in Wonderland quote. It …
: @ChrisJKelly Thank you!!! 🙌 This was my first time down a "literal rabbit hole". 🐇 @ChrisJKelly Thank you!!! 🙌This was my first time down a "literal rabbit hole". 🐇
: And oh my. Of course it struck me to see what would happen if ChatGPT was used to find this quote... And oh my. Of course it struck me to see what would happen if ChatGPT was used to find this quote …
: In a blog post about ChatGPT I wanted to use the quote "It would be so nice if something wou... In a blog post about ChatGPT I wanted to use the quote "It would be so nice if something would …
: @LeoR1010 @m Det här blev en intressant morgon. Sitter nu och testar webbläsare. Hade missat at... @LeoR1010 @m Det här blev en intressant morgon. Sitter nu och testar webbläsare. Hade missat att …
: @m @LeoR1010 Bra insikt, tack. Just när det gäller webbläsare har jag svårt att hitta någon som... @m @LeoR1010 Bra insikt, tack. Just när det gäller webbläsare har jag svårt att hitta någon som inte …
: @LeoR1010 Har du provat Brave? https://brave.com/ @LeoR1010Har du provat Brave?https://brave.com/
: @fyrfli Yes, it would appear populist homophobia has kept many politicians in power. https://www... @fyrfli Yes, it would appear populist homophobia has kept many politicians in …
: ”By donning a second-hand hat, a 74-year-old man is about to become monarch of a small island kin... ”By donning a second-hand hat, a 74-year-old man is about to become monarch of a small island …
: @troed Or run in parallell for a while to evaluate 😊
: Why I love Akkoma. People are asking more often why I prefer Akkoma over Mastodon, so here is a l... Why I love Akkoma. People are asking more often why I prefer Akkoma over Mastodon, so here is a …
: @weirdwriter Absolutely epic storytelling Robert. Thank you for the laugh. And also just that in... @weirdwriterAbsolutely epic storytelling Robert. Thank you for the laugh. And also just that insight …
: @ojala Akkoma is just a much better piece of software in many ways. It started with me caring abo... @ojala Akkoma is just a much better piece of software in many ways. It started with me caring about …
: @ojala Ah thanks! I always forget that Mastodon and Akkoma don't play well together with hash... @ojala Ah thanks! I always forget that Mastodon and Akkoma don't play well together with …
: Oh, so you've been producing online content for a quarter of a century? Yeah we sucked up tha... Oh, so you've been producing online content for a quarter of a century? Yeah we sucked up that …
: Technology is improving. Technology is becoming cheaper. The porn industry is growing in all mann... Technology is improving. Technology is becoming cheaper. The porn industry is growing in all …
: Daniel Motaung's battles against Meta should be made into a movie. And here is some awesome n... Daniel Motaung's battles against Meta should be made into a movie. And here is some awesome …
: So yeah I get the sentiment of protecting protestors from identification, but they did not think ... So yeah I get the sentiment of protecting protestors from identification, but they did not think …
: It always bothered me that ”Evil genius” is never considered to be an oxymoron. The phrase says ... It always bothered me that ”Evil genius” is never considered to be an oxymoron.The phrase says a lot …
: Is me. #AIHype #AIParanoia Is me.#AIHype #AIParanoia
: Somewhere in Silicon Valley there is a playbook that says to launch your product with some glarin... Somewhere in Silicon Valley there is a playbook that says to launch your product with some glaring …
: Efficient. Inefficient. Fast. Slow. These are not competing concepts. We are always in a dance ... Efficient.Inefficient.Fast.Slow.These are not competing concepts. We are always in a dance involving …
: @complexical Thank you Rachel! I agree many of us are aware but that we also tend to forget to r... @complexicalThank you Rachel! I agree many of us are aware but that we also tend to forget to …
: @petermedvind Hej Péter, brukar inte vara så här påflugen men när jag ser någon jobba med litter... @petermedvindHej Péter, brukar inte vara så här påflugen men när jag ser någon jobba med litterär …
: Had an idea and am now working on a Communication Model for Algorithm-Reinforced Feedback in Digi... Had an idea and am now working on a Communication Model for Algorithm-Reinforced Feedback in Digital …
: I love reading The Continent. I highly recommend it for perspectives from African journalists. Yo... I love reading The Continent. I highly recommend it for perspectives from African journalists. You …
: p. 54 on equating brains with computers « This moment of ferment gives birth not just to cogniti... p. 54 on equating brains with computers« This moment of ferment gives birth not just to cognitive …
: p. 48 on iterability (important to understanding constraints of large language models) « After a... p. 48 on iterability (important to understanding constraints of large language models)« After all, …
: p. 43 on the bias toward English « The early generativists did not merely display a bias toward ... p. 43 on the bias toward English« The early generativists did not merely display a bias toward …
: p. 43 on erasing culture and disempowered communities « To some linguists, the Chomskyan revolut... p. 43 on erasing culture and disempowered communities« To some linguists, the Chomskyan revolution …
: p. 41 on obsession with automating language "The promise of a theory of language that could... p. 41 on obsession with automating language"The promise of a theory of language that could …
: I feel like I may have started developing an allergy to ChatGPT-generated texts. They're mos... I feel like I may have started developing an allergy to ChatGPT-generated texts.They're most …
: ChatGPT är tränad på en stor mängd fördomsfull data, vet inte vad sanning är och kan garanterat i... ChatGPT är tränad på en stor mängd fördomsfull data, vet inte vad sanning är och kan garanterat inte …
: @sintrenton I've tried BigBlueButton a couple of times but found it a bit cumbersome and bl... @sintrenton I've tried BigBlueButton a couple of times but found it a bit cumbersome and bloated …
: What are you all using for online meetings and teaching in terms of video service? In line with a... What are you all using for online meetings and teaching in terms of video service? In line with …
: Thinking of some ways digitalisation has been causing problems in the workplace over the past dec... Thinking of some ways digitalisation has been causing problems in the workplace over the past …
: In the latest episode of Carefully – about voice clones – I had a clone for my voice do a part of... In the latest episode of Carefully – about voice clones – I had a clone for my voice do a part of …
: @drgroftehauge Wow, I had no idea! @folfdk @drgroftehauge Wow, I had no idea!@folfdk
: @drgroftehauge @folfdk Fair and valid point. The tool truesize.com only allows me to drag one c... @drgroftehauge @folfdk Fair and valid point. The tool truesize.com only allows me to drag one …
: @tb Thanks, yes there are so many aspect to this to explore further. Had I been back at universi... @tbThanks, yes there are so many aspect to this to explore further. Had I been back at university I …
: Here's an interesting article from 2015 regarding this phenomenon, the replication crisis: S... Here's an interesting article from 2015 regarding this phenomenon, the replication …
: "What does the research say?" When people repeatedly ask this it seems they are asking... "What does the research say?"When people repeatedly ask this it seems they are asking …
: There is a missed opportunity for many media outlets when an African country is in the news. That... There is a missed opportunity for many media outlets when an African country is in the news. That …
: @abebab Yes! I already find myself thinking I notice auto-generated posts on LinkedIn. That conce... @abebab Yes! I already find myself thinking I notice auto-generated posts on LinkedIn. That concern …
: @hannesbajohr Love this. Image description: "A computer can never be held accountable. Th... @hannesbajohr Love this.Image description: "A computer can never be held accountable. Therefore …
: @warandpeas Proofreading the landing page, there's one too many "in" in this sente... @warandpeasProofreading the landing page, there's one too many "in" in this …
: @dinkompismia Oerhörd igenkänning på detta. Har även väldigt svårt för telefonsamtal som avbryte... @dinkompismiaOerhörd igenkänning på detta. Har även väldigt svårt för telefonsamtal som avbryter. …
: Good long-read in The Guardian on the history, hype, dangers and promises of AI, by James Bridle.... Good long-read in The Guardian on the history, hype, dangers and promises of AI, by James Bridle. …
: @wtwagg Okay, then I likely misunderstood – I thought this was about importing the accounts tha... @wtwagg Okay, then I likely misunderstood – I thought this was about importing the accounts that …
: @carl @doktorzjivago Några anledningar till att jag älskar Akkoma:• Betydligt mindre resurskrävan... @carl @doktorzjivago Några anledningar till att jag älskar Akkoma: • Betydligt mindre resurskrävande …
: @wtwagg Sounds like you're asking if you can export followers and import them to a complete... @wtwagg Sounds like you're asking if you can export followers and import them to a completely …
: @LeoR1010 Det här måste vara Grand Master i vuxenpoäng!! @LeoR1010 Det här måste vara Grand Master i vuxenpoäng!!
: New post/newsletter: When your voice runs away from home Cloning a voice can today be done with ... New post/newsletter: When your voice runs away from homeCloning a voice can today be done with less …
: @wednesday Very interesting effect! Thanks for sharing your reflection. I know that when I'... @wednesdayVery interesting effect! Thanks for sharing your reflection.I know that when I've been …
: Celebrities are being awarded blue checks on behalf of EM to give the appearance of endorsement. ... Celebrities are being awarded blue checks on behalf of EM to give the appearance of endorsement. The …
: Today I was made aware that my blue checkmark disappeared on Twitter. I've never had this muc... Today I was made aware that my blue checkmark disappeared on Twitter. I've never had this much …
: @wednesday In grades 2-5 I attended an American school in Saudi Arabia. That's where my acc... @wednesday In grades 2-5 I attended an American school in Saudi Arabia. That's where my accent …
: Washed and ready to drive. How I know it's spring. Washed and ready to drive. How I know it's spring.
: My English newsletter about voice clones will be out in a few days. (The Swedish one was sent out... My English newsletter about voice clones will be out in a few days. (The Swedish one was sent out …
: @atomicpoet Honestly, if I wasn't running my own Akkoma instance I don't think I would ... @atomicpoet Honestly, if I wasn't running my own Akkoma instance I don't think I would be …
: @LeoR1010 Den skulle jag köpa, appen där det finns ett streck och texten ___________________ ... @LeoR1010 Den skulle jag köpa, appen där det finns ett streck och texten___________________ …
: "We need to remember that generative manure can not replace our creative abilities as humans... "We need to remember that generative manure can not replace our creative abilities as humans, …
: @lmas Yes, this is a pretty good walkthrough of at least the climate crisis part of the equation... @lmasYes, this is a pretty good walkthrough of at least the climate crisis part of the …
: Nytt på bloggen: När din röst rymmer hemifrån Att klona en röst kan göras med mindre än en minut... Nytt på bloggen: När din röst rymmer hemifrånAtt klona en röst kan göras med mindre än en minuts …
: Way more dangerous than a jerk is a billionaire jerk who feels offended. Completely unpredictable... Way more dangerous than a jerk is a billionaire jerk who feels offended. Completely unpredictable …
: Reposting this, originally posted on my old account last November. As a reminder to myself as wel... Reposting this, originally posted on my old account last November. As a reminder to myself as well:I …
: @mmitchell_ai Made me spit out my drink… 😂
: « Earlier this Month, Twitter Covertly Removed Section of Hateful Conduct Policy Protecting Trans... « Earlier this Month, Twitter Covertly Removed Section of Hateful Conduct Policy Protecting …
: I've now added all these details about the Russia-Africa controversy (regarding distance acro... I've now added all these details about the Russia-Africa controversy (regarding distance across …
: @autiomaa @laurenshof Yes, this is outlined in my original blog post 😊 https://axbom.com/world... @autiomaa @laurenshof Yes, this is outlined in my original blog post 😊https://axbom.com/world-map/
: @laurenshof It is fascinating isn't it? Another wonderful example that we could likely cont... @laurenshof It is fascinating isn't it? Another wonderful example that we could likely …
: So Twitter now has Community Notes that are used to fact check other tweets. A person used my blo... So Twitter now has Community Notes that are used to fact check other tweets. A person used my blog …
: @Loukas @Mabande Gah vad frustrerande. Och det finns ju dessutom ett till konsumentperspektiv: ... @Loukas @Mabande Gah vad frustrerande. Och det finns ju dessutom ett till konsumentperspektiv: …
: @mookie Earlier today I posed a question to someone promoting the idea of inevitable AI consciou... @mookieEarlier today I posed a question to someone promoting the idea of inevitable AI …
: I'm just so tired of people reposting prompts and responses from ChatGPT as if they're sh... I'm just so tired of people reposting prompts and responses from ChatGPT as if they're …
: @lukaisunlucky You can get an overview in @annaleen 's thread I think: https://wandering.s... @lukaisunlucky You can get an overview in @annaleen 's thread I …
: One concept I likely will be adding to The Elements of Digital Ethics is ”Linguistic Misdirection... One concept I likely will be adding to The Elements of Digital Ethics is ”Linguistic Misdirection”. …
: @jtrem Here is a guide by @jamesmontemagno on how to accomplish this with IFTTT and Mastodon: h... @jtremHere is a guide by @jamesmontemagno on how to accomplish this with IFTTT and …
: If a VPS is not your thing, and you want a really cheap option for just running a Ghost blog/news... If a VPS is not your thing, and you want a really cheap option for just running a Ghost …
: Given all the controversy around Substack (again) I just want to promote the idea of self-hosting... Given all the controversy around Substack (again) I just want to promote the idea of self-hosting …
: @Scmbradley Inside Out, definitely. @Scmbradley Inside Out, definitely.
: So there is this film category, psychological thriller, that is supposedly different from just a ... So there is this film category, psychological thriller, that is supposedly different from just a …
: Finally a well-versed walkthrough of how ChatGPT works that more people can take to heart. No we ... Finally a well-versed walkthrough of how ChatGPT works that more people can take to heart. No we are …
: If you're curious about the content you can read a blog post of mine from March 2021 that cov... If you're curious about the content you can read a blog post of mine from March 2021 that covers …
: Writing this book has been on my mind for two years now. By breaking it down into ~42 blog posts ... Writing this book has been on my mind for two years now. By breaking it down into ~42 blog posts I …
: @dailygrail Haha, that would have been something.
: Haven't stopped thinking about this and may do a bit of an oldies marathon this weekend. Star... Haven't stopped thinking about this and may do a bit of an oldies marathon this weekend. …
: @Homebrewandhacking @Mabande We also must not forget her portrayal of Albert Nobbs. https://sl... @Homebrewandhacking @Mabande We also must not forget her portrayal of Albert …
: I realised I should re-watch Hook to see if Robin Williams ever says “Captain my captain”. And th... I realised I should re-watch Hook to see if Robin Williams ever says “Captain my captain”. And then …
: @kev That is seriously cool. Now I have to start a separate blog just to try this 😅 @vinnatron @kevThat is seriously cool. Now I have to start a separate blog just to try this 😅@vinnatron
: @LeoR1010 Tack, verkar ha gått bra. Jag vet inte om jag lyckades med uppdateringen för det är ing... @LeoR1010 Tack, verkar ha gått bra. Jag vet inte om jag lyckades med uppdateringen för det är inget …
: That update was very smooth. Not even a glitch. Now to try an Akkoma update… my very first 😬
: Later today I’m doing a manual update of my SSL certificate for this server and I guess pretty mu... Later today I’m doing a manual update of my SSL certificate for this server and I guess pretty much …
: How much do you use and rely on emojis in different texts you write? Here is a great article on t... How much do you use and rely on emojis in different texts you write? Here is a great article on …
: @carl @anders You should have been tagged in our continued conversation about domain knowledge ... @carl @anders You should have been tagged in our continued conversation about domain knowledge Carl …
: @anders Yes, I’m also critical of all the familiarity being built into these designs (such as us... @andersYes, I’m also critical of all the familiarity being built into these designs (such as using …
: @anders This I certainly agree on. I had this in the back of my mind as well as I was writing. I ... @anders This I certainly agree on. I had this in the back of my mind as well as I was writing. I …
: @anders This is fair, and relatable to telescopes. I still need domain knowledge to understand ... @anders This is fair, and relatable to telescopes. I still need domain knowledge to understand what …
: @anders I think my primary tools for augmenting my own thinking are sketching, note-taking and wr... @anders I think my primary tools for augmenting my own thinking are sketching, note-taking and …
: @Loukas It makes me sad thinking of all the people who fall into the trap of believing that effic... @Loukas It makes me sad thinking of all the people who fall into the trap of believing that …
: I think what scares me the most about the ”AI” tools that have been hyped over the past few month... I think what scares me the most about the ”AI” tools that have been hyped over the past few months …
: Was encouraged by my son (21yo) to watch RRR with him and I have to say I absolutely loved it. Ep... Was encouraged by my son (21yo) to watch RRR with him and I have to say I absolutely loved it. Epic …
: Is there a pool going on when the birdsite will go belly-up? Can not be more than 6 months left n... Is there a pool going on when the birdsite will go belly-up? Can not be more than 6 months left now… …
: One of my most popular blog posts is this one about the variations of the flat world map, and the... One of my most popular blog posts is this one about the variations of the flat world map, and the …
: @LeoR1010 Känns också som om vi står inför en explosion av påhittade nyheter och "fakta&quo... @LeoR1010Känns också som om vi står inför en explosion av påhittade nyheter och "fakta" …
: @iamdavidobrien Thank you, yes. A copy paste error - didn’t proofread. Will fix now. :) @timnit... @iamdavidobrien Thank you, yes. A copy paste error - didn’t proofread. Will fix now. :)@timnitGebru
: Only a few pages into this paper that I just learned about via @timnitGebru, but am hugely intrig... Only a few pages into this paper that I just learned about via @timnitGebru, but am hugely intrigued …
: @Beantin But think of all the experience you gained. 😁 @plausible @Beantin But think of all the experience you gained. 😁@plausible
: @tysonsw Thanks. The logistics of my day didn't allow me to follow up on this 😅 @tysonsw Thanks. The logistics of my day didn't allow me to follow up on this 😅
: @tysonsw Don't have Word unfortunately. But it makes me want to create some example paragrap... @tysonswDon't have Word unfortunately. But it makes me want to create some example paragraphs to …
: @ChrisJKelly Haha, true! The interesting/worrying thing is at what point someone else decides t... @ChrisJKellyHaha, true!The interesting/worrying thing is at what point someone else decides that …
: @ChrisJKelly For that second phrase "This truly feels like a red herring." I got &quo... @ChrisJKelly For that second phrase "This truly feels like a red herring." I …
: Another favorite added to my records: "This truly feels like a red herring." became &... Another favorite added to my records:"This truly feels like a red herring." became …
: I write a lot of bilingual content and often use Google Translate to help me out. I'm blown a... I write a lot of bilingual content and often use Google Translate to help me out. I'm blown away …
: @smirandafield Good point. And if they want they can block the bot.
: @smirandafield I recently wrote a reply to one of George Takei's posts and noted that many w... @smirandafieldI recently wrote a reply to one of George Takei's posts and noted that many would …
: @emilymbender I also did a double-take on the use of the phrase ”self proclaimed”. That newslette... @emilymbender I also did a double-take on the use of the phrase ”self proclaimed”. That newsletter …
: Förra veckan läste jag en text av barnrättskämpen Marie Stenman om hur det vore om ens arbetsveck... Förra veckan läste jag en text av barnrättskämpen Marie Stenman om hur det vore om ens arbetsvecka …
: @Jimijamflimflam Haha, interesting, I actually took that to mean vertically-aligned, which then m... @Jimijamflimflam Haha, interesting, I actually took that to mean vertically-aligned, which then …
: @Jimijamflimflam Magnificent image description. Adding this as an example in my course materials... @JimijamflimflamMagnificent image description. Adding this as an example in my course materials. …
: @georgetakei I believe many people would appreciate it if you add image descriptions. @georgetakei I believe many people would appreciate it if you add image descriptions.
: The thing to keep an eye on now is how seriously this tragic event will be taken by manufacturers... The thing to keep an eye on now is how seriously this tragic event will be taken by manufacturers, …
: Italy first out in banning ChatGPT out of privacy concerns. They will be investigating: - the re... Italy first out in banning ChatGPT out of privacy concerns. They will be investigating:- the recent …
: I also urge you to read this just-published message: Statement from the listed authors of Stochas... I also urge you to read this just-published message: Statement from the listed authors of Stochastic …
: @janellecshane Haha, thank you his made my day. @janellecshaneHaha, thank you his made my day.
: Damnit. I tend to forget how bad Mastodon is at markdown. On my end it all looks so pretty, and t... Damnit. I tend to forget how bad Mastodon is at markdown. On my end it all looks so pretty, and then …
: My list of real and potential harms by generative models already in motion, that the open letter ... My list of real and potential harms by generative models already in motion, that the open letter …
: The main reason the technocrat billionaires are conjuring AI at the same time as they explain how... The main reason the technocrat billionaires are conjuring AI at the same time as they explain how …
: My writeup of the open letter debacle, with so many links and references(!) Why that open letter... My writeup of the open letter debacle, with so many links and references(!)Why that open letter …
: @johan_m_o Great post, thank you for sharing. I agree about the Fediverse. I feel like there i... @johan_m_o Great post, thank you for sharing.I agree about the Fediverse. I feel like there is so …
: I may need a support group to express all my grievances about the #AIHype... 😭 Oh wait, you'... I may need a support group to express all my grievances about the #AIHype… 😭Oh wait, …
: @exchgr Oh that's sad... and this only feels like beginning 😥 @exchgrOh that's sad… and this only feels like beginning 😥
: @AasaMariaHedberg Åh vilka bra perpektiv! Kan bara hålla med i allt. Boken jag läser just nu gör... @AasaMariaHedberg Åh vilka bra perpektiv! Kan bara hålla med i allt.Boken jag läser just nu gör …
: @LeoR1010 Åh vad roligt att du gillade det. Satt en stund innan jag postade. All de här formuleri... @LeoR1010 Åh vad roligt att du gillade det. Satt en stund innan jag postade. All de här …
: How harmful does a chatbot need to be for people to stop using it? How much do you yourself need ... How harmful does a chatbot need to be for people to stop using it? How much do you yourself need to …
: I’ve of course been listening to a lot of podcasts with a critical take on the AI hype. Sharing ... I’ve of course been listening to a lot of podcasts with a critical take on the AI hype.Sharing …
: @maryellen Does it have any connections to Sweden? Thinking of ”bak” which can refer to the act ... @maryellenDoes it have any connections to Sweden? Thinking of ”bak” which can refer to the act of …
: On April 1 I shall likely raise a glass in remembrance my dear old blue tick. It’s wild that it s... On April 1 I shall likely raise a glass in remembrance my dear old blue tick. It’s wild that it …
: @LeoR1010 Allt urvattnas när kostnaden blir noll för att producera innehåll 😢
: @baslow Thank you! Those both look very interesting. I'm happy you interpreted my point so pe... @baslow Thank you! Those both look very interesting. I'm happy you interpreted my point so …
: When more effort is placed on expressing societal relationships as a computational rule, less eff... When more effort is placed on expressing societal relationships as a computational rule, less effort …
: One huge blocker to caring for the wellbeing of others is the all-to-common choice to reason as i... One huge blocker to caring for the wellbeing of others is the all-to-common choice to reason as if …
: My regular research and reading has taken a hit by the mess over on the birdsite. I have to say t... My regular research and reading has taken a hit by the mess over on the birdsite. I have to say …
: p. 26 on enslavement, and enslavement by « It can be no coincidence that the computer emerges at... p. 26 on enslavement, and enslavement by« It can be no coincidence that the computer emerges at just …
: p. 22 on virtual reality « Few theorists addressed the interconnection of politics, culture, and... p. 22 on virtual reality« Few theorists addressed the interconnection of politics, culture, and …
: p. 22, important distinction between analog machines and digital « While human beings can surely... p. 22, important distinction between analog machines and digital« While human beings can surely …
: p. 19 « Of course, from the beginning of computation as a practice and in fact as part of it, wr... p. 19« Of course, from the beginning of computation as a practice and in fact as part of it, writers …
: I have started reading The Cultural Logic of Computation, by David Columbia. This, from Chapter ... I have started reading The Cultural Logic of Computation, by David Columbia.This, from Chapter …
: @micahflee While I appreciate the intent, I can see a potential issue with imposed pressure to ... @micahflee While I appreciate the intent, I can see a potential issue with imposed pressure to …
: The premise that AI and humans should work together sounds great in theory, but have you met a hu... The premise that AI and humans should work together sounds great in theory, but have you met a …
: It's so nice to know now that we can finally just sit back and relax because AI will solve th... It's so nice to know now that we can finally just sit back and relax because AI will solve the …
: @funnygodmother I'm not using Mastodon anymore but my solution so all this was to just use t... @funnygodmotherI'm not using Mastodon anymore but my solution so all this was to just use the …
: @Beantin Yes, it is essentially five "normal" blog posts... @Beantin Yes, it is essentially five "normal" blog posts…
: My long-form post about the AI hype has now also been published as a podcast, with me reading the... My long-form post about the AI hype has now also been published as a podcast, with me reading the …
: @ProfT Excellent point, thank you! I really would like to do a complete breakdown of his text, bu... @ProfT Excellent point, thank you! I really would like to do a complete breakdown of his text, but …
: @Beantin Yes, it will certainly be rare that I do these long ones. Max one per month. The raw aud... @Beantin Yes, it will certainly be rare that I do these long ones. Max one per month. The raw audio …
: Time to record my AI hype post as a podcast. Voice exercises in progress… bubblegum watermelon b... Time to record my AI hype post as a podcast. Voice exercises in progress…bubblegum watermelon …
: @kazarnowicz I think perhaps my biggest worry in all this is that I am seeing so many people bec... @kazarnowiczI think perhaps my biggest worry in all this is that I am seeing so many people become …
: @kazarnowicz Good quote, thank you, I shall remember to use it 😊 @kazarnowiczGood quote, thank you, I shall remember to use it 😊
: 1. Wealth does not correlate well with intelligence. 2. But also, intelligence does not correlat... Wealth does not correlate well with intelligence.2. But also, intelligence does not correlate well …
: While we’re on the topic of Bill Gates’ predictions, this is a favorite page of mine that lists a... While we’re on the topic of Bill Gates’ predictions, this is a favorite page of mine that lists all …
: When Bill Gates writes: ”The world needs to make sure that everyone—and not just people who are ... When Bill Gates writes:”The world needs to make sure that everyone—and not just people who are …
: On the new Lensa app that generates avatars from your photos. Men get avatars in the way they see... On the new Lensa app that generates avatars from your photos. Men get avatars in the way they see …
: Many problems we solve are actually harmful effects of really bad historical decisions. So rathe... Many problems we solve are actually harmful effects of really bad historical decisions.So rather …
: To share this with people who are not on Mastodon or social media you can link to my blog post: h... To share this with people who are not on Mastodon or social media you can link to my blog post: …
: World Down Syndrome Day is celebrated on March 21 in recognition of the uniqueness of the triplic... World Down Syndrome Day is celebrated on March 21 in recognition of the uniqueness of the …
: If this type of thing interests you, you may also find value in my significantly longer post abou... If this type of thing interests you, you may also find value in my significantly longer post about …
: @EndlessMason Haha, that would be the dream. 😂
: I added this text to my blog as well… for posterity. And for the chatbots. https://axbom.com/cha... I added this text to my blog as well… for posterity. And for the …
: Humanity will never again get back the time spent on reading posts entirely made up by language m... Humanity will never again get back the time spent on reading posts entirely made up by language …
: AI responsibility in a hyped-up worldI’ve translated my long text about AI into English and just ... AI responsibility in a hyped-up world I’ve translated my long text about AI into English and just …
: @JackDeeth Fair point 😁 But I do see people post valuable reflections there in article format. I... @JackDeethFair point 😁 But I do see people post valuable reflections there in article format. I just …
: A moment of silence for all the LinkedIn "blog posts" that will inevitably disappear in... A moment of silence for all the LinkedIn "blog posts" that will inevitably disappear into …
: @jt_rebelo I use maildrop.cc for many of these situations :) @jt_rebeloI use maildrop.cc for many of these situations :)
: "You need to register to keep reading. It’s still free to read – this is not a paywall"... "You need to register to keep reading.It’s still free to read – this is not a …
: @kev Akkoma. I find it superior to Mastodon in ease of use and responsiveness. One thing is how... @kev Akkoma. I find it superior to Mastodon in ease of use and responsiveness. One thing is how it …
: @Ibex Haha, it did occur to me to build something like that, but of course there are already seve... @Ibex Haha, it did occur to me to build something like that, but of course there are already several …
: @mjjzf So true! 😂 @mjjzfSo true! 😂
: gAMeChaNgeR I don’t know if it will help you, but my day got a bit better every time I was able ... gAMeChaNgeRI don’t know if it will help you, but my day got a bit better every time I was able to …
: @alyssapanetta Thank you so much Alyssa!! Everyone was very enamored with your talk, hence the w... @alyssapanettaThank you so much Alyssa!! Everyone was very enamored with your talk, hence the wish …
: @kazarnowicz When I myself click that tag I get a tag search on my own instance and all posts wit... @kazarnowicz When I myself click that tag I get a tag search on my own instance and all posts with …
: @kazarnowicz Ah yes, Mastodon interprets Akkoma a bit strangely and makes tags into links (if t... @kazarnowicz Ah yes, Mastodon interprets Akkoma a bit strangely and makes tags into links (if they …
: @alyssapanetta A lot of people seemed to get a bit stuck on the concept of "Maximize germa... @alyssapanetta A lot of people seemed to get a bit stuck on the concept of "Maximize germane, …
: @alyssapanetta Top insight from @alyssapanetta, which I always assumed but hadn't seen hard... @alyssapanetta Top insight from @alyssapanetta, which I always assumed but hadn't seen hard data …
: Alyssa Panetta's 3 big tips for reducing cognitive load. 1. Semantic HTML and Familiar Layou... Alyssa Panetta's 3 big tips for reducing cognitive load.1. Semantic HTML and Familiar Layout …
: Insight: When people are subjected to an overwhelming cognitive load they often have to take long... Insight: When people are subjected to an overwhelming cognitive load they often have to take long …
: Insight: HTML email still doing a bad job of accessibility. Zooming in HTML emails works poorly a... Insight: HTML email still doing a bad job of accessibility. Zooming in HTML emails works poorly at …
: Watching Axe-con all day with lots of wonderful people in the accessibility space. Best work day ... Watching Axe-con all day with lots of wonderful people in the accessibility space. Best work day in …
: “ Australian employer, business tech and research groups have formed an alliance to tackle respon... “ Australian employer, business tech and research groups have formed an alliance to tackle …
: @Beantin Yes, instead of making stuff to inflate our own sense of self-worth. @Beantin Yes, instead of making stuff to inflate our own sense of self-worth.
: It's confusing to me that designers are excited about building graphical user interfaces (GUI... It's confusing to me that designers are excited about building graphical user interfaces (GUIs) …
: Oh yeah, if you're curious: you can also watch, or read the full transcript of, my AI and Hum... Oh yeah, if you're curious: you can also watch, or read the full transcript of, my AI and Humans …
: I'm being interviewed about AI and Human rights later today, a follow-up on my talk at Raoul ... I'm being interviewed about AI and Human rights later today, a follow-up on my talk at Raoul …
: @mensrea Good example. I know the entire African continent is host to at least 2,000 languages. ... @mensreaGood example. I know the entire African continent is host to at least 2,000 languages.And …
: @CatherineFlick @yiningkarlli Wow, that's one of the scariest reports I've read thus fa... @CatherineFlick @yiningkarlli Wow, that's one of the scariest reports I've read thus far on …
: Is me! “A lot of introverts I know, myself included, love spending time in coffee shops working ... Is me!“A lot of introverts I know, myself included, love spending time in coffee shops working on …
: @akenyg Tack för återkoppling och delning Åke! Jag suger åt mig av "axbomskt". Jag är ... @akenyg Tack för återkoppling och delning Åke!Jag suger åt mig av "axbomskt". Jag är …
: @emilymbender @zoeschiffer @caseynewton Montgomery: “There's a lot of stuff being ground up... @emilymbender @zoeschiffer @caseynewton Montgomery: “There's a lot of stuff being ground up into …
: @Kolombiken hurra vad roligt! @Kolombikenhurra vad roligt!
: @kazarnowicz @maria +1 på Account Factory. Jag skulle inte klara mig utan dem. @kazarnowicz @maria +1 på Account Factory. Jag skulle inte klara mig utan dem.
: @simonwilliamson Wow, that’s a great example. I understand that no countries in Africa observe DS... @simonwilliamson Wow, that’s a great example. I understand that no countries in Africa observe DST. …
: Daylight Saving Time starts today in the US. In Europe we still have two weeks until we change th... Daylight Saving Time starts today in the US. In Europe we still have two weeks until we change the …
: ”Too many people are starting to count on systems that inherently can’t keep track of the truth.”... ”Too many people are starting to count on systems that inherently can’t keep track of the …
: So this is a cool Fediverse development. Automattic have teamed up with the developer of the Act... So this is a cool Fediverse development.Automattic have teamed up with the developer of the …
: @LeoR1010 Underbar. Älskar henne. Tack för heads up.
: @m Den här Akkoma-servern är min första "riktiga" server. @m Den här Akkoma-servern är min första "riktiga" server.
: @m Japp, finns nog MASSOR att tweaka… då vet jag vad jag gör i helgen i alla fall!
: @m Apropå cache så kör ju den servern Cloudron. Jag har inte satt mig in i hur cache-lösningen se... @m Apropå cache så kör ju den servern Cloudron. Jag har inte satt mig in i hur cache-lösningen ser …
: @m Webbservern. Något mysko är det. Vid första anblick verkar det vara den gamla Mastodon-servern... @m Webbservern. Något mysko är det. Vid första anblick verkar det vara den gamla Mastodon-servern …
: Självklart går min server ner precis när jag delat ett nytt inlägg… gah. Vet inte vad som …
: Om du vill läsa det här inlägget föreslår jag att du sätter dig bekvämt, och kanske med en varm d... Om du vill läsa det här inlägget föreslår jag att du sätter dig bekvämt, och kanske med en varm …
: Listening to Tech Won’t Save us with Dan McQuillan, author of Resisting AI - An Anti-fascist Appr... Listening to Tech Won’t Save us with Dan McQuillan, author of Resisting AI - An Anti-fascist …
: So there's a new network in town to compete with LinkedIn. I just got invited and you can use... So there's a new network in town to compete with LinkedIn. I just got invited and you can use my …
: The fact that Microsoft’s chatbot keeps calling itself Sydney is hilarious, disturbing and reveal... The fact that Microsoft’s chatbot keeps calling itself Sydney is hilarious, disturbing and …
: @karenmcgrane @steveportigal > And woof, WHO is buying all this coaching? I love this quest... @karenmcgrane @steveportigal > And woof, WHO is buying all this coaching?I love this question! 😅
: @davor @steveportigal Some of the best writing on Ikigai I've read is by Kyle on Sloww. Th... @davor @steveportigal Some of the best writing on Ikigai I've read is by Kyle on Sloww.This is a …
: @clacke Legendary. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haraldur_Ingi_Þorleifsson @clacke Legendary.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haraldur_Ingi_Þorleifsson
: @Maker I would so join this club. @Maker I would so join this club.
: @Miniver That's likely a part of my grudge as well. I believe I don't see eye to eye wit... @MiniverThat's likely a part of my grudge as well. I believe I don't see eye to eye with …
: @steveportigal This is truly helpful Steve. I needed to hear some of this today. Your examples ... @steveportigalThis is truly helpful Steve. I needed to hear some of this today.Your examples are …
: @steveportigal Thanks Steve. Agree, seeing A LOT of people doing coaching for example 😁 I guess... @steveportigalThanks Steve. Agree, seeing A LOT of people doing coaching for example 😁I guess part …
: When you've spent 25 years building your personal brand within the field of UX and realise yo... When you've spent 25 years building your personal brand within the field of UX and realise you …
: With regards to the non-apology from Space Karen I would just like to point out that upon termina... With regards to the non-apology from Space Karen I would just like to point out that upon …
: @jt_rebelo I don't think he is but I am hoping that'll get sorted with time. @jt_rebeloI don't think he is but I am hoping that'll get sorted with time.
: I had a peek at the birdsite because I had to witness Haraldur Thorleifsson absolutely destroy Sp... I had a peek at the birdsite because I had to witness Haraldur Thorleifsson absolutely destroy Space …
: @bpedro > it’s always been like that Yup, we never should have started using them under the... @bpedro > it’s always been like thatYup, we never should have started using them under the …
: @bpedro What I am highlighting though is everyone's option to not use their services. If pri... @bpedroWhat I am highlighting though is everyone's option to not use their services. If private …
: If there was ever a reason for humankind to finally ditch Meta’s products (Facebook, Instagram an... If there was ever a reason for humankind to finally ditch Meta’s products (Facebook, Instagram and …
: @Stoori Oh fantastic. The one context that won't actually give any clues! 😁 @Stoori Oh fantastic. The one context that won't actually give any clues! 😁
: @Stoori If the door would indeed slide upwards, the wording would more likely be "dörren gl... @StooriIf the door would indeed slide upwards, the wording would more likely be "dörren glider …
: @danhon And it turns out a significant part of humanity can not. 😬
: This is long read but truly worth it. Also, more people just need to listen to @emilymbender and ... This is long read but truly worth it. Also, more people just need to listen to @emilymbender and …
: @atomicpoet @fediversenews Good one. It blows my mind how often I click one of these articles t... @atomicpoet @fediversenews Good one. It blows my mind how often I click one of these articles these …
: @miblo @mcc Thanks for thinking of that Matt. I did move to Akkoma because I feel it is superior ... @miblo @mcc Thanks for thinking of that Matt. I did move to Akkoma because I feel it is superior to …
: @technursejon I feel like it’s getting worse by the day. The same people who said it was cringew... @technursejonI feel like it’s getting worse by the day. The same people who said it was cringeworthy …
: It’s a glorified auto-complete. Do stop talking about it as if it is ”reasoning” or ”explaining”.... It’s a glorified auto-complete. Do stop talking about it as if it is ”reasoning” or ”explaining”. Or …
: Avsnitt 4 av Omtanke ligger ute. Jag har läst in mina spaningar gällande AI-genererad litteratur.... Avsnitt 4 av Omtanke ligger ute. Jag har läst in mina spaningar gällande AI-genererad …
: @qualitychaos Nice, you managed to disrupt the filter. Thanks for sharing.
: Observation: I've experienced more viral blog posts since I left Twitter last May than I had ... Observation: I've experienced more viral blog posts since I left Twitter last May than I had …
: @LukasBrausch Wow that song is too good...! 😬 @LukasBrauschWow that song is too good…! 😬
: @selea Ja den fick sig lite skrämselhicka tydligen. Det var en ganska spetsig linje i statistiken... @selea Ja den fick sig lite skrämselhicka tydligen. Det var en ganska spetsig linje i statistiken! 😅
: @karllouis Have you been able to reach it now? I do think my site was overloaded with traffic at ... @karllouis Have you been able to reach it now? I do think my site was overloaded with traffic at one …
: @pippa Have you been able to reach it now? I think my site was overloaded with traffic at one poi... @pippa Have you been able to reach it now? I think my site was overloaded with traffic at one point.
: @LukasBrausch Have you been able to reach it now? I think my site was overloaded with traffic at ... @LukasBrausch Have you been able to reach it now? I think my site was overloaded with traffic at one …
: @prosaluxemburg Tänkte den tanken också. Otäckt. @prosaluxemburgTänkte den tanken också. Otäckt.
: @marinade Fascinating. Thanks for sharing! I've been made aware that it treats masculine fe... @marinade Fascinating. Thanks for sharing! I've been made aware that it treats masculine …
: @ben According to the young people in the videos they themselves are surprised. They are surprise... @ben According to the young people in the videos they themselves are surprised. They are surprised …
: Sometimes I reflect on how social media strategists kept telling brands to be more "genuine&... Sometimes I reflect on how social media strategists kept telling brands to be more …
: @atomicpoet @lamp Isn’t working with Akkoma 😕 @atomicpoet @lamp Isn’t working with Akkoma 😕
: @snookerarmchair Welcome to post-reality. Yes, it scares me too. @snookerarmchair Welcome to post-reality.Yes, it scares me too.
: @ambivalena Håller med. Det är någon form av gräns som passerats. Jag blev helt häpen när jag så... @ambivalenaHåller med. Det är någon form av gräns som passerats. Jag blev helt häpen när jag såg det …
: I don't think everyone is aware of just how far the TikTok filters have come when it comes to... I don't think everyone is aware of just how far the TikTok filters have come when it comes to …
: I wouldnt’ say I’m risk averse but aren’t things just much much worse when that smart thing in yo... I wouldnt’ say I’m risk aversebut aren’t things just much much worsewhen that smart thing in your …
: Goodbye Dickinson, hello AI-generated literature This is a write-up I did after @chrisnoessel in... Goodbye Dickinson, hello AI-generated literatureThis is a write-up I did after @chrisnoessel …
: Samma hyllade AI-verktyg som sparar tid åt en grupp människor kommer stjäla mycket tid och skapa ... Samma hyllade AI-verktyg som sparar tid åt en grupp människor kommer stjäla mycket tid och skapa …
: @bagger När du boostar så dyker det upp i Federated Timeline för alla som är på samma instans som... @bagger När du boostar så dyker det upp i Federated Timeline för alla som är på samma instans som du …
: @silviamaggi Thank you for the shoutout Silvia. 🙏
: Jag tar upp kampen med ChatGPT. 😁 https://chat.xbm.se Jag tar upp kampen med ChatGPT. 😁https://chat.xbm.se
: @systerfrida @rymdadel Men vad ända in i…!? Hur kan detta anses vara okej på ett sätt så att de... @systerfrida @rymdadel Men vad ända in i…!?Hur kan detta anses vara okej på ett sätt så att …
: @steveportigal It’s just me reading blog posts 😁
: I started my first podcast in the spring of 2007, not long before the first iPhone was released t... I started my first podcast in the spring of 2007, not long before the first iPhone was released to …
: @Kay Thanks, yes I've been following @molly0xfff for a while and saw her latest talk at Web S... @Kay Thanks, yes I've been following @molly0xfff for a while and saw her latest talk at Web …
: @Kay Thank you Kay! This is a great start. Have seen a great deal on blockchains but will definit... @Kay Thank you Kay! This is a great start. Have seen a great deal on blockchains but will definitely …
: Wondering if anyone’s seen an article or reporting on the environmental impact of all these ”nove... Wondering if anyone’s seen an article or reporting on the environmental impact of all these ”novel” …
: @Loukas @carl Now you’re making me want to build in a fail-safe for the times I’m having a bad da... @Loukas @carl Now you’re making me want to build in a fail-safe for the times I’m having a bad day. …
: @Loukas I’m on a server run by just one person and feel very safe 😜
: Ny podd: Omtanke med Per Axbom Jag startade min första podd våren 2007, strax innan första iPhon... Ny podd: Omtanke med Per AxbomJag startade min första podd våren 2007, strax innan första …
: För tre år sedan skrev jag om hur Dagens industri lurar in människor i långa bindningstider. Prov... För tre år sedan skrev jag om hur Dagens industri lurar in människor i långa bindningstider. …
: Faux-tonomy - the dangers of fake autonomy The word autonomy is being thrown around these days, often to imply that software is running without …
: Before we talk about the legal rights of AI entities I think we need to finish talking about our …
: Over on Twitter the trends on my timeline are far-righters, nazis and billionaire tantrums. Imagine …
: New post: A Brief Mastodon Guide for Social Media Worriers. Tips and advice for getting started with …
: “Facebook’s own engineers admit that they are struggling to make sense and keep track of where …
: Noteworthy by Per Axbom This post contains links to select content I’ve written, spoken, produced or hosted. …