How do you say "We have no idea how our product works", without saying those exact word...

How do you say "We have no idea how our product works", without saying those exact words.

OpenAI: "Training chat models is not a clean industrial process. different training runs even using the same datasets can produce models that are noticeably different in personality, writing style, refusal behavior, evaluation performance, and even political bias,"

They can say 'refusal behavior' and get away with it.

@thatandromeda With you all the way. It was me toying with the idea that many consultants are ver...

@thatandromeda With you all the way. It was me toying with the idea that many consultants are very focused on saving minutes here and there as a way of selling their products and services.

"You can save millions in time with this new CMS that allows you to publish 30 seconds faster!"

If those simplistic arguments/calculations held up both ways then much of what the same consultants are advocating for when it comes to adopting AI would be "lost time", and hence lost money.

Thoughts on organisations setting goals. If an organisation sets these goals, what other goals m...

Thoughts on organisations setting goals.

If an organisation sets these goals, what other goals might be necessary to complement with?

1) We create opportunities for customers/stakeholders to improve their wellbeing.
2) We support autonomous, informed choices. (internally and externally)
3) We use resources in a sensible, sustainable and compassionate manner.
4) We proactively listen to, and do a good
job of managing, feedback (internally and externally)
5) We invest in the long-term wellbeing of our workforce.

He had me at "egg". "[AGI] interprets the Turing Test as an engineering predictio...

He had me at "egg".

"[AGI] interprets the Turing Test as an engineering prediction, arguing that the machine “learning” algorithms of today will naturally evolve as they increase in power to think subjectively like humans, including emotion, social skills, consciousness and so on. The claims that increasing computer power will eventually result in fundamental change are hard to justify on technical grounds, and some say this is like arguing that if we make aeroplanes fly fast enough, eventually one will lay an egg."

From the book Moral Codes - Designing Alternatives to AI, by Alan Blackwell

@jesse Sure. A decent amount of my writing has been on LinkedIn practices lately: – using an a...


Sure. A decent amount of my writing has been on LinkedIn practices lately:

– using an abundance of emojis (can make it hard to read, and some have really long names read out by screen readers)
– using unicode fonts to simulate bold text (often not recognised by screen readers)
– putting links in comments (making it harder to reach and find for some people)

I get that everyone doesn’t know what is good or bad for accessibility. What can frustrate me is ...

I get that everyone doesn’t know what is good or bad for accessibility. What can frustrate me is that after I explain something is truly bad for accessibility, some people in my network choose to keep doing that very thing.

Even after they’ve ”liked” my posts.

Which has to make one realise what a fucking battle it can be for people with disabilities to constantly have to advocate for their rights.

And of course even have them ignored by people with other types of disabilities who are busy advocating for different considerations.

Everybody is struggling. I just wish there was more space for keeping it simple and putting wellbeing ahead of illusive pizazz.

«"There is nothing 'transformative' about using The Times's content without paym...

«"There is nothing 'transformative' about using The Times's content without payment to create products that substitute for The Times and steal audiences away from it," Times lawyers wrote in the suit on Wednesday.»

«The suit seeks to hold OpenAl and Microsoft responsible for the "billions of dollars in statutory and actual damages that they owe for the unlawful copying and use" of the Times' articles. In addition, the Times' legal team is asking a court to order the destruction of all large language model datasets, including ChatGPT, that rely on the publication's copyrighted works.»

«Lawyers for the paper wrote in the suit: "Users who ask a search engine what The Times has written on a subject should be provided with neither an unauthorized copy nor an inaccurate forgery of a Times article."»

Recommended listen: Paris Marx is joined by Tim Schwab to discuss why the story we hear about Bi...

Recommended listen:

Paris Marx is joined by Tim Schwab to discuss why the story we hear about Bill Gates and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation doesn’t reflect their real impact on education and health around the world.

Tim Schwab is an investigative journalist and the author of The Bill Gates Problem: Reckoning with the Myth of the Good Billionaire.

Tim Schwab: ”I mean, the problem is that this one side of reporting, it’s ended up producing what is essentially misinformation. It’s a lot of fictions really: this idea that Bill Gates is giving away all his money. That’s not true. His personal wealth is nearly doubled. During his tenure as a philanthropist. You go to the Gates Foundation’s website, and you’ll see lots of pictures of Black and Brown women and children, the so-called targets of the Gates Foundation’s charitable giving. But if you follow the money, almost all of the foundation’s charitable gifts go to rich nations like the United States, Switzerland, the United Kingdom. So, once you start to really peel back the layers, you realize that a lot of this sort of prevailing news coverage of Gates is telling a story that’s not just one-sided, but just it’s wrong.”

@marcusosterberg Bra perspektiv. Tack. SjÀlv stÄr jag som ett fÄn och försöker betala med appen p...

@marcusosterberg Bra perspektiv. Tack. SjĂ€lv stĂ„r jag som ett fĂ„n och försöker betala med appen pĂ„ Espresso House nĂ€stan varje vecka. Jag har lĂ€rt mig att vifta med den lediga handen för att starta skannern, och att höja ljusstyrkan pĂ„ skĂ€rmen, men idag gick det till exempel inte Ă€ndĂ„. NĂ€r jag rörde telefonen sakta framĂ„t och bakĂ„t, och till slut jĂ€ttenĂ€ra, gick det till slut. Suuupersmiiiidigt. đŸ˜