Daylight Saving Time starts today in the US. In Europe we still have two weeks until we change th...

Daylight Saving Time starts today in the US. In Europe we still have two weeks until we change the clocks. So it’s time for that fortnight when there’s a significant risk for transatlantic scheduling errors.

BUT… remember that it’s not all of the United States that switches to DST. Exceptions to remember are that Hawaii and Arizona do not observe Daylight Saving Time.

BUT… that is not entirely true either. In northeast Arizona, in the Navajo Nation, they do. So, not observing the DST is not true of the entire state of Arizona.

The Navajo Nation territory goes beyond Arizona into states that follow DST, southeastern Utah and northwestern New Mexico. Observing DST allows everyone on the vast reservation to live by the same clock schedule.

Arizona previously observed Daylight Saving Time beginning in 1918, but made the permanent change to Standard time in 1968. Yes, with that exception.