I love reading The Continent. I highly recommend it for perspectives from African journalists. Yo...

I love reading The Continent. I highly recommend it for perspectives from African journalists. You can subscribe to it for free on WhatsApp, Telegram and Signal.

Text of attached image from todays’s issue of The Continent:

NAMIBIA. Another small fragment of stolen Africa returned.

Finland this week handed back fragments of a sacred Namibian stone that was desecrated by two Finns in 1886.

The two, a missionary and a geologist, saw a stone in northern Namibia that no one was allowed to touch but chipped at it, ostensibly because they wanted to know if it was a meteorite. The fragments eventually passed on to the National Museum of Finland and will now go to the National Museum of Namibia.

Africans have yet to go to Europe and desecrate important sites out of curiosity.

Not that they’d get visas.
