While a misleading narrative of doom is being widely pushed, I want to contribute to bringing att...

While a misleading narrative of doom is being widely pushed, I want to contribute to bringing attention to the real harms and risks of AI. And I do this, honestly, with an intent to show how the harms are tangible and can be addressed.

This is a good thing.

If we can be open and honest about the actual risks then we stand a better chance of owning them and acting to evade or mitigate them. If we don't talk about them, our chances of managing them responsibly are zero.

All the harms are human-made and hence are under human control. What we need to do is demand more transparency around each issue, and acknowledge how all teams that deploy or make use of AI need a mitigation strategy for many different types of harms.

I give you The Elements of AI Ethics, which borrows from and builds on my chart from 2021, The Elements of Digital Ethics.

Read about it here and download the chart in PDF format for your own, free, use: https://axbom.com/aielements/

Let me know what you think.

#AIEthics #DigitalEthics