@m > How do we know it isn't an AI that is doing the debunking? Mmm? Mmm? I was hoping s...


> How do we know it isn't an AI that is doing the debunking? Mmm? Mmm?

I was hoping someone would make that point, as I thought it as well when writing 😅 This could be true, in which case we are already screwed. But if I concede to that being true my existence (and self-awareness) becomes largely irrelevant. So I can just keep playing the game to keep feeling some sort of sense of autonomy. According to the wishes of the AI harvesting me for energy. 🥴

> On a more serious note […]

Agree. We can no longer trust much by way of future content. Small networks of people will become very important. Time to get my ham radio license…

Trustworthiness of stories has always been iffy, but a big change is that those with the most money and power can control the ”truth” by their ability to flood our feeds with content.