”You have many data shadows today. These are vague summaries of you as a person that authorities,...
”You have many data shadows today. These are vague summaries of you as a person that authorities, banks and insurance companies use to assess your suitability for things like employment, benefits, sick pay, discounts and credit. In many contexts, you are merely a risk, the question is how big, and a 'data-driven' organization places great importance on your shadow to determine this.!”
”Reducing humans into data points immediately feels scientific and awe-inspiring to people in power. Infallible. Human complexity becomes neat, binary and void of gray areas. Information is encoded in templates known as profiles. If those profiles are correct, fair or relevant becomes secondary. As long as we can output a number through some formulaic assumption. Numbers are so much easier to read than people. And difficult to dispute. Especially when you are kept from tracing their origins.”